
Chapter 12: Knowledge & Preparation

In the end, the rest of the night went without a hitch. The inebriated vampires enjoyed themselves with loud conversations and laughter while a few went off in pairs to other rooms. A raven haired woman, the one who tested the armour potion who Introduced herself to me as Valentina asked me if I was willing to spar with her, apparently wanting to know how powerful I was to have gained Verrens attention. I told her that I still had a few things to sort out but that I would find her after it was all done. The business that I was talking about, was my move from the cellar to my new room, right next to the library. The room that used to belong to Lors. It's a large room and all of Lors' belongings have been cleared out with the walls and floor being refurbished with a nice flat stone surface, a large queen size bed at the back with some storage and a wooden desk at the front that looked like a receptionist would sit there. Overall it's still a little bare but it is a massive improvement on my previous room. After looking around my room in the morning and chuckling at the thought of a bunch of vampires with hangovers, I left my room and walked straight towards and into the library.

[???] "Uuuu~... good morning sir..."

I didn't have to imagine it anymore. A young looking vampire with disheveled black hair, glasses hanging half off his face and clothing that looks like he barely slept gave me a half hearted hello as I entered the room.

[Kai] "morning. Has Lord Verren confirmed that I may come and go at any time?"

[Man] "y-yea..."

[Kai] "alright, thank you then. I'll most likely be reading if someone comes looking for me."

[Man] "uuuu~"

While lightly chuckling at the mans misfortune, I sauntered further into the large library filled to the brim with books. After giving it some thought, I grabbed a few books that looked like they would be of help and others that just seemed interesting, most of which were history but there were a few others.

The first is a book giving a brief history of the continent as a whole. The parts I payed attention to explain the existence of seven counties on the central continent. Gehenna the Demon country home to creatures such as vampires, werewolves, Oni, ogres and various other "demons". There's also Elsyria the human country, famous for its large armies, steadily advancing technologies and, the thing that caught my attention the most, summoned heroes. Faranhur the titan country is where gigantic, indestructible creatures made their resting place where, according to this book, they've been sleeping for over 10,000 years. Dorivia the beast country is another self explanatory country. The Beastkin don't live in cities but rather prefer small villages, each with a chief who in turn must listen to the beast king whom apparently exceeds the strength of over half a human army by himself. The forests of Oleviir are home to the Fae which consist of the elves I've seen, small, trickster fairy creatures called pixies, dryads and other forest creatures that prefer nature to anything else. The elves, or as this book calls them forest folk or fae, prefer living in small clans not unlike the beastkin. On a large island simply called the nest, off the eastern coast, the opposite side of the country compared to Gehenna, live the Dragons. These creatures are apparently the only ones that could fight ten on one against a titan all those years ago. I think I will pass on travelling to the nest or Faranhur any time soon.

As I'm about to move onto the next book, a familiar face appears at the entrance, smiling at the regretful librarian before looking my way and smiling even brighter.

[Lucile] "Kai!"

[Kai] "hello Lucile."

She looked at the stack of books I had on the table as realisation dawned on her.

[Lucile] "oh! I'm terribly sorry, am I intruding?"

[Kai] "are you here to read?"

[Lucile] "yes?"

[Kai] "then I don't see a problem."

Her face lit up when I confirmed that I had no problem with her staying here. She ran off quickly, grabbed a single, worn book and ran back to the seat next to mine.

[Lucile] "what are you reading?"

[Kai] "just some history mainly. What about you?"

[Lucile] "it's an old story I have enjoyed reading since I was much younger. If-if I may, why are you so interested in history?"

[Kai] "Ah, that's alright, it's just that Before I came here I was... kept inside."

[Lucile] "o-oh. W-well, would you like me t-to help you go over anything?"

[Kai] "that would be appreciated, thank you."

Her face lit up when I stated I would be alright with receiving her help.

[Lucile] "w-well what would y-you like to know?"

[Kai] "hmmm. A few things actually though I suppose the thing I'm most interested in would be magic."

[Lucile] "a-ah..."

Eh? Why does she suddenly look so downtrodden? Is magic a sore subject for her?

[Kai] "did I say something wrong?"

[Lucile] "eh? Ah! No! It's not that! It's just... Vampires aren't able to use human magic. Or at least, it is exceedingly rare to be able to use it."

Ah, so she was worried I would be sad after finding out I wouldn't be able to use it.

[Kai] "that's okay. I still feel that it would be a good idea to learn about it for the future. I may come across humans capable of using magic and I feel it would be good to understand my opponent should the time come."

[Lucile] "oh, okay then."

Lucile went on to explain the concept of magic to me in what I'm assuming is a more condensed version of the books in the library. She stated that magic is the result of a living being interacting with the mana that flows through and around everything else in this world. The interactions available differ between races with humans being capable of using the four basic elements fire, water, earth and wind as well as a few who were able to blend two or more elements together to create new magic. The fae are able to use light and nature magic which allows them to use spells such as illusions, healing, barriers and binding among others. Demons such as vampires are sometimes able to use dark magic that consists of life draining, cursing, necromancy and other magic that both humans and fae no doubt frown upon. The beast kin that, unlike the other races were not blessed with the ability to control mana and so, developed techniques that sounded similar to what would be called Ki in my world which piqued my interest as I believed that I may be able to use it being that I'm seemingly unable to use magic and I'm not originally from this world. The Dragons, unlike the beast kin, have mana reserves flowing through their bodies that allow them to use devastating magic but have a specific element from birth, shaping the way they grow. Finally, the titans, once again not much is known about them but the theory is that they are made of a stone infused with an untold amount of mana. Basically, don't mess with a titan, is the message I'm getting here. Lastly, she explained that there was also something called neutral magic that anyone other than the beast kin could use that includes spells like body strengthening and other enhancements. After she explained the magic of the different races, I asked her about the glowing circles that seem to appear when the chant is completed. Lucile confirmed my suspicions and added on that the colour of the circle depends on the type of magic. Purple for dark, yellow for light, red for fire, etc.

[Kai] "thank you Lucile, that was helpful."

[Lucile] "I'm glad I could help. Um..."

[Kai] "what is it?"

[Lucile] "I wanted to ask... what is it that you do here? And... why does my father treat you so well?"

[Kai] "haha, I'm... the brew master, I guess you could call it. And the first time I met your father he broke my jaw."

[Lucile] "o-oh?! That-That sounds awful!"

[Kai] "it's not the worst injury I've had I suppose. When I fought against Lors i lost an arm."

[Lucile] "wh-what?!"

[Kai] "I suppose I have pretty good regeneration."

[Lucile] "this-this goes way past the level of pretty good. It's at the level of a holder!"

[Kai] "holder? I'm not familiar with the term."

[Lucile] "you really were kept inside your whole life...oh! I-I didn't mean any rudeness I just-!"

[Kai] "don't worry about it. I'm well aware of my lack of world knowledge so don't mind it. On the contrary, if you feel that there is a subject I may not understand then I would appreciate it if you would explain it to me."

[Lucile] "o-okay. Um, holders, also known as unique existences... they're members of any race that are born with a unique ability. These abilities are also ranked by rareness, ranging from a common level unique ability like storage or legendary abilities that are truly one of a kind like the first demon king that would obtain other abilities by ingesting the meat of the things he killed."

So essentially, I could use storage out in the open and it shouldn't raise too many suspicions since it's a common ability.

[Lucile] "ah, though it is called common, abilities like storage or analyse are still incredibly rare and many groups would kill for a chance to recruit them."

Well there goes that thought. I guess if I ever leave then I really will have to be careful, or just kill all the witnesses.

[Kai] "thank you Lucile. I think I've spent enough time studying so I'm going to retire to my room now. If you'll excuse me."

[Lucile] "of course. Oh, um, if-if you want someone to cheer you on during your spar with Valentina..."

Oh right, there was that wasn't there.

[Kai] "are you saying you would cheer me on?"

[Lucile] "e-eh? I-um-the-I-"

[Kai] "though I'm not sure how well I will do with her as an opponent, I would welcome your cheers."

Lucile's face turned bright red as she looked towards the ground, holding an open book between the two of us in an attempt to block her face.

[Kai] "I'll see you tomorrow then."

I waved goodbye to the young? Girl and walked off to my own room where I began preparing for the spar. Knowing these vampires, I doubt she will go easy on me so I need a trump card of my own. Something that will either let me face her evenly or get me out of a pinch quickly and preferably without attracting attention. I sat cross legged on the cold stone floor and began to meditate in hopes of increasing my mental power and figuring something out.