
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Shadows of the Past

The weeks leading up to the tournament fly by in a whirlwind of intense training. Min-Jae and I meet every weekend, pushing each other to new heights. Our rivalry has evolved into a partnership, each of us driving the other to improve.

[Relationship Update: Park Min-Jae - Bond Level increased to 55%]

It's during one of these weekend sessions that Min-Jae drops a bombshell.

"My father's coming to watch the tournament," he says casually, between kicks.

I freeze mid-motion. In my past life, Min-Jae's father was a renowned Taekwondo master, known for his ruthless training methods and his influence in the sport.

"That's... great," I manage to say, trying to keep my voice steady.

Min-Jae's eyes narrow slightly. "You've heard of him, haven't you?"

I nod slowly. "Master Park is pretty famous in Taekwondo circles."

"Yeah, well..." Min-Jae's voice trails off, and I see a flicker of something in his eyes. Fear? Resentment? "He has high expectations."

[New Side Mission: Help Min-Jae Deal with Pressure]

[Reward: Strengthened Bond]

As we continue training, I can feel the change in Min-Jae. His movements become more aggressive, less controlled.

I recognize the signs - the crushing weight of expectations, the fear of failure. I lived it in my past life.

"Hey," I say, catching his arm after a particularly wild punch. "You okay?"

Min-Jae pulls away, frustration evident on his face. "I'm fine. Let's just keep training."

But I can't let it go. Not this time. "Min-Jae, listen. You're an incredible fighter. You don't need to prove anything to anyone, not even your father."

He looks at me, surprise replacing the frustration. "You don't understand. My father-"

"Expects perfection?" I finish for him. "Believes anything less than first place is failure?"

Min-Jae's eyes widen. "How did you-"

I take a deep breath. "Because I've been there. Not with a father, but... I know what it's like to feel that pressure."

For a moment, Min-Jae is silent. Then, slowly, he nods. "It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm never good enough."

"You are good enough," I say firmly. "And you're going to prove it at the tournament. We both are."

As we resume training, I can feel a shift in our dynamic. The tension in Min-Jae has eased, replaced by a quiet determination.

[Side Mission Update: Help Min-Jae Deal with Pressure]

[Reward: Bond with Min-Jae strengthened]

The day of the tournament arrives all too quickly. As we enter the arena, I'm hit by a wave of déjà vu. The sights, the sounds, the nervous energy - it's all so familiar, yet so different.

And then I see him. Yong-Soo.

He's younger than when I last saw him, of course. No trace of the hatred and contempt that twisted his features in my final moments. But as our eyes meet across the crowded arena, I feel a chill run down my spine.

Yong-Soo's eyes narrow as he looks at me, a flicker of recognition passing over his face. Does he somehow remember? Is that even possible?

"Jae-Hoon?" Min-Jae's voice snaps me back to reality. "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

In more ways than one, I think to myself. But I force a smile. "I'm fine. Just pre-tournament jitters."

As we prepare for our first matches, I can't shake the feeling of unease. I've changed so much already - my relationship with Min-Jae, my skills, my confidence. But seeing Yong-Soo is a stark reminder of the path I'm trying to avoid.

Master Kang gathers our team for a final pep talk. His eyes linger on Min-Jae and me.

"Remember your training. Trust in yourselves and each other. You're ready for this."

As we bow and prepare to enter the competition area, Min-Jae catches my eye. There's a determination there that I've never seen before.

"Let's show them what we can do," he says with a grin.

I nod, pushing thoughts of Yong-Soo to the back of my mind. This is my second chance, my opportunity to rewrite history.

"Together," I reply.

[Tournament Arc Initiated]

[Objective: Reach Finals]

[Reward: ???]

[Punishment: ???]

[Taekwondo System Status Update]

[Name: Lee Jae-Hoon]

[Age: 10]


Speed: 28

Endurance: 26

Flexibility: 24

Spiritual Energy: 38]


Basic Punch (Level 4)

Basic Roundhouse Kick (Level 4)

Basic Front Kick (Level 4)

Evasion (Level 2)

Counter Attack (Level 2)

Advanced Kick (Level 2)

Advanced Spinning Kick (Level 2)

Teamwork (Level 2)]

[Special Skills:

Harmonic Flow (Min-Jae)(Level 2)]


Master Kang: Mentor/Suspicious (Respect Level: 75%)

Park Min-Jae: Rival/Friend (Bond Level: 55%)

Mrs. Kim: Guardian (Trust Level: 70%)

Yong-Soo: ??? (Caution Advised)]