
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Unexpected Allies

The following week, I arrive at the community center earlier than usual, hoping to get some extra practice in before class. To my surprise, I'm not the only one with that idea.

Min-Jae is already there, methodically working through a series of complex forms. He pauses when he sees me, a mix of curiosity and wariness in his eyes.

"You're early," he says, his tone neutral.

I nod, trying to keep my voice casual.

"Thought I'd get some extra practice in."

For a moment, we stand there awkwardly, the tension from our sparring match still lingering. Then Min-Jae does something unexpected.

"Want to train together?"

[New Side Mission: Build a Connection with Min-Jae]

[Reward: Improved Teamwork Skills]

I hesitate for a split second before nodding. "Sure."

We start with basic drills, but it quickly evolves into something more. Min-Jae shows me a technique I've never seen before - a variation of a spinning kick that adds extra power to the strike.

[New Skill Unlocked: Advanced Spinning Kick]

[Skill synergy with Min-Jae detected. Learning rate increased by 15%]

As we practice, I can feel the initial awkwardness melting away. There's a rhythm to our movements, a silent understanding that begins to form.

"You know," Min-Jae says during a water break, "I've never met anyone our age who could keep up with me before."

I shrug, trying to downplay it. "You're still better than me."

He shakes his head. "Maybe. But you've got something... different. Where did you learn to fight like that?"

For a moment, I consider telling him the truth. But how could I explain my past life, the years of experience crammed into this young body?

"I watch a lot of videos," I say instead. "And I practice whenever I can."

Min-Jae nods, but I can see he's not entirely convinced. "Well, whatever you're doing, keep it up. It's nice to have some real competition."

As more students begin to arrive, including the other kids from the orphanage, Min-Jae and I wrap up our impromptu training session.

But something has shifted between us. The rivalry is still there, but it's tempered now by a budding respect.

[Side Mission Update: Build a Connection with Min-Jae - 50% Complete]

[Reward: Teamwork Skill Unlocked]

Class begins, and Master Kang has us pair up for drills. To everyone's surprise, Min-Jae immediately moves to partner with me. As we work through the exercises, I can feel Master Kang's eyes on us, watching our interactions closely.

Halfway through the class, Master Kang calls for everyone's attention. "Listen up, everyone. The regional youth tournament is coming up in two months. I'll be selecting a team to represent our dojang."

My heart races. This is it - the tournament that set me on my path in my previous life. The one where Min-Jae defeated me so soundly that I almost quit Taekwondo altogether.

"Jae-Hoon, Min-Jae," Master Kang continues, "I want you two to demonstrate the advanced form we've been working on."

As we move to the center of the room, Min-Jae catches my eye. There's a glint of challenge there, but also something else - a silent acknowledgment that we're in this together.

We begin the form, our movements synchronized. It's a complex series of kicks, punches, and blocks, requiring perfect timing and coordination.

As we near the end, I can feel the energy in the room shift. Everyone is watching, transfixed.

[Synchronization with Min-Jae achieved]

[Team Skill: Harmonic Flow unlocked]

As we finish, the room erupts in applause. Even Master Kang looks impressed.

"Excellent work, both of you," he says. "I think we've found the core of our tournament team."

As the class ends and we prepare to leave, Min-Jae approaches me. "Hey, Jae-Hoon. Want to train together again sometime? Maybe we could meet up on weekends?"

I nod, unable to keep the smile off my face. "Yeah, I'd like that."

As I walk home with the other orphanage kids, my mind is buzzing with possibilities.

I've changed the course of my relationship with Min-Jae, potentially altering the entire trajectory of my Taekwondo career.

But as I think about the upcoming tournament, a chill runs down my spine. Yong-Soo will be there. The boy who, in another life, became my best friend... and ultimately, my murderer.

[Stats after training:

Speed: 25

Endurance: 23

Flexibility: 21

Spiritual Energy: 32]

[Daily Quest Completed: Forge New Bonds]

[Reward: +1 to All Stats]

As I fall asleep that night, the system pings one last time:

[Warning: Significant divergence from original timeline detected. Future events may become unpredictable.]

I smile in the darkness. Unpredictable is exactly what I'm counting on.

[Taekwondo System Status Update]

[Name: Lee Jae-Hoon]

[Age: 10]


Speed: 26

Endurance: 24

Flexibility: 22

Spiritual Energy: 33]


Basic Punch (Level 3)

Basic Roundhouse Kick (Level 3)

Basic Front Kick (Level 3)

Evasion (Level 1)

Counter Attack (Level 1)

Advanced Kick (Level 1)

Advanced Spinning Kick (Level 1)

Teamwork (Level 1)]

[Special Skills:

Harmonic Flow (Min-Jae)(Level 1)]


Master Kang: Mentor/Suspicious (Respect Level: 70%)

Park Min-Jae: Rival/Potential Friend (Bond Level: 40%)

Mrs. Kim: Guardian (Trust Level: 65%)]