
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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11 Chs

Chapter 5: The Rival

The next few weeks fly by in a blur of training, chores, and more training. Every spare moment is dedicated to improving my skills, pushing my young body to its limits.

The system pings constantly, a steady stream of small improvements keeping me motivated.

[Speed: 22, Endurance: 20, Flexibility: 19, Spiritual Energy: 28]

It's during one of Master Kang's additional classes that everything changes. I'm practicing a complex kick combination when the door to the training hall slams open.

A boy strides in, his presence immediately commanding attention. He's taller than me, with sharp features and eyes that burn with intensity. I recognize him instantly - Park Min-Jae, the prodigy who dominated youth competitions in my past life.

My heart sinks. In my previous life, Min-Jae was always just out of reach, always one step ahead. He was the one who knocked me out of my first major tournament, setting me on a path of self-doubt that took years to overcome.

Master Kang's face lights up. "Ah, Min-Jae! I'm glad you could make it. Everyone, this is Park Min-Jae. He'll be joining our advanced class from today."

Min-Jae bows slightly, his eyes scanning the room. When they land on me, I see a flicker of interest.

"Let's see what you can do, Min-Jae," Master Kang says. "Jae-Hoon, you too. I want to see you spar."

[New Side Mission: Prove Your Worth Against Min-Jae]

[Reward: Increased Recognition, Potential Skill Unlock]

My pulse quickens as I step onto the mat. This is my chance to change things, to show that I'm not the same person I was in my past life.

Min-Jae and I bow to each other, then take our stances. Master Kang gives the signal to begin.

Min-Jae moves first, lightning-fast. His roundhouse kick comes at me with blinding speed, but this time, I'm ready. I sidestep, countering with a quick jab that catches him off guard.

[Skill: Evasion unlocked!]

[Skill: Counter Attack unlocked!]

The fight intensifies. Min-Jae is good - incredibly good for our age. But I have the advantage of experience, of knowing his style from years of watching and competing against him.

We trade blows, neither gaining a clear advantage. I can see the surprise in Min-Jae's eyes, the growing respect. He's never had to work this hard in a sparring match before.

As the match nears its end, I see an opening. It's risky, but it's my chance to make a statement. I feint with my right, then spin into a jumping back kick - a move far beyond what a beginner should be capable of.

[Skill: Advanced Kick unlocked!]

[Warning: Skill level may raise suspicion]

My foot connects with Min-Jae's chest, sending him stumbling backward. The room falls silent.

Master Kang's voice cuts through the tension. "Enough! Excellent work, both of you."

As we bow to each other, I can see the questions in Min-Jae's eyes. I've changed the script, altered the dynamic between us from the very beginning.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Min-Jae asks as we step off the mat.

I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. "Just practice, I guess."

He doesn't look convinced, but there's a glimmer of something in his eyes - respect, maybe even the beginnings of friendship.

It's so different from the rivalry that defined our relationship in my past life.

[Side Mission Completed: Prove Your Worth Against Min-Jae]

[Reward: Skill Growth Rate increased by 10%]

[New Relationship Formed: Park Min-Jae - Potential Rival/Friend]

As the class ends and we prepare to leave, Master Kang pulls me aside.

"Jae-Hoon, that was... unexpected," he says, his voice a mix of admiration and suspicion. "You've been holding back in our regular classes, haven't you?"

I swallow hard, mind racing for an explanation. "I... I've been practicing a lot, sir. And watching videos online."

Master Kang studies me for a long moment.

"You have a gift, Jae-Hoon. But remember, true mastery comes not just from talent, but from discipline and hard work. I'll be watching your progress closely."

As I walk home with the other orphanage kids, my mind is a whirlwind of thoughts. I've changed things, perhaps dramatically.

Min-Jae isn't just a distant rival now, and Master Kang's suspicions have been aroused earlier than I intended.

But as I clench my fists, feeling the new strength in my young body, I can't help but smile.

[Stats after sparring:

Speed: 24

Endurance: 22

Flexibility: 20

Spiritual Energy: 29]

The system pings one last time as I fall into bed, exhausted but exhilarated.

[Daily Quest Completed: Push Your Limits]

[Reward: +1 to All Stats]