
Reborn: The Taekwondo Prodigy's Second Chance

Lee Jae-Hoon, a promising Taekwondo athlete, is murdered by his childhood friend. He awakens in his 10-year-old body with a mysterious Taekwondo System. [Welcome to the Taekwondo Mastery System!] Now at Seonghwa High, Jae-Hoon leads the underdog Taekwondo team. He aims for the Elite 8, facing old rivals and new challenges. Can Jae-Hoon rewrite his destiny and achieve his dreams in this second chance at life?

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11 Chs

Chapter 4: The First Challenge

The next few days fall into a rhythm. Wake up before dawn, train until breakfast, help with chores, then sneak in more practice whenever I can.

The other kids have started to notice, whispering and casting curious glances my way. I catch snippets of their conversations -

"What's gotten into Jae-Hoon?"

"He's always punching and kicking at the air."

I ignore them, focusing on my goal. The system pings regularly, small increases in stats and skills spurring me on. But I know it's not enough. I need real training, real competition.

That's when I overhear Mrs. Kim talking to another staff member.

"The community center is offering free Taekwondo classes for underprivileged children," she says. "I was thinking of signing up some of our older kids."

My heart races. This is it - my chance to get proper training.

[New Side Mission: Join the Community Center Taekwondo Class]

[Reward: Access to Structured Training]

I approach Mrs. Kim after dinner, trying to keep my voice casual. "Mrs. Kim, I heard about the Taekwondo classes. Could I... could I join?"

She looks surprised, then thoughtful. "I didn't think you'd be interested, Jae-Hoon. But given your recent... enthusiasm, perhaps it would be good for you."

The next day, I find myself standing in front of the community center, a group of other orphanage kids around me. My palms are sweaty, but not from nervousness - from excitement.

As we enter the training hall, I see him. The instructor, Master Kang, a man I remember from my past life.

He was the one who first recognized my potential, who pushed me to compete.

Seeing him again, younger but still imposing, sends a shiver down my spine.

"Welcome, students," Master Kang's voice booms across the room. "Today, we begin your journey in Taekwondo. But first, I need to assess your current abilities."

He starts calling kids forward, having them perform basic movements. I watch carefully, noting the mistakes they make, mistakes I once made too.

Finally, it's my turn.

"Name?" Master Kang asks.

"Lee Jae-Hoon, sir," I reply, bowing deeply.

"Show me a front kick, Jae-Hoon."

I take a deep breath, centering myself. The movement comes naturally, muscle memory from years of training in my past life guiding me. My leg snaps out, precise and powerful.

Master Kang's eyebrows raise slightly.

"Again," he commands.

I repeat the kick, then again when he asks. Each time, I feel more confident, more in tune with my body.

[Skill: Basic Front Kick leveled up! Now Level 3]

[Master Kang's interest piqued. Potential for mentorship increased]

The system's notification flashes in my peripheral vision, but I stay focused on Master Kang.

He nods approvingly. "Good form, Jae-Hoon. Have you trained before?"

"No, sir," I lie, feeling a twinge of guilt. "I've just been practicing on my own."

Master Kang studies me for a moment longer, then moves on to the next student.

But I can feel his eyes returning to me throughout the class.

As we go through basic forms and techniques, I'm careful not to stand out too much. I make small, deliberate mistakes, then correct them quickly. I don't want to draw too much attention, not yet.

By the end of the class, I'm sweating and my muscles ache, but I feel more alive than I have since waking up in this new-old world.

"Good work today, everyone," Master Kang says as we line up to bow out. "Jae-Hoon, a word please."

My heart skips a beat as I approach him after class.

"You have natural talent," he says, his eyes intense. "With proper training, you could go far in this sport. I'd like to offer you additional classes, free of charge."

[Side Mission Completed: Join the Community Center Taekwondo Class]

[New Side Mission: Impress Master Kang]

[Reward: Accelerated Skill Growth]

I bow deeply, trying to hide my excitement.

"Thank you, Master Kang. I would be honored."

As I leave the community center, my mind is racing with possibilities. This is it - my first real step towards the Elite 8. But as I see Mrs. Kim waiting to walk us back to the orphanage, reality sets in. I'm still a 10-year-old orphan with limited resources and freedom.

I have the knowledge, I have the system, and now I have a mentor. But the road ahead is long and filled with obstacles. Can I really change my fate this time around?

[Stats after training:

Speed: 20

Endurance: 18

Flexibility: 17

Spiritual Energy: 27]