
Reborn: The Day Love Die

In her previous life, she shunned her friends because of him. Her innocence was also destroyed, she died unjustly. Reincarnated as a child, she was cautious, wanting everyone who had harmed her to die an unkind death. But for some reason, she fell into trouble. She thought that she would never love another man in this life, but that man paid everything for her. Where should her heart go?

DaoistRCKw4i · History
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Betrayal

The hazy moonlight swayed the trees, two small shadows intermingled with each other. The wind gently blew the leaves and made a rustling sound, at this moment it seemed a bit gloomy and strange.

"Madam, please go in first and wait a moment! Master will be here in a moment."

A respectful sound came, then a small and pretty figure pushed the door open. In front of the Buddha hall is a statue of Guan Yin, on the altar there is still incense. Guan Yin's gentle face seems to have seen through the good and evil of the world.

Meng Ting only felt that the scent was a bit strong, but she didn't pay much attention. In front of Guan Yin, she clasped her hands in front of her chest and bowed, then turned around to ask Wei Zi something, until finally When will the Marquis come?

Just as she was about to open her mouth, she suddenly felt a bit dizzy and her body was a bit tired. Wei Zi had always stood in front of the door and had never entered. She frowned suspiciously: "Why don't you come in?"

Wei Zi didn't pay attention to her, just waved his hand somewhere else, only to see a man quickly running in.

At this time, Meng Ting's eyes were a bit confused. He pointed out that this man was Marquis. He endured his unwell body and took two steps forward: "Marquis, what are you here for?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man in front of her hugged her, then desperately tore off her clothes. The jade was pulled off, revealing a piece of white flesh under the dim candlelight. Meng Ting was startled. The fear in my heart pushed him away, but I felt my whole body was powerless.

At this moment, although Meng Ting's whole body was still powerless, she also knew that this person in front of her was definitely not Marquis. She wanted to shout "Help!", but there was no trace of energy in her whole body. The sound from his throat became increasingly small, weak and soft. The man in front of him laughed even more lasciviously after hearing it, and the movements in return became even more rude...

She wanted Wei Zi to watch at the door to save her, but under the moonlight, she saw the smile on the corner of Wei Zi's mouth revealing sarcasm and contempt. Her heart trembled coldly, could it be that all of this was a game of chess? She couldn't believe her body was being humiliated, tears silently fell down her cheeks...

At this moment, not far away, a soft voice came: "Master Marquis, it just rained today and the road is extremely slippery. You have to be careful!"

Wei Zi heard the sound and quickly closed the door. His expression was no longer sarcastic and contemptuous like just now, but worried and scared.

"What are you doing here?" Le Mei glanced at Wei Zi, a smug look in her eyes.

After speaking, without looking at Wei Zi to stop him, he pushed the door open with force, and the two people entwined inside the Buddha Hall were immediately exposed in front of everyone's eyes.

The man quickly crawled down from Meng Ting's body, knelt on the ground, pointed at Meng Ting and said loudly: "It was she who seduced me. She said Marquis hadn't been in her room for a long time, she was so lonely that she seduced me to come here on a date!"

Meng Ting's eyes widened in panic. She quickly put on her clothes and covered her humiliated body. She impatiently shook her head and cried bitterly: "No... It's him and Wei Zi conspiring to harm me..."

"Didn't you enjoy it a lot just now? Why don't you dare admit it now?" The man's face revealed endless sarcasm; "Being arrested today, the two of us have nothing left to say. I'm waiting for you at the King of Hell's Palace."

Having finished speaking, the man stood up, picked up the dagger that he had prepared in advance, and stabbed it in the chest.


When Meng Ting saw the sudden event, her heart was so desperate that she almost fainted.

Huang Wen Song saw that the cheating husband was dead, looked at Meng Ting's untidy clothes, and his whole body trembled: "You whore! How dare you do this kind of despicable thing in front of Guan Yin."

"My sister, why do you do this kind of shameless thing? On weekdays, Marquis treats you well!" Le Mei pretended to be heartbroken and helpless, but her eyes showed a smug look.

Meng Ting sat stunned, raised her head, tears covering her face. She looked at Huang Wen Song in despair: "It's not... It's not like that... You have to trust me... I have never betrayed you." betray you..."

At this moment, she only hoped that the man in front of her could believe her, she only hoped that the man in front of her could hug her and comfort her. Just like before, when she was in trouble, he would softly and gently reassure her.

Not knowing where she got her strength from, she sat up straight, ignoring the pain in her body, walked to Huang Wen Song's feet, pulled at the hem of his shirt, wanting to explain. She believes that Huang Wen Song still loves her, she also believes that Huang Wen Song will definitely help her find out who the murderer behind the scenes is.

But Huang Wen Song felt that she was extremely dirty. As soon as Meng Ting's hand touched the hem of his shirt, Huang Wen Song raised his foot and forcefully kicked her away: "You vile woman, you wasted me on a normal day treating you well, yet you did this kind of despicable thing!"

Meng Ting fell to the ground, her chest was in extreme pain, but the pain in her chest was not as bad as the pain in her heart. She crawled to Huang Wen Song's feet again, grabbed the hem of his shirt and cried: "Master, no... It was that thief who bribed Wei Zi..."

Huang Wen Song kicked Meng Ting to the ground again, snorted coldly and said: "Don't think I don't know, when you weren't married you asked three questions and asked four questions, but I didn't expect that now you still dare to stay in the palace." My secret with a man! Phi... I was blind before I could marry a prostitute like you." After speaking, he fiercely kicked Meng Ting twice.

Le Mei stood on the side watching the performance and felt that there was not much difference, so she stepped forward and gently pulled Huang Wen Song and said: "Master Marquis, why are you angry because of this vile woman?"

Meng Ting's chest was filled with pain, but her heart was even more miserable. She had previously paid everything for Huang Wen Song, but this man in front of her did not even agree to listen to her explanation.

"Don't dirty my feet, get off me!" Huang Wen Song stepped forward while kicking.

Meng Ting patted his chest and spat out a large mouthful of blood. His eyes were already blurry, his tears had dried, and his heart was still bleeding. Simply, the man in front of him was cold-blooded and merciless, not remembering half of his previous feelings.

Le Mei smiled and walked up to him and said gently: "Master, why should I be angry because of this woman? It's better for you to go back first, I will handle it here."

Huang Wen Song glanced at Le Mei, the disgusted expression on his face just now disappeared, but instead showed a look of pity, he held Le Mei's soft white hand, gently caressing it with a gentle tone. said: "Thank you, Le Mei."

Le Mei bowed her head in shame.

Waiting until Huang Wen Song left, Le Mei looked at Meng Ting's struggling appearance, a proud look appeared on her face, slowly and leisurely walked in front of Meng Ting, sarcastically said: "It's done. What are you still pretending to be here? Didn't you feel comfortable when you were sleeping with that wild man?"

At this time, Meng Ting was already so sad that she wanted to die. Today, this matter was originally a chess game. She originally thought that Huang Wen Song would remember his previous feelings and return her innocence, but now, her thoughts were really funny - after that man took advantage of her, he didn't care whether she lived or died.

Le Mei saw her calm face, her anger deepened, she had been oppressed by Meng Ting for so many years, today she finally trampled her under foot, from now on no need to look at her face again.

Meng Ting raised her head to look at Le Mei, suddenly knelt in front of her, begged and said: "I beg you, help me say something to Marquis, look I helped you with many things before, I beg you! Help me say something to Marquis, I really didn't betray him..."