
Expo Science.

Camila is my name. When Alexa first came into our class to announce that they were going to help us, I didn't think much about this initiative. I can say that I was not the only one. When I arrived at the meeting place the first day. I saw that the world was there. I took a seat and assisted myself, then a few minutes later I saw Alex come in with a stack of paper in his hands. In a few minutes he distributed them. When I received mine began to read it I immediately understood. He's really not a jey. This sheet is a treasure. It contains many questions that I did a review alone, I wouldn't even bother to look at.

There was also a lot of math question which was a bit difficult for me. Everyone around here has a certain capacity. But there are some who are better than others. Like those who are part of the elite class. So Alex started to solve the problems with us. I thought the others were going to be messing with him. But, I guess even they, realize how important it is and they want to take advantage of this opportunity. Nobody wants to fail.

Just like that the days went by and the students that the upper class decided to help made a lot of progress. The preparations are almost finished. Alexander has already sent the invitations. At different schools, businesses and even the police chief, the journalists too.

Finally after all these preparations the day arrived. The decorations were in place There were different tents pitched and this is where the students will show their achievement. There are several groups. If a company is satisfied with their product and wants to buy or invest it then the committee is made aware and with the school management and the people involved, decisions will be made. It was already 8 am and we could see several luxuriant cars of the journalists were there and asked a few questions.

There was a committee to welcome them. And another to show them the way, there was also someone there to give them a brochure describing the different activities, the location of the buffet and the energy drinks. As a manager, I was part of the welcome committee. I have shaken hands with several people so far. For these people it is an honor since I will be the future CEO so since now I have wanted to have a good relationship with me. There were also several other schools with their representative. The students had their uniforms to distinguish them. An event like that surprised them since it is the first time that they participate.

The guests arrived one after the other. And I would Shake hands endlessly. Finally around nine o'clock the stands should open so I delegated my work a bit then I headed for a larger internship. I took a microphone and started talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, hello My name is Alexander Delatout and I am the president of the student council. With the lermission of the school we organized a science fair activity. It is an activity that will allow us not only to put into practice what we have learned but also to impress you with our abilities. There are several new things that may interest you, so please I ask you to encourage our young entrepreneurs. And at the same time let them offer you new perspectives. I also wanted to thank you for letting us know that you are here and participating in the success of this great activity. On this, I wish you a lot of fun and at the same time educate yourself."

After I finished with my little speech, all the activities started. I hope everything is well. In the courtyard we can see that everyone has started to visit the stands. Students who wanted to present their product. We could see that they launched into precise and short explanations to allow their interlocutor to understand what they are saying.

There are even some who ask questions and seem very interested. There are even some who volunteered to do the experiment. Further on a stand you could see a young man seated. There was no one in front of him. But given his nonchalant expression we can see that he was not at all desperate. He was playing a game on his phone. He was so taken he didn't notice the person in front of him.

"So that's how we spend the day?"

He heard a voice tell him. He jumped and almost fell.

" Ah hello monsieur"

He says a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I don't really have people in front of my stand so I took advantage of .... Okay, let's drop it."

Soon he recovered.

"My name is Jhon and I am a 2nd year student."

The man was watching him with a small smile. He continued.

"Unlike the others, my invention is very simple but effective. "

"So, show it to me."

"Very well,"

I said, taking something before me that looked like a carpet.

"Ah well,"

Said the gentleman

"I see why there is no one here. Carpet?"

"Of course it is a carpet"

I answer.

" But this one is very different from your usual carpet. Let's do a little experiment."

I took the carpet and put it on the floor then I took a glass and dropped it on it. To the great surprise of the man nothing happened. The glass remains intact.