
Father's Fear

Our ikrans land beside the mountain cave. It was late into the night.

We finished the mission victoriously.

Although we did have to carry the whole building with our ikrans, we had to leave it at the other side of the forest, cloaking it from our enemies, so that it does not burden us from our escape. We will later retrieve the rest of it.

As the warriors pull in, the other villagers greets us. Looking for their loved ones. Some are pulling boxes and crates (which I have already checked, if they are useful and doesn't have a tracking device.If it does, I'll destroy it)

while the rest were carrying the injured.

We couldn't bring all the corpse, although we try to.

The joy and wails rang throughout the cave. I look away.

Such is the way of the war.

I look around for my family but see no one. I grew puzzled. My father backed out close to the end of our mission, saying there was some trouble Lo'ak did. He brought neteyam with him but never returned.

I grew worried, asking around as to where my family is. It lessened when they said they were at the hut.

I head straight to home.

There, my siblings lay outside, listening in. To what? I do not know. Although there is definitely a commotion inside, probably from my dad and mom. I look at them, judging them, how could they listen in on mom and dad doing it? Shame on them.





I didn't get to continue judging them when tuk, my baby sister, stood up crying.

"Mom and dad are fighting. Mom and dad said something about leaving"

I blush, aaah my innocent little baby. This bunch of jerks!

How could they let her listen in on them. It's a good thing she misunderstood.( ≧Д≦)(╯︵╰,)

I give them my judging eyes again. Bunch of perves ರ╭╮ರ  ಠಗಠ

They even have the nerve to give me their confused faces.

"I cannot, you cannot ask of this..I cannot leave my people.. I will not" I heard mom saying from the tent.

"He's targeting us. He's hunting our family" dad said calmly.

Kiri looks at me, worried.

"You have to stop them. Talk to dad please. I don't want to leave"

Still confused I call out to mom and dad before entering.

I set the curtain aside with my arm.

"What is all this talk about you leaving?"

"Not just me, all of us. We are all leaving"

I look at dad, as if he grew another head. I know for sure, it's not the whole village he's taking about.

"Dad, are you crazy?! No.no.nO that came out wrong. I'm so sorry, but DAD. Look outside, everything is all because of you. We can't bail out now."


You cannot ask this!

The children,

Everything they've ever known. The Forest...this is our home! "

"Mom" I look at mom, hopelessly stopping her from starting a fight.

"Why don't you both sit down. I need to understand things first, why you feel the need to leave? Then I'll say for sure, if your plan is feasible or hasty. Let's not be hasty. Ok?"

I took my mom's hand who was already in tears, I sat her beside father.

Dad then tells me all about my siblings being captured by his archnemecies, who was formerly killed but now revived as an avatar.(he tells this but not without my mother's side remark, of course). They got spider and our location can be found at any moment.

"He had our children.. your brother and sisters,   he had 'em under his knife.." dad alternately looks between me and mom. I looked at his eyes and all I can see is Fear. I never knew Toruk Makto could make such a face. I know he's scared.

Well that's the thing,  this family is not only his fortress, but also his greatest weakness....

I nod.

"If they come, then we Fight! You are Toruk Makto!"-mom

I look outside to my brothers and sisters. They were all looking inside, waiting. Kiri held Tuk close while Lo'ak and Neteyam stood besides them. I look away and nod again. For the peace of my father's mind, I finally made a decision.

"We leave in two to three days, not more than that.

Finish everything that we need to do.

Spider is stronger than this, he'll surely buy us some time. But dad, where would we even go?"

"What? You can't be serious!"

"We will seek uturu from the sea clans, over the oceans. There are thousands of islands, it's easy to vanish without a trace."

"I'll go and tell the others. I wouldn't tell the location. The lesser other people knows the lesser the problem"

We both nod in understanding. I head out the door, letting him handle mom.


We are now at a ceremony. This tribe is changing Olo'eyktans and it's even one of my friends, Tarsem, very wise (lackie)(・∀・)

For there to be a change of leaders, the former should die. Toruk Makto is dead, gone.

I finished everything that I needed to do, it's a bit lacking but...

I also gave my position to Gun and Sha'im.

Gave my goodbyes to my friends, even had the luck of witnessing a girl cry over my heartbreaker of a brother


My friends was silly enough to make a plan to abduct me and when they couldn't do it, they asked me to choose between them, whom I wanted to mate with. ಥ╭╮ಥThis bunch of idiots...I'll miss them so much. I might never see them again.( ≧Д≦)

I went up to hug the new Olo'eyktan. Telling him how proud I am. He said he didn't want it if I wouldn't be here. I want to cry, he wants to cry, but we both held it in. We both have reputations to keep. I turned my back and followed behind my family.

Riding my ikran, my father told us to travel light. So that means no high-tech stuff. All I got are some weapons, clothes, food, my instruments (without the guitar and it's covered.) and some tools. Not even traveling yet, I already hate it.

I toughened up. Losing my gadgets really broke my heart. I'll really be living like a village girl from now on.

New clan, new ways of living. We might have to sacrifice a lot of things but for our safety, the Sully's shall always stick together.


Whenever one of my siblings does something reckless or incredibly stupid. I handle the corporal punishment. Like that time they blew up my lab (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻

And I no longer had my inventions nor replacements (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

They remained unscathed (unfortunately) because of b-bot's protective measure. Or the recent stunt he pulled costing him spider's abduction. I swear that boy will never learn. Stupidity is kinda in his bones.