
Reborn Of The Malicious Woman

READ IT FIRST!! 1. First this is NOT my main novel. I made this for my sick cousin because she requested it. 2. This story main theme is COMEDY. There is a plot of course but not too deep (I hope XD). I plan to make this a light story with soooo many silliness. 3. I am just a newbie writer, so if you think that my grammar is not good or the plot kind of not making sense, I do apologize before hand. :D 4. There will be Yaoi, Yuri kind of vibe plus with R-18, so caution is needed. 5. I will add more if I think of something XDD -------------------------------------------------- Audelia Elizabeth Von Leonhart was the youngest daughter of Duke Leonhart. Due to being spoiled and loved by her family, Audelia grew to be a selfish and malicious woman. She was in love with the Crown Prince of the kingdom she lived in, Rozenkrentz Kingdom. Her deep love toward the prince caused her to be obsessed with him and she would do ANYTHING to gain the crown prince's affection, that included harassing and assassination attempt to the woman who crown prince loved so dearly. Because of her malicious deeds, the crown prince sentenced Audelia and Leonhart family to death. At the end of her life, Audelia regretted her action and how she loved a man to the point of being obsessed. Thus she made a last wish upon her death. "..If there is another life.. I will do my best to pay my sins.." Her wish was answered and she returned to the life when she was 6 years old. Audelia was surprised to know that she was reborn once again. Thus Audelia began her life once again, paying the sins she had committed in the past after finding out there was another secret behind her reincarnation.

Melodia · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Man Who Threaten Gods

"Ojou! How can you die?!"

"Oujo! We shall avenge you!"

"Who the hell shot Oujo! Is it the Munakata Group?!"

The ramblings of Yamamoto members could be heard but for Akira Yuuto, those were ramblings of idiots. His eyes fixed at the woman who was lying on the coffin. She wasn't an unrivaled beauty nor she had feature of a goddess but this woman was Yuuto's whole world. It was still fresh in his mind, the first time he was brought to Yamamoto Group and met her.

Akira Yuuto was an orphan, he was brought to Yamamoto Group and there he met Yamamoto Kaguya. Simple, rowdy and cute little monkey, that was his first impression of the Yamamoto Princess. Kaguya didn't have a haughty attitude, instead she was warm and bright just like the sun. It didn't take long for Yuuto who was five years older than her to fall in love with her. As if it was fate, Yuuto's eyes never left Kaguya.

However, Kaguya was a woman who was slow in the matter of relationship. Even though Yuuto tried to give her hints that he was courting her, showing his affection but Kaguya thought of him just as older brother. The frustration he pilled up over the years exploded and a new side of him appeared. That side made Kaguya kept her distance, Yuuto even overheard how she called him 'Black Belly Prince' but it only amused him instead.

Black Belly Prince..

Indeed the name suited him..

For this Dark Prince would do anything to keep the Princess locked away..

And he did it.

Yuuto finally got the acknowledgement to wed Kaguya. She was surprised to know that he was chosen as her fiance. At first she was vehemently refused, creating ruckus but with his 'persuasion' finally she agreed.

Now she had gone to the place where Yuuto couldn't reach her.

This heavy feeling of sadness and misery, Yuuto blamed the Gods for taking Kaguya far away.

If only there was a way for Yuuto to be with her..

Suddenly a spark appeared on his mind. Lighting the way to his desire. Moving closer to the coffin, Yuuto's hand moved and touched Kaguya's face softly. His eyes which usually cold and cruel toward others, melted instantly when it was directed at Kaguya. It was warm, filled with love that it seemed going to overflow. Caressing her cheek, Yuuto leaned closer and kissed Kaguya's cold lips. It was gentle and sweet loving kiss.

"...You can never escape from me, my sweet little monkey. I will go to where you are." Yuuto whispered softly on her cold lips, "..The only one who can have you, is only me."


A few months later.. At temple of Amaterasu..

"Do it.."

Yuuto was with his secret army of men, standing at the center of ceremonial ground of Ise Grand Shrine, the shrine that was dedicated to Goddess Amaterasu. It was in middle of the night and the head priest was standing not too far from Yuuto, his expression was grim as he watched the other priests were taken as hostages.

"Don't think you can get away with this.." The head priest said, glaring at Yuuto.

"I don't care, just do it. Don't make me say it again. Every minute passed, one priest will be killed if you keep on stalling." Yuuto replied in cold tone, his eyes filled darkness and cruelty and it was radiating from his body.

The head priest closed his eyes and started moving toward the Sacred Mirror, The Yata Mirror. It was placed at the middle of the altar. He started chanted the ancient enchantment that was only known by the head priest and it was bestowed generation after generation.

The Summoning of Amaterasu..

Lights started to gather on the mirror and after the enchantment, it glowed so bright that Yuuto had to cover his eyes for a moment. Once the light dispersed, what was left behind was a woman with ancient clothing. She was glowing and floating.

"Humans, what have thou summoned thee for?"

(A/N : The reason I use thou and thee and the likes, is because the goddess speaks in ancient language

PS : I am not familiar with this term so if I made a mistake, feel free to give me guidance! (^v^))

"..I want to know where is Yamamoto Kaguya, she is my fiance and I want to go to where she is now."

"Thou have summoned thee for such trivial thing?"

Coldness flashed through Yuuto's eyes. "Trivial? You who took my beloved and you said it's trivial?"

"It's the natural flow of life human."

"Oh? Then shall I summon your brother as well?" Yuuto asked with a cruel smirk plastered on his handsome face.

The question caused Amaterasu to frown slightly and seeing her reaction, Yuuto pushed even more. "I am sure he loves to run rampage on earth, after all.. he is sealed by you."

The head priest trembled in fear, staring at Yuuto in disbelief. This man dared to threaten Gods only for his beloved. Such heavy love, not many people could bear it. The head priest wondered what kind of woman who received such heavy love, it must be an outstanding woman. Yet, little did he know that the woman he thought was just a simple, lovely monkey in Yuuto's eyes.

"Very well human.." Amaterasu closed her eyes and the glow that surrounded her body grew brighter. She frowned for a while and finally opened her eyes after a short silence.

"Looks like there really IS an interference. Thy shall summon the God who is responsible for this interference."

Another pillar of light appeared and a God appeared from it. It was none other than Ultimia, the creator of Ultimatia.

"Uwooh! What the.. I was summoned?" Ultimia turned his head and noticed Amaterasu who was stood next to him.

"Amaterasu sama! Long time no see! You are soooo beautiful and exotic as always! Your eyes that shines like--"

"Enough, Thy has summoned thou here for a purpose. Thou have caused an interference in Thy world, this human man's beloved is the victim. Thou shall explain it properly to this human man." Amaterasu said, clearly annoyed by Ultimia's behavior.

"A-Ahh.. E-Eh.. Umm.." Ultimia turned his head to face Yuuto who was smiling but it didn't reach his eyes. In fact, he could see the darkness that was radiating from him.


This human man was soooo dangerous!!

"U-Um.. I am the one responsible for the death of your beloved. B-But rest assured! I have her reincarnated in my world! She is living well!" Ultimia said nervously, he tried to reassure the man but the man's words caught him off guard.

"Then reincarnate me to that world as well. Send me there, right now." Yuuto said, still with the same smile.

Ultimia blinked a few times before responding, "EEEEEEHHHHHH?!?!?!"