
Reborn Of The Malicious Woman

READ IT FIRST!! 1. First this is NOT my main novel. I made this for my sick cousin because she requested it. 2. This story main theme is COMEDY. There is a plot of course but not too deep (I hope XD). I plan to make this a light story with soooo many silliness. 3. I am just a newbie writer, so if you think that my grammar is not good or the plot kind of not making sense, I do apologize before hand. :D 4. There will be Yaoi, Yuri kind of vibe plus with R-18, so caution is needed. 5. I will add more if I think of something XDD -------------------------------------------------- Audelia Elizabeth Von Leonhart was the youngest daughter of Duke Leonhart. Due to being spoiled and loved by her family, Audelia grew to be a selfish and malicious woman. She was in love with the Crown Prince of the kingdom she lived in, Rozenkrentz Kingdom. Her deep love toward the prince caused her to be obsessed with him and she would do ANYTHING to gain the crown prince's affection, that included harassing and assassination attempt to the woman who crown prince loved so dearly. Because of her malicious deeds, the crown prince sentenced Audelia and Leonhart family to death. At the end of her life, Audelia regretted her action and how she loved a man to the point of being obsessed. Thus she made a last wish upon her death. "..If there is another life.. I will do my best to pay my sins.." Her wish was answered and she returned to the life when she was 6 years old. Audelia was surprised to know that she was reborn once again. Thus Audelia began her life once again, paying the sins she had committed in the past after finding out there was another secret behind her reincarnation.

Melodia · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Meeting 'Him' Again

Days passed by as it turned to weeks. During that time, Audelia spent her time leisurely. Even though she was just six years old, Audelia insisted that she wanted to start studying. Her insistence brought tears to her family and to the people who worked at the palace.

The rumor about the little princess of Leonhart Grand Duchy started to spread. The rumor mentioned how diligent and hardworking Audelia was, how she was genius and how her beauty matched the talent she possessed.

At first Audelia didn't know about it but Thomas the gardener told the rumors and the expression Audelia made when she knew about it, was similar to the mask of a certain thriller movie where the murderer wore a mask and stabbing people with knife.

(A/N : Can anyone guess what movie is it? XDD)

"You don't have to mind the rumor, Ojousama." Natalie said as she tried to coax Audelia from locking herself because she was too embarrassed to meet people after the rumor spread.

"You can say that because it's not about you.." Audelia said in sulky tone, sitting at the receiving room inside her chamber.

"Well that's true." Natalie replied as she poured the tea into Audelia's empty cup.

'Are you really my maid?'

'Can't you try a little bit harder to console me instead of giving up so easily?'

'And stop wearing that My-Lady-Is-A-Troublesome-Person expression on your face!'

'I am not troublesome okay?!'

Audelia stared at Natalie with dead fish eyes as she complained inwardly. With a sigh, Audelia once again lifted the cup from its saucer and sipped the tea. The fragrant and warmness once again eased her body and mind.

"Oh, by the way, where is Trisvia? I haven't seen her all day today." Audelia asked the whereabouts of her new little maid.

"The Head Maid, Madam Mary Froyd is training her." Natalie answered.

"Training her? Of what? I thought she has to be trained by you." Audelia frowned at Natalie.

"For maid training, yes. But not for battle training." Natalie replied, "Madam Froyd is the best for that."

Audelia's lips parted slightly as she stared at Natalie incredulously, "Battle you said.. She is still six years old!"

"All the more perfect for her. As your personal maid, it is important to have battle skills."

Audelia was stunned hearing Natalie's words. She knew that it was a must but Trisvia was still a child, for heaven sake! Did they plan to turn a little girl into battle maid like in those animes?!

"We-Well.. Just try holding back a little bit. She is a child after all." Audelia said with awkward smile on her face.

"No can do. Half baked training will only create half baked result." Natalie firmly refused.

"...." Audelia couldn't refute.

"And Ojousama.. You are also a child."

"..." Once again, Audelia couldn't refute.

With a helpless sigh, Audelia decided not to pursue the matter anymore. She just prayed that her little Trisvia was still cute and innocent by the time she returned. As Audelia was thinking of being idle for the whole day, she forgot one of the major event that happened in her past life.

*Knock* *Knock*

Knocking sound came from the door and followed by Sebastian entering the room.

"My lady, the Grand Duke wants to see you."

"Otousama? Is there something wrong?" Audelia asked, feeling curious because her father rarely summoned her like this.

Sebastian smiled mysteriously, "You will know if you meet him."

'Hey now..'

'Is he trying to make me even more curious than I already did..?'

'What a naughty Sebastian.'

"Okay." Audelia put the cup and its saucer back on the table then stood up from her seat as she followed Sebastian.

However, they didn't go to the Grand Duke's study but to the front door instead. There, Rugbert was standing there and when Audelia arrived, he smiled brightly in happiness.

"Audelia, you've come! Aaah~ you look beautiful as always." Rugbert said with tone filled with spoil and adoration. "The stars, the moon and the sun can't possibly--"

"OTOUSAMA.." Audelia smiled sweetly but there was no mirth in her eyes, "I know you adore me so much but please don't exaggerate too much."

Rugbert pouted slightly, "I didn't exaggerate, mon.." he muttered in sulky tone, "...It's the truth, mon.."

"..." Audelia stared at the man who supposed to be the mighty Grand Duke with flat eyes.

'Don't use 'Mon' at the end of your words!'

'Are you a little kid?!'

'Huh?! Are you?!'

'Try remembering that you are a Grand Duke, for God sake!'

'Have some dignity!'

As Audelia retorted inwardly while still wearing the same sweet smile. She decided to change the subject, "Otousama, may I ask why did you summon me?"

"Ah because there is an important matter." Rugbert said, "A special guest is coming."

Audelia tilted her head, staring at Rugbert with question in her eyes. "A special guest? Who is--"

"Ah there he is." Rugbert cut Audelia's words as he turned his gaze at the incoming carriage.


Audelia turned her head and saw the carriage stopping at least five meters in front of her. Looking at the extravagant carriage and the insignia of red rose and silver sword that was engraved on black colored flag, Audelia's heart skipped a beat.

"It's the Crown Prince." Rugbert said, didn't see the reaction Audelia gave as he kept on talking. "He is going to live here for a while and you are going to be his playmate."

(Insert Theme : Utada Hikaru - Sakura Drop)

As the carriage door was opened by the footman, a boy with blonde hair similar to gold and the blue eyes just like sapphire, walked out of the carriage with an aide followed behind him. At that moment, Audelia realized what she had forgotten.

She had forgotten the day when she met HIM..

Audelia watched as the boy walked towards her, the gaze he gave her was innocent and pure, unlike the gaze he had at the time of her execution. Every steps the boy took, it seemed synchronize with the beating of her heart, making it hard for her to breathe. Slowly.. slowly.. tear drops fell from her eyes, each carrying the painful feeling due to his betrayal.

'After falling in love... and sacrificed everything...'

("You think everyone revolves around you? Don't be too confident!")

'I hope... that time was the last heartbreak..'

("You want me to fall in love with you? Don't dream! In my eyes you are just a disgusting woman!")

'..You... who had forgotten the vow we made to each other..'

("Seraphina is much better than a trash woman like you!")

'..This time..'

Audelia gripped the fabric of her dress tightly while the tears kept flowing from her eyes. The ruby eyes that had pain and sadness in it, slowly regained its peace.

'...This time.. I am going to stay far away from you..'

'..We will go on our own path..'

'...No more heartache.. No more misery.. No more entanglement..'