
Reborn Of The Great Goddess

Forcing her beasts to do what they didn't want to do, angered Catelyn more than being betrayed by her blood. Catelyn the great goddess and the creator of Begtuok is a city ruled by gods, goddesses, and beasts. A city just made for them. Was poisoned by her elder sister, so she could take over as the great goddess. Pei couldn't watch her daughter die like that, so she sent her to the human world to be reborn as a human. Catelyn lived in the human world for 21 years with the identity of Madison Williams. Every creature in Begtuok believed that Catelyn died, but what they didn't expect was to have their creator in their midst, pretending not to know anyone. To get her revenge. But what happens when she meets Kontas her most precious creation again? Who was very much aware of who she was? Will she be able to get her revenge and take back what belongs to her? Or will she become the nerve girl she was once?

favelil · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The book

"Are you nuts? How could you talk to him like that?" Tez asked, referring to the way Madison spoke to prince Khron.

"I don't know what got into me," Madison said.

"You have to apologize to him, Madison," Hezra added. He was scared his brother wouldn't let what happened go just like that. But Madison wasn't hearing any of that.

Yes, she knew she crossed the line, but apologizing to prince Khron was something she wouldn't be doing.

"I can't do that"

"What!?" Tez didn't understand this girl, didn't she know that if his brother chooses to retaliate, even Kontas won't be able to save her?

"He started it first, how could he call his brother a monster?" she half screamed. If they don't keep calm, they will be attracting quite an audience.

"And how does that affect you?" Tez snarled. Madison was starting to piss him off.

"It does affect me, I want to protect Kontas," Madison said as Tez laughed.

In a blink of an eye, Tez was already standing in front of her with so much mockery in his eyes.

"You, protect Kontas?" he laughed again.

"Maybe you might have forgotten your place because these few months everyone has been turning a blind eye to you, especially Kontas, now you think you are invisible. But let me remind you that you are still a human and can still be killed, so get your head straight" he yelled in her face.

Even though Madison was annoying and frustrating, after spending a few months with her, Tez has grown to like her charisma, and he appreciates the fact that she cares for Kontas, but she should know when to stop.

"Then what am I supposed to do? Just leave him to be bad-mouthed by your kind? Have you ever seen him sleep before? Every night, he battles with nightmares that he can't even sleep. For the love of your goddess, he is not a fucking monster. Infant, he is the kindest person I have ever met, so even though am a fucking human, I'm still going to protect him so deal with it" she yelled back.

Wow, she was supposed to be a newscaster because that was the longest speech she has ever given, and it felt spectacular.

Letting out a deep breath, Tez shakes his head before muttering,

"You are unbelievable".

"Seems like you guys are done with your venting of anger on each other. I doubt Tez knows anything else about Kontas except what he said, but I think I might know what would help" Hezra smiled as he left them to go to the other side of the library looking for what both Madison and Tez knew nothing about.

When Hezra was out of sight, Tez looked at Madison and sighed,

" you know, Khron and Nazim don't hate Kontas, they are just scared of him"

"That doesn't still give him the right to call him a monster,"Madison pointed out.

"You are saying that because you have never seen Kontas in action before. He nearly burnt down the whole of Begtuok once" he added, but Madison didn't say anything, she just kept mute.

"How will you feel living in the same place with someone that you don't know anything about? "He asked, still Madison remained mute.

"No one knows what Kontas's spirit beast is, no one has ever seen his spirit beast before, he can take down a thousand warriors without even lifting his sword. Despite the fact his gate of energy is blocked, he still releases the greatest energy. So tell me Madison, if it were you, won't you feel intimidated?" he asked, which got Madison's attention.

It wasn't his question that got her attention, but what he said about Kontas's energy being blocked.

"What do you mean by his energy being blocked?"

"So that was the only thing that got your attention?" he asked, earning an eye roll from her.

"The amount of energy any god has amounts to his level of power, so just imagine how high his level of power is".

Madison knew what Tez was saying was the truth, but even so, he never asked for such powers, to begin with. It isn't his fault that his mother was a witch.

After Tez's statement, they both didn't speak to each other until Hezra returned with a colossal book that had a dark cover that was already covered in dust and cobwebs.

"What the hell are you holding?" Tez asked, irritated by the appearance of the book. He hates dirt the most.

"I never thought I did find it, I thought father destroyed it as well," Hezra said, all smiles.

"What is that?" Madison asked.

"The book contains the history of Begtuok," he grinned.

"You are joking, right?" Tez asked to be certain.

No one has ever seen the book before, so how on Earth did Hezra find it?

"Am not Tez. Move over" pushing Tez to the other side of the table, he placed the book on the table and used the sleeve of his robe to dust it.

When all the dust and cobwebs were removed, they could see the ancient writing on it, which was written in an ancient language with the color of blood.

In the middle of the hardcover of the book was a hole that contained a wheel which had locks that came from within it like a band and held the book preventing it from being opened by anyone.

"Ok, so now we have the book containing the history of Begtuok in our hands, but we can't open it. What does the writing even say?" Tez asked.

The writing wasn't something they were familiar with, Tez and Hezra didn't even understand the writing.

"You guys can't read it?" Madison asked, surprised, as they both nodded.

"That's a first," she grinned. Somehow, the writing looked quite familiar, like something she could read, still she wasn't able to read it.

"It's an ancient book and understandable why it can't be read," Tez said as he attempted to open it and was amazed when he couldn't open it.

"Why is your face like that?" Tez asked.

"I can't open it"

"What do you mean?" Tez asked again as he took the book from him and tried to open it, but he couldn't.

"What the hell? Why can't it open?"

"I think it is spelled upon,"Tez replied to Hezra's question.

Madison couldn't just give up, she has come this far, and now they have finally found what could answer all her questions, they couldn't open it.

She wasn't going to just sit down and do nothing. She stood up and went to where Tez was sitting with the book, as the tip of her finger touched her, she felt a zap like an electric shock then a blast that threw her to the far end of the library, attracting everyone who was in the library.

" Madison, are you ok?"Tez and Hezra both asked at the same time.

"Yes I'm ..... Ahhh"Madison screamed when she felt the pain in her hand.

"You are bleeding," Tez said as Madison looked at her cloth that was already torn up on the arm and the wound on her hand was visible to all.

There was a lot of blood coming from the wound that made Madison feel dizzy.

"Prince Tez and Prince Hezra, how can you bring a slave into the library? What will your father say if he hears of these?" one of the gods that were in the library said as the rest of the people there nodded.

Madison wasn't listening to what they were saying, she felt dizzy, and the blood kept on coming out.

When Hezra saw the faint look on Madison's face, he ignored the gods' murmurs and carried Madison out of the library, where he met prince Nazim standing outside with his hands folded across his chest.

"What crime did you guys commit this time around?" Prince Nazim asked, staring at Madison who was bleeding all over.

"This is not the time, brother, but I promise to explain everything later. Can you just help me and treat her? I need to help Tez inside, ok?"

Without waiting for his reply, Hezra carried the unconscious Madison and put her in his hand, leaving him standing outside looking lost.

"Why are you always appearing in front of me?" Prince Nazim asked as he carried her to his quarters, where he treated her wound.