
reborn of Jin li

writerfavvy · History
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Jin li was still in the hospital after few days of been reborn again,she owns this to god.and was waiting for her father and stepmother to pay her hospital bill but they didn't come. few months after her father married her step mother he change he started acting cold towards her and started treating her on fairly she thought maybe things was not good for him at that time but it worst after the birth of her step sister and brother he didn't even pay her things any more they all started treating her like a mind and after some years it got worst.her step sister and brother go to prestigious school while she attended local school she even live in the basement .if not for her mother her father would not have been wealth the way he was because her mother came from a very prestigious family she even separated all ties form her family just to be with her father because her was from a poor family and when they got married my mother's family was very hungry and they move from the city j. to city m. when my mother got married to my dad they were very poor but because my mother was very talented she manage to achieve my things which my father is use to boast today ,that was how I got engaged to one of my mother business partner son san li my mother and san family were close business partner because my mother was the one who help them to establish their fashion business in exchange for san li to marry in feature.back to the feature. After few more days her friends parents came to the hospital bill and when got home and know one seem to care the next day she was about to go for a scholarship exam to a prestigious school when Jin xin her step mother stop her because she say she was going to get married to the cold c.e.o. of I global international.i.g.i. I replacement of Jin man because Jin man love her fiancee they are going to make marry the man Jin man was so post to marry she did not say anything because this what she needs to get revenge on her family, her samile was very cold as if she was laughing at Jin xin and then she say that if she was going to marry th cold CEO that she we first separate all ties with this familyand that they should register it in a document because she just needed a backer and the revenge we being.jin xin went quickly to get the document made and they all sign then Jin man gave her the weeding dress to wear that the CEO we be here soon so went up and change her clothes.

I am just a girl who express her self through novel andmemy self love novel and I am a big fan of loes1

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