
Reborn Might Guy

What do you get if you have one of the strongest taijustu users of all time, But he is reborn into the DBZ universe? Will he become the strongest human? Will he get a system? Will Guy's full power of YOUTH be enough to go toe to toe with some of the strongest people in the universe? If you wanna find out start reading ;) This is my first novel got 0 experience in this I hope this goes well If it does enjoy if it is a little eh comment and I will see how I can improve as a author. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Naruto/Db/DBZ /DBS and any other stuff I may or may not include

HuskyWarrior · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Youth Is Timeless

While Might Guy and his son Lee were training in the hyperbolic time chamber. Outside they were unaware of the ramifications of Letting the perfect android run loose on the planet.

Perfect Cell flies across the planet searching for an ideal place for his tournament. Soon he found an open plain with a mountain range in the background. He used his telekinesis to lift a mountain and cut it into a perfect cube as he sliced it around and made his arena.

He flies down and crosses his arms as Cell marvels at his handy work. Cell simply nods and thinks to himself 'What to do now...'

While this was happening all the Z fighters were simply waiting until their turn came up. Piccolo was meditating, PoPo was watering the planets, Trunks, and Gohan were talking mainly about how future Gohan from his timeline helped him, Goku was eating in peace while Vegeta was staring off into the distance thinking about how he lost his last battle. Roshi, Yamcha, Krillin, and Tien were playing Poker.

Kami was watching the planet down below with a look of concern as he sensed Cell was moving around the planet. For now, there was nothing they could do but simply wait. All of a sudden they all sensed a rise in power from Cell. They all glanced in the general direction until their eyes widened at the direction Cell was heading.

Krillin said with a tone of heavy concern as he asked everyone "Is he heading where I think he is?"

Goku got up and said seriously "Yeah Krillin... He's heading for West City"

Inside the time chamber on the outside only several hours have passed but a few months inside as you see the clashes of 2 figures leaving only behind sonic booms.


Lee roared out as he delivered a lead hurricane to his father's side who merely caught it and spun him around sending him flying into the air. Lee stopped in the air mid-throw and started firing Ki blasts at Guy.

Guy merely smirked as he flew around these ki blasts and said loudly "You have to do better than that Lee!!"

Lee gripped his hands together and yelled out as his aura burst outwards as he said loudly "EIGHT INNER GATES! FIRST GATE!! GATE OF OPENING... OPEN!!!"

Lee's power went up by 5 times and it was still rising showing his mastery is starting to improve in the inner gates technique. Lee flew to his father and hit him in the stomach as Guy groaned being sent flying down to the ground. He saw his opportunity and didn't let up and flew down with his Max speed to deliver the finishing blow "AHHHHHH!"

Lee poured all his Ki into his fist and threw a powerful downward punch to Guy. You could hear a loud impact and the wind was blown back from the collision but all you could see was a Lee struggling to move forward and a smiling Guy holding his son's fist with a single finger.

Guy said with a huge smile "Great work Lee but there's just one thing"

Lee let his guard down and said "Wha- OO"

Guy punched his son in the gut as Lee got the breath knocked out of him. He looked at his down soon wheezing for air as he said seriously "Never let your guard down in a fight Lee. Even the most powerful beings in the world could lose if they let their guard down"

Lee was wheezing as he slowly got up and nodded. They continued to spar and train every day with no restraint as Guy brought his collection of senzu beans with him. Sadly his supply was starting to run low after the constant use of them. But the results were evident seeing the rapid improvement of these two.

On the outside Goku still had a serious look on his face while Krillin says with concern "Goku... is he going to destroy West City?"

Goku gripped his hands and said with rage "I don't know Krillin!"

Goku hated this feeling of being weak to not stop potential threats from hurting his friends and family. Vegeta says seriously"That city should be fine Kakarot... We both saw him... He has the pride of the Saiyan and the arrogance of that bastard Frieza..."

Vegeta ends with a scoff saying the name of the man that destroyed the planet he was destined to rule. But still, there was a hint of doubt in his words as he thought to himself 'In all fairness the chances of that city being destroyed is fifty-fifty..'

Cell continued to fly to West City as he looked for a televised station. He ended up finding it and calmly flew in through the walls like the Kool-aid man. Cell looked down at two terrified young women and said with a smile "Which floor has a current show being televised right now?"

The terrified young woman said "T-Top floor"

Cell merely simply smirks as he flies up. As he reached the top floor he looked for the cameras and used his telekinesis to turn them all to him. Perfect Cell began his speech with confidence oozing out of him

"People of Earth in exactly 13 days from now there will be a tournament to determine the fate of your world... The Cell Games is a private event only for the most qualified fighters to attend... The location will be sent out the day of so do prepare for your imminent demise... To further prove my point the faith of humanity if you were to lose the cell games..."

Cell powered up and sent an outwards Ki blast from his body within 3 seconds a burst of Ki destroyed West City. Within an hour of this event. East City announced West City and all its residents are now dead

Meanwhile, on the lookout, the look of shock on most of their faces is evident. Vegeta has a small scowl on his face as Goku is shaking with fury as he mutters to himself"That Ruthless...Tortless...Bastard!!"

Gokus's hair has already turned Golden as his head goes up and down as his fury begins to grow seeing All those innocent lives gone. Now all because of this monster. As his head goes up lightning clouds begin to surround him and as the seconds pass his fury grows as sparks of lighting begin to come off his body.

Vegeta's eyes widen seeing Kakarot show such power. But this was inevitable when Goku stopped smiling...Kakarot comes out. Goku roared to the skies as his Ki exploded outwards with sparks of lighting surrounding his body. Piccolo saw how rashly his friend was being said seriously while grabbing his arm "Calm down Goku! we can wish them back later we need to wait to defeat Cell"

Goku glanced at Piccolo and roared out "OUT OF MY WAY!"

Gokus's aura flared as it sent Piccolo flying back Goku used instant transmission to teleport to Cell.

Piccolo scoffed at his rash friend he understood why he reacted but this was a serious battle. Vegeta was shocked seeing Kakarot show such power as he thought to himself 'Was that.. the next level in Super Saiyan transformation?'

Vegeta began to ponder as all the Z fighters had different reactions. Yamcha was crying losing the girl he liked back when he was younger. Krillin fought back tears losing one of his oldest friends too and for being too weak. Tien threw his cards on the ground and started to train. Roshi had a solemn look on his face.

Trunks went to Gohan to reassure him that Goku will be ok. But the look of concern on Gohan's face didn't leave as he thought to himself 'Uncle Guy please get out soon

Perfect Cell floated above the crater that was West City as he admired his work with a smirk. He merely did this to show how serious the stakes were. Also, he knew one of the Z fighter's oldest friends lived in this city. So doing this would give him a better fight at the end of the day.

While Cell was enjoying the quiet he suddenly felt a large power level appear next to him. He turned around surprised to only get punched in the face and flew into the ground.

Goku floated their seething in rage as Perfect Cell began to laugh "Well Done Son Goku... That little display of power is much better than your pathetic attempt yesterday"

Perfect Cell dusted himself off with one hand as he says with a perfect smile "But it is far from enough to fight me... Go back and train... I'll see you in two weeks"

Cell laughed at how much fun this would be in a few weeks. He began to fly away with no care as Goku appeared in front of him and sent him flying back a few feet from the strong blow. As Cell said with a smirk "Oh so you want to skip the two weeks and fight me now Goku?"

Goku who was still seething and rage said with a serious tone"Fight you? No, I want to kill you"

Oh shist

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