
Reborn Might Guy

What do you get if you have one of the strongest taijustu users of all time, But he is reborn into the DBZ universe? Will he become the strongest human? Will he get a system? Will Guy's full power of YOUTH be enough to go toe to toe with some of the strongest people in the universe? If you wanna find out start reading ;) This is my first novel got 0 experience in this I hope this goes well If it does enjoy if it is a little eh comment and I will see how I can improve as a author. Disclaimer: I do not own any of these Naruto/Db/DBZ /DBS and any other stuff I may or may not include

HuskyWarrior · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Dang Guy

Previously... On Reborn might Guy

"Guy how did you defeat all of us when you were blinded by my Solar Flare?"

Guy knew they would ask that eventually and he didn't want to bring up his past life so he just said with a shrug.

"I just followed my Instincts"

6 months past since that day Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien got defeated... so easily. Over the past 6 months of Guy mostly training. He decided to do some special training. Guy did his own training which varied from 300 pounds Weighted training. To Guy pushing his body to the limit to develop more resistance to His God Speed form. So he can increase the output more. Each and every day for the past 6 months Guy would push his God Speed form just slightly past his current limits which sadly damaged some of his nerves from the overcharge of electric ki. But luckily he has the perfect drug... known as the Senzu Beans. Each time he went slightly passed the limit which caused small nerve damage the Senzu bean healed it and made his nerves more resistant to Electric Ki. While Guy was doing this for the first 3 months he found out a good unknown benefit of him constantly doing this training. Apparently, he is able to hold a much weaker God Speed mode almost forever because of his control over electric Ki and his strong body. For the rest of the next 3 months, he was able to increase the power of the weaker God Speed mode. When Guy first discovered this he was only able to get a 30 percent increase with his weakened godspeed mode. But now this weakened mode can now go up to 50 percent almost forever. While that is for his weaken mode his full power God Speed is able to power up his base by 5 times.

AN: "Ok just want to say. Yes everyone he can combine God Speed with his 8 inner gates. I am saying this now so people don't give me crap when he is gonna be a bad @ss and probably bitch slap an Opponent or a cocky prince of the vegetables or Saiyans.... nobody knows anymore"

When Roshi saw the results of Guy's 6-month training he couldn't help but feel proud by how much stronger he has become. Guy told Roshi he was going to be leaving in a few days to continue his journey around the world. When Roshi heard this he decided to have another fight between all of his students and as you can tell it was basically the same result as before besides the 4 fighters lasting much longer than before but with more injuries. Guy gave them all a Senzu bean before leaving and said.

"Nice fight and I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the Tournament"

Everyone said goodbye to Guy who just walked on the water and just took a nice peaceful walk on the water. Sadly when he was walking on the water he ended up at another city where someone recorded him walking on water. The sorta dead meme came back stronger then ever and everyone started to believe that this Guy... was Jesus. After Guy reached the island he went and looked around the city for the day and enjoyed himself. The next day came by pretty fast and Guy began his journey again around the world. First, he made a pit stop at Korin's tower to get some more Senzu beans because he was running low. He had a nice talk with Korin and got some more Senzu beans. Then he continued his journey throughout the lands.

(1 year and 6 months TimeSkip)

While Guy continued his journey throughout the world. The rest of the turtle hermit students decided to leave and continue to train there own way. Goku went to Korin tower to train more and possibly train with Kami. Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien went there own way to develop their own strength and fighting styles there own way. Guy was able to use one of the old moves from his past life with some difficulties. Yamcha and Tien developed a new move to add to their fighting style. Krillin got taller and Goku got stronger and learned some techniques from Kami himself.

It was the day before the Tournament. Guy walked into the city where the 23rd martial art tournament was going to be held at. When Guy was walking through the city you can see everyone giving him a second look as if to say.


What they all saw was 17-year-old Might Guy. His Black spiky hair got a little shorter, He grew to 5" 10 and had a body filled to the brim of pink muscles. His facial features got more defined and the best part of all his bushy eyebrows became slightly less bushy and just became above average on the bushy scale. Guy was walking towards the hotel to wait for the next day. Until he heard someone scream

"Stop him!! He stole my phone!!"

Guy saw a young man in his twenties with his hood up running towards him and saw a young blonde yelling at the young man. So Guy did something that none of the readers would ever do. He lowered his power to a fraction of what he has. He clenched his butt cheeks and yelled from his heart.


Guy punches the guy in the face. The young guy goes from running away from a successful run and grab to getting punched by the power of youth into a nearby wall. The blonde was shocked by how strong this Guy was. But became furious when she saw the debris and saw her phone was broken. She ran up to Guy and yelled.


Guy looked confused and saw the broken phone and sweatdropped. He looked at the angry blonde and was surprised how beautiful she was. She looked to be 17, Had shoulder-length blonde hair that covered the left side of her eye, and was wearing a simple outfit. Before Guy could look anymore she yelled again


Guy saw that she was still angry so he said

"Sorry about that but here"

Guy goes and picks up the remains of her phone and drops it into her hand. Before she could even get mad Guy pulled out some Zeni from his pocket and handed it to her. The blonde was surprised she was expecting he was going to run away not pay for a new phone for her. Before she could say anything Guy says with a small grin.

"I hope this makes us even. By the way, My name is Might Guy"

Guy smiles at her with his thumb up and a small little sparkle could be seen in his teeth. The blonde had a small smile and said

"My name is Ingram"

They both talked a little bit then said there goodbye. Unknown to both of them they will meet in the future but on the opposite side. Guy went on his way to the hotel to rest for the day. Sadly Ingram was captured by an unknown organization. Guy ended up relaxing preparing for the tournament and thinking about seeing his friends and grandpa tomorrow. He feels asleep with a smile on his face. The next day came and Guy woke up early with a grin on his face looking forward to seeing everyone and the tournament. Guy went down to have a big breakfast. Then he left to go and register early. But it was raining so Guy bought an umbrella. Guy was walking to go and register for the tourney. He saw a blue-haired woman struggling to get a balloon so he helped her and gave her the balloon. Guy saw who it was and said in a happy voice

"Here you go Bulma"

Bulma blushes a little and before she can think more she gave the balloon back to the kid who almost lost the balloon. They all caught up to learn what's new with everyone. But then the rain stopped and appeared Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien waving at all of them. Again all of them got caught up and all of them besides Roshi signed up for the tourney. They all got pumped up for the Tournament so they all said their goodbyes to everyone and walked into the arena together. When they were waiting around for the preliminaries to start they heard a woman with black hair wearing a blue Chinese dress tapped Goku's shoulder a few times and said in a sweet voice

"Hi Goku"

Goku was dumbfounded when she got closer and started smiling getting happier when she was near him. So he asked

"Uh... Do I Know you?"

The black-haired woman was surprised when she was starting to get angry when she shouted out


Everyone got surprised by that yell. Most of them fell over, somewhere scared and Guy took a step back that basically said.

'You are on your own Goku'

After she was done growling at him and then left. Krillin and Yamcha were yelling at Goku where did he meet such a beautiful woman. All Goku could say was.

" I don't remember her"

An: "Read the Author Note below and you could have an impact on the development of the story!!!"

Ok Guys you all know me sorta well.... So you know I liked to mix up the round for the semi to the finals so Got any recommendations of who you want in this tournment?

HuskyWarriorcreators' thoughts