
Reborn: Living A Maid's Life

Xls_ssi · Fantasy
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2 Chs


I have died

Not once, twice or thrice.

I've died multiple times in my past life and I'm about to die right now.

Believe it or not but reincarnation is not a big deal for me anymore. I have been anyone. A Model. A CEO. An actress. A bratty Princess. A Police officer and this is the last, I'm a Drug Lord's heiress in Canada.

I can tell that I'm having so much fun with these lives that is full of surprises but those are not mine.

I don't even remember the life I own before this fucking 'missions' he gave me!

And now, this girl will be dying due to some issues. Why would he do that?! I am doing somebody's job but at the end it will end just like that? I did everything I can to make this little girl's life better!

I am really getting tired. How long does he want me to keep this up? I've seen too many deaths and to be true, I'm jealous.

They are now free from worries. Free from problems. Now they are resting eternally, something that I couldn't do.

I hope this is truly the last life.

I want to be free.


November 10, 2016

( Canada )

In the depths of the night, a lovely but lonely girl stood in front of a huge window.

Her light brown hair is flowing aggressively but looks magical. Her grey eyes are shining like the stars but one would know that it is lifeless.

Wearing a white silk dress, that was made only for her. If someone will see her, they'll be mesmerize by her enchanting beauty.

One look you'll think she's a magical fairy.

Second look, she's a Damsel in Distress but,

For the third time you'll notice her cold aura, her penetrating gaze and her readiness.

A Princess ready for battle.

She stood firmly where she's standing for almost an hour now not letting a single chance to move her gaze to the outside world that she can't see without the glass window.

She knew that it's the day. She kept on having premonitions that this will be the day of her most awaited death and so she waited silently not letting her beloved parents know what will happen.

She knew that this will be the biggest right thing will happen in her whole existence, she's against her Father's wrong doing but she can't just voice it out because despite of being damn bad, he always took care of her lovingly.

He may look Aggressive, Cold, Ruthless, Madman in the outside but he's truly loving, Caring, and a Good man inside.

But it's too late...

After a minute or two of reminiscing, the air inside the room suddenly stiffened. The body guards who's standing silently became cautious and gathered to form a circle surrounding the young lady.

Everyone instantly turn into ready to kill machines but not the girl they are protecting, she's calm, compose and still cold.

She don't look helpless or afraid at all but rather ready.

She walk elegantly across the room not minding the fearful atmosphere and get her favorite musical instrument, Violin.

She sat quietly to a chair located in front of a grand piano, readying herself to play.

As she started, as if on the cue the double door suddenly flew open and a troop of armored men shower them with bullets.

Not a single fear is shown on her beautiful face but rather peacefulness that finally everything will come to an end.

In the midst of chaos, raining bullets, painful cries there's a girl that was shot in both shoulder and hip, still playing a master piece.

Everyone who can hear the agonizing sound that made the music terrifying are having goosebumps.

Its amazing and beautiful yet holds a sad story. Everyone stopped at the climax of the play. Not a single one moves until it's about to end.

After a couple of silence three bullets pierced through the Young Lady's slender body causing her to stop playing and lost a grip to the instrument.

She fell as her violin did, and as she was struggling to breath her stoic yet beautiful face softened and let out an alluring smile.

"Finally I'm free."