
Reborn into The Walking Dead

Sorry I stoped my other fanfics. I forgot to say that people can take my ideas because most likely im not going to finish them but that is it. My grammer and spelling are trash so sorry about that and im not good at remembering things so sorry if the story is wrong. _____________________________________________ Guy dies and is reborn in the world of the dead.

ThanosNachoBoy · TV
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Darkness that is all I see I cant feel anything nor can I see anything. Its weird I don't seem to remember how I got here. All I remember is that I was laying down watching a show called The Walking Dead. I've been watching it for about a week and made it to season 9.

While watching I think I fell asleep because every thing just went black. To be honest I think this is one of those moments when like in novels the person dies and meets god and makes wishes. I know its dumb to even consider that as an option. But that is the only thing I can think of, its probably just me because let me tell you I read way to many novels like that and not going to lie I've dreamed of being able to meet god and get wishes I mean who wouldn't want that.

But I know that is just my imagination so im not going to get all excited because I've already had a dream like this and it was because I had a period in time when I just started reading novels man let me tell you I wanted to go to another world so bad but as time went by I started to realize that, that is just wishful thinking but the point is that I've had a dream when I was in all darkness and couldn't fell anything but then I woke up and I was sad but deep down I knew that it wasn't going to happen. So im going to wait for a bit and I should wake up in like 10 minutes.

[Time Skip 10 hours]

Ok what is going on this dream should have ended a while ago.

"That's because it isn't a dream".

When I herd that I turned around and saw a blue holographic screen with a emoji face on it.

"Who are you" I asked

"Im god I might not look like it but I am and im going to skip the whole part where we talk about what is happening so im going to make it fell like we already talked about it".

After god said that it felt like time skipped and it felt fine.

"Ok so now you are going to be reborn with wishes and you get to pick what you look like and what world you want to go to oh and you can choose anything as a wish no matter how powerful I mean what can you do to me im literally god and I can do anything and I don't care what you do so you can choose anything".

"Ok well thanks and for my wishes is there a limited number of them".

"Well im only doing this for some entertainment so no need to thank me and there is no number so go wild".

"Ok for my wishes I want

1. Make anything with my mind

2. make any skill

3. if im bite then i would turn but only if i allowed it when i become a zombie then i would still think and all that but i would be able to evolve.

4. I can customize my body to what ever I want even if it is to give me 2 heads or become a spider.

5. 100x means if I was to do 1 push up it would equal 100 with no side effects

6. I want to be able to go to other worlds

7. I want to have good luck

8. I want my body to be able to always get better even if a skill is at lv9999 or is max it can get even higher.

9. I want to own a mountain that has a whole underground lab and stuff like weapons and vehicles and a house on top but I want it near the plot spot so I don't have to go across the world or something and I want there to be a wall around the place and Torrance and stuff like that on the wall don't want some zombies in there

10. and my last one is kinda stupid but I want a axe as a weapon but it has to be huge and cool looking but deadly too".

"Ok so now that that is out of the way tell me what world and what you look like".

"Ok I want the body of escanor because man was that a body to kill for I've always wanted his body even if it was a bit on the big side oh and I still want the hight of 11 ft tall and I want my hair to be pitch black with purple eyes that glow. I want to go to the world of the walking dead".

"Ok so is there a time you want to pop up in oh and if its not the start of the plot then you wont have a family."

"Pop me in at the start of season 7 and is it fine to put me in my 20's and my body is at its peak".

"Ok done and this is where it ends have fun".

After he said that my brain went off and I lost consciousness".


In the middle of a forrest a giant appeared out of thin air.

I suddenly woke up in a Forrest. I felt something in my right so I lifted my hand and see a axe in it.

The axe is hard to describe but It looks like a old but futuristic one.

( This is what it looks like https://pin.it/5jyTwl6)

I got up and checked my self out to see what my body looks like and mane let me tell you I would for real kill someone for this body in my past life I was fat but 6,2 so it kinda evened out but I was still fat but not to bad but I am a lazy person so I never worked on it but know I got a huge body and you better believe im going to take care of this one even tho im still going to be lazy.

After checking out my body I started thinking how am i going to find my house. When I thought that the way to my house popped up in my head so I grabbed my axe and made my way to the house.

After about 20 minutes of walking I found myself infront of a wall it had huge guns on top of it and when I came in range they all pointed at me ready to shoot but then a screen appeared on the wall and a light shined on my face and then a female voice said [identity confirmed] and then the wall split open and showed a long path to a huge house and huge mountain.

I start to make my way to my new house and im really excited because this is the first time owning something like this I mean I grew up poor but not the worst but that is because of my grandma let me tell you if she wasn't there my parents and siblings would have been goners. I wonder if I can go back to that world if I can even if I look like a stranger im going to make her a trillioniar and I don't know but I would like to at least make it up to her but enough about my past. back to the house.

I was at the front of my new huge mansion and let me tell you it was awesome.

(What it looks like this https://pin.it/3KVaI0r)

I made my way inside and was shocked to see a dog laying on the floor it got up and ran to me. when it got to me it started to like my legs. I picked the dog up and checked it out. It is a girl husky pure white and she seems to like playing. I like her but I do wonder how she got here did she come with the house. To be honest im glad there is an animal here im a animal person so its fine im going to name her pearl.

As im walking through the house with pearl in my arms im looking at rooms and stuff like that. I just finished looking through the house there is 10 bedrooms 7 bathrooms a workout center a big kitchen and huge pool in the back with a lot of land. There are dirt bicks and four-wheelers and even a golf cart. In the house garage there is expensive looking cars Traxxas 88096-4-SLVRT, Ferrari LaFerrari, Aston Martin Victor and a RV it looks like a future diesel truck.

(To see what it looks like go to YouTube and search most expensive RV in the world Channel mr. luxury.)

And that's all for inside there is one door that leads to the underground bass but I already know what is in there it popped into my head when I started to think about it and just to go around the house it took 3 hours and im not a patient person and I wanted to look outside some more farther out there are some small houses and even some horse's and I want to go look at them.

On my way out something slithered onto my leg in was fast and it made its way up to my neck and wrapped around it but not hard and started to lick my face it started to tickle so I grabbed it to make it stop. When I got a good look at it, it is a long black python I cant tell if its a girl or a boy but im going to go with girl just because. I put it back on my neck and she curled around his neck and liked me a little and then stoped because she knew it would bother me.


After checking all houses I want to go to sleep because im tiered it took 6 hours to look at those mini mansions they all were big houses but none of them can come even close to the main one.

Before I go to sleep I want to see what the horses look like. So I made my way there and I forgot to say this but since im 11ft tall everything here is made to fit me so everything is even bigger than what it should have been so big doors big roofs big stairs all that and I want to know if the horses are made to fit me because it is meant for me to ride it. Right now im infront of one of the biggest horses I've ever seen I don't know the breed but I know they are a huge horse and I have 2 of them one is white and the other is black they look really strong. The white one is a male and the black one is a female. After looking at the horses I made my way back to the main house and found the biggest room and laid down in it and went to sleep.


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