
Reborn Into The Jujutsu Kaisen World

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shauryaagarwal A man from our world dies and get born into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Weaponed with an incredible innate skill of handling curses and a powerful cursed technique, he will rise to greater heights. OC- MC. Reincarnated Into the world Of Jujutsu Kaisen. I will try to make it as interesting as I can. Don't hesitate to speak your ideas in the comment section.

DaoistM56crK · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Prologue: A Special Grade Curse

21 July. 21:30

In the dark night.

In a deserted factory. 

A 'woman' was there. 

Two Jujutsu sorcerers were there. 

And most importantly, the strong smell of blood and 'death' was there. 

Despite the night, enough light was present, enabling the people there to clearly see their surroundings. 

In front of the two mythical sorcerers, a woman stood. The 'woman' there was perfect in many aspects. 

'She' had attractive glossy lips. An even-featured face, which was the perfect example of aesthetic beauty. Long exposed legs. Thin black eyelashes and untied, black waving hair that reached till her thighs. 

An extended cloth was wrapped around 

her body. It barely covered her breasts and the part between her thighs, if there was one, that is. 

She had the unmasked air of untouchability and seductiveness. 

Just trying on her would pose a

teeth-grinding challenge to many men. 

A playful look was marring her features. 

Despite the lust emanating from the 'woman', the two men didn't show any reaction as two proper men should after setting eyes on an unnatural lustfully appealing lady.

They both had serious and stern looks on their faces. 

After all, that 'woman' was a monster. She was a living curse.

Despite all her sexually appealing features, she had unnatural red-colored skin. 

And most of all, behind her, a deep, glinting, crimson puddle of blood was flowing on the floor. 

'Bitten' flesh of humans was floating on the nauseating lake of blood. There were ripped livers, brains and the torn out 'faces' of people whose eternally frozen expressions were tainted by despair. 

There was a fresh dark, red stain on her mouth, indicating that she was the one responsible for the inhuman eating of the innocents, the people who had directly nothing to do with curses and were indirectly responsible for the existence of them.

Despite the chilling scene behind her, she didn't emit a dangerous and threatening presence at all. 

She simply wished to play with the sorcerers present there. 


The two men infront of her had only one goal: to completely kill the cursed spirit in front of them. 

They were both seasoned warriors. They had battled many curses throughout their life. 

They had grown 'strong' from 'weak'. 

Now, they will again put their mind, their life, their everything, in order to kill the infuriating curse in front of them. 

As they made the firm resolve in their minds, the seductive curse blurred from her place. 

An unstoppable force emitting from her hand attacked the left sorcerer and 'destroyed' his face, effectively killing him. 

This all happened in few seconds. 

'She' licked her lips in joy. 

The right sorcerer froze for a moment. 

As the realisation of his best friend being just killed in seconds dawned upon him, great fury overtook his mind. 

He swung his curse-infused hand at the curse at a superhuman speed, in an attempt to kill her. 

However, the curse vanished and his hand stopped in the empty air… horribly twisted at an unnatural angle. 

A scream erupted from his mouth. 

Excruciating pain flowed from his twisted hand into his body and his brain.

In that instant, a simple exchange took place in the alive sorcerer's emotions. 

His great anger at the curse was displaced by extreme terror of the curse. 

With his willpower alone, he managed to not fall on the ground. 

He flowed cursed energy throughout his body, considerably lessening his pain. 

Cold drops of sweat dampened his face. 

Even when terror gripped his soul and mind, his initial goal didn't change. 

His resolve to kill the curse only grew stronger. 

His friend was dead…

He.. will.. definitely…kill… the curse!

He turned around to face the cursed spirit and activated his 'technique'. 

His cursed technique was to simply double the impact. 

He swung his fist straight at the mischievously smiling curse with an even greater force than before. 

This was his yet strongest punch. And with his technique, the force of the impact doubled. 

The wind around his fist screamed as his punch pierced through the very air, heading towards the face of the cursed spirit. 

This time, the targeted 'woman' didn't vanish, she just simply swung her arm. 

In the vision of the attacking sorcerer,

the hand of the curse blurred-

                         -and blood flew into the air.

The ground shook and the specks of dust filled the air at the clash of their hands. 

The dust cleared, revealing the 'tee-hee' form of the cursed spirit. 

After the clash of their hands, an unbearable amount of pain, once again thundered through the sorcerer's body.

After all, the blood that erupted belonged to him. The hand was his that was cruelly torn out. 

The curse stared at the pitiful man with her hands positioned on her waist. Her eyes glinted with seductive playfulness. 

And a clear female voice escaped from her mouth, 


An innocent smile bloomed on her even-featured face,

"Tee-hee..", and she giggled. 

The man, his teeths grinding against each other, looked up at the face of the giggling curse.

The spirit laughed, laughed and laughed. 

As the sorcerer found his ground again, he turned back and stepped forward to escape. 

All the time while the curse was laughing, he realised that there was no way he could kill the curse, especially not with his arms gone. 

He could only retreat and bring reinforcement back to kill the strong curse. 

He can get his arms back by the renowned healer and complete his revenge!

Even with his partner dead, there was still hope!

But first, he had to escape the claws of the cursed spirit. 

The factory was high, so he couldn't jump and escape. The factory was long, alas, he could only run towards the exit. 

As the sorcerer ran towards the exit with his superhuman speed, the curse stopped laughing and vanished-

        -appearing in front of the running man.

The man skidded to halt on the surface of the cold ground. 

The curse's eyes were brimmed with tears.

"Ahahahahahaha! Tee hee hee hee! Were you scared? Were you?", the cursed spirit asked, playfully. 

The man froze. Something very cold gripped his spine. 

The cursed spirit could talk. 

Before, his now-dead friend was suggesting to him that they should not take on the curse alone. His friend had a bad feeling. 

Even when knowing that a sorcerer's instincts were not something to be taken lightly, he ignored his friend and entered the factory. His friend was left with no option but to follow him. 

And now, his friend is dead and he is filled with regret. 

He couldn't atone for being the cause of his friend's death, but at least he could take revenge for him. 

He will escape this shitty factory, no matter what.

Increasing strength in his legs the most, he jumped over the cursed spirit with the air rippling around him, landed on the ground at a very high velocity and ran, cutting through the air.

However, the curse didn't have any intention to let him escape.

"Tee hee hee! Hey, you know? Was it hot? That 'Oh…' I said when I opened my mouth, I mean! Was it hot? Was it 'seductive'..?", she said while looking at the quickly running figure.

As the man rushed further towards the exit, she appeared around him. The man tried to shake her off repeatedly, but each time she vanished and appeared again. 

It was starting to look like she was teleporting around him over and over again. 

"Was I cute?" 

"Was I stimulating?" 

"Was I arousing?"

"Was I sexy?" 

"Was I titillating?" 

"Was I sensual?" 

"Was I erotic?" 

"Was I lustful?" 

Each time the curse appeared, she added an infuriating sentence. 

But the man was too scared, and too angry at his own powerlessness to care.

He felt a sudden and strong impact on the front of his legs and fell on the ground with the shadow of that 'woman' hovering over him.

He had slaughtered many curses he thought were very strong.  

He intentionally deluded himself on the mistaken assumption that he was very strong. 

He had used 'god-gifted' power to bring death upon the monsters. 

And now, he was on the receiving end of that destruction. 

An overwhelming power was toying with him due to his own foolishness. 

He could see his destruction, his death, his end. 

His everything, his past and future collapsed into rubble with the monster laughing atop it.

"Ahaha! You know? It was fun!"

She exclaimed cheerfully, trembling in pure joy,

"That sadness when I killed your partner!"

"That scream when I crushed your arm!"

"That helplessness when you tried to escape!"

"That despair when you couldn't get me off!"

Her excited and happy tone did not go hand to hand with the overly cruel sentences she said.

"It was all fun…! Ah, I loved that feeling…"

As she upped her eyes in ecstasy with her long fingers touching her cheeks, the man could only stare up at her, helplessly. 

Her shoulders relaxed, indicating that she had enough fun. 

Her fingers slipped themselves below his chin, holding it up. She stared at his grey eyes with her own glowing crimson eyes. 

"Ah… It was truly fun."

Her face closed down on the man's face, with her mouth open, the razor sharp canines glinting at the edges of her mouth.

The man could only stare in despair as her mouth opened at an unnaturally large angle and bit down his face. 

Guys, please forgive me for uploading this too late. I was having problem writing, I mean, I didn't had the correct motivation and mindset to write. But, now I have recovered from that state and will continue to upload.

I cannot guarantee that the chapter updates will be regular.

But I will update, later or sooner.

Thank you for reading... And for bearing with my clumsiness.

If you wish to support me and have me update the chapters regularly, feel free to visit my p*atreon account.

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