
-Reborn into the Fairy Tail world-dropped-

An otaku gets reincarnated into Fairy Tail world with God-Slayer magic

Chlain · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

The mountains

Both Mazaru and Ryu were facing each other, both waiting that the other moves first. Ryu then rushed forward to attack but was met with a wall of lava. He then stepped back and channeled his magic in his hand to shoot it against the wall. The wall and the shot lightning cancelled each other. Ryu then shouted:"Where are you?" The next moment he felt a high heat around himself. Masaru then said: "Feel my new trump card!" And the next moment Ryu found himself in a sphere of Lava which shrinks and probably would burn him. Ryu then covered his entire body with his God Slayer lightning and fires it in all directions. The lava and lightning canceled each other but Ryu could nearly stand on his feet due to the exhaustion. He then looked around and saw that Masaru was also extremely exhausted. They then both said simultaneously:"This time it's a draw but next time i will beat you!"

After that they both fell on the ground and laughed. While resting on the ground he thought that he needs to get stronger and that just this one attack exhausted him this much. He also thought that he also needs more money to get stronger. If he has enough money he can buy himself other world abilities but he has not even 1% of the money needed to buy such things.

After some time he stood up. It was already almost dark and Masaru was still resting on the ground. Ryu then stepped few steps back, started to run and jumped on Masaru to wake him up. He then said:"Wake up sleepyhead, or you won't be able to sleep at night." Masaru was coughing hard but fast regained his breath and faced Ryu. He than said:"Woow your new black lightning magic is awesome, my Lava sphere, which almost uses all my magic was just destroyed by this." Ryu then said:"It's called the Lightning God Slayer Magic and it can even kill gods but I'm still too weak for that." The rest of the day they trained their magic and invented new techniques.

The next morning when they woke up they first went hunting to get some food, then they trained their magic and also fought against each other but not all out. At evening they took everything they had and went back to the village. On the way back Ryu said:"When you're also ten we will leave the village to begin our journey."

Masaru:"Well it's the tradition of the village after all."

Ryu:"So to which guild should we go?"

Masaru:"I've heard of a guild that is strong but still worships friendship."

Ryu:"So you suggest we should go to Fairy Tail."

Masaru:"Yeah why not."

Ryu:"Ok then it's settled, in 3 months we will leave the village and go to Magnolia to become Mages of Fairy Tail!"

When Ryu arrived home he told his parents that he won't be leaving now cause he got ten last week but will be leaving with Masaru. His mother was happy that she will have 3 more months with him but his father was at first a little bit disappointed but the remembered that he also once left the village when he was ten and that it would be nice to have a friend to travel with.

So the next chapter will be the beginning of their adventure

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