
Reborn into Star Wars without a system

Star Wars fan reincarnated as a youngling in the jedi order just before the battle of naboo

Wingzer0 · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 9 Arrogance

Gavin stood in a LAAT as it landed to save the Jedi survivors. He saw Jedi, many of whom he had known for years, strewn about on the sand. (So many dead) he thought to himself. He had advised Master Yoda as best he could concerning strategy for this battle. Master Yoda, for all his wisdom, was no general. his first strategy was to line up similar to armies in the colonial period of Gavins' previous life. A waste of men. Gavin convinced Master Yoda to take the input of the clone commanders into consideration.

As a result, multiple battlefront had been opened with clone commandos being inserted behind enemy lines. To disrupt supply lines and assassinate the enemy chain of command. Fighters and bombers filled the sky, attacking the enemy ships as they tried to launch. Artillery rained down on vehicles and infantry. The clone infantry split between defending friendly Artillery and Armor and clearing out the tunnels the Geonoshans were using to hide.

Gavin was accompanying Master Yoda as they rapidly approached the hangar Bay housing Count Dooku. Much like in the movies, they had arrived too late to stop the duel between Kenobi, Skywalker, and Dooku.

As Gavin stood before Dooku alongside Master Yoda, we began to throw objects at each other. Back and forth heavy objects, force lightning the old bastard even tried to chocke Gavin. He then decided to settle the duel with lightsabers. Dooku was everybody as skilled as the media made him out to be. Gavin was quickly put on the defensive, struggling to even find an opportunity to counter. Yoda signaled him to fall back and protect the two injured Jedi. Gavin disengaged, moving to a blocking position to prevent any cheap shots against Obi Wan or Anakin.

Gavin marveled at the swordsmanship demonstrated by the two. As good as he thought he was, he had to admit it would be a while before getting to their level. Dooku was fast, precise, and vicious. Any opening was exploited while maintaining an almost perfect defense. The Makashii master is fighting elegantly in a manner similar to a fencer in Gavin's previous life.

Yoda, on the other hand, was like a small storm. Jumping spinning, mixing forcepowers flawlessly into his style. He was clearly the better fighter, if not the better swordsman. As they were fighting, Yoda was gaining the advantage. Similar to the movie, Dooku attempted to drop a heavy tower on them. Gavin held up his and steadied the tower and held it up with the force. As he was struggling, Dooku hit him with a burst of force lightning, breaking his concentration.

Yoda was forced to save the three of them, and Dooku escaped. After that, events proceeded similar to the movies. War was declared on the CIS, and the Senate elected to make the Jedi into Generals. Anakin took Padme back to Naboo and married her in secret.

After a week, Gavin was called to the counsel chamber. Mace Windu was grim, and Yoda looked like he had aged considerably. "All active Jedi knights are being given their own command for the war." Mace began, "your assignment is."

"Hold up," Gavin interrupted, "You want the Jedi to become military commanders?" He knew this is how Canon went, but he also wanted to try to appeal to them again.

"Is that a problem?" Mace asked, "The Sith control this new government, and we can not risk them being in that kind of position of power. It is the duty of the Jedi to stop the Sith and protect the Republic."

"There you were, at Geonosis." Yoda pointed out, "See you did this war begin. Duty bound, we are to participate."

"With all do respect masters," Gavin spoke gravely, "None of the Jedi have any experience as Military commanders. The battlefield is not a classroom. Make a mistake, and people die."

"This is not up for discussion. The Republic needs us to be generals, so we will be generals." Mace spoke harshly.

"At what cost Master Windu?" Gavin countered. "Can we justify going to war with the CIS to apprehend 1 sith?"

"It is not just one Sith. They are trying to break away from the Republic." Windu awnsered his voice rising.

"Of which it is their right." Gavin said, maintaining a calm. "How can we serve the light if we refuse to acknowledge people have the right to self governance? Do not get the issues mixed. Dooku may need to be brought to justice, but that does not justify us putting the Jedi into position as conquerors."

"Disagree with the council's decision, you do but your assignment you must take." Yoda spoke after listening to the two. He felt the trap that had closed and did not see a way out other than to stick together. "Conquerers will not we be. Liberators and protectors are the Jedi."

"Will you accept your position or not." Mace spoke again, tired of Gavin questioning this.

"No." Gavin spoke with a finality.

"Then you are confined to the temple the counsel will tell you of an alternative assignment when we decide it." Mace said in a dismissive way.

"I refuse." Gavin stated, causing Windu to scowl.

"Excuse me? I must have misheard you." He stated.

"I refuse. Jedi are not generals they are not military. you do this, and you will further weaken the order. We should be the first to sue for peace. To bring the Republic and CIS to the negotiating table. Instead of being neutral, we throw ourselves into war." Gavin spoke with a maturity that belied his age.

"Understand this, we do," Spoke Yoda trying to convince his apprentice not wanting to lose another they way he lost Dooku." But fight we must, to insure the Sith do not threaten the innocent."

"You will accept your commission, be confined to the temple, or you will be expelled." Mace spoke with a finality. The other council members looked uncomfortably at the exchange that was occurring in front of them.

"Then consider me expelled." Gavin responded.

"Surrender your lightsaber then." Mace said finally. To everyone's shock, Gavin used the force to disassemble the saber, allowing all but the kyber crystal to fall on the floor. he then turned to walk out.

"The crystal too." Mace ordered.

"No, the rules say you can't take your lightsaber when you leave. Nothing says I can't take the kyber crystal." Gavin said before walking out.

Mace rose to stop him, intending to have the temple gaurd confiscate the crystal. "Enough, right he is about the rules. Made his decision he has let him go we shall." Yoda said before leaving to have one more conversation with his apprentice before he left the order.