
Chapter 25 Plans For the Future

Gavin left the meeting satisfied, followed by Lorana Jinzler who was already wanting to join his organization. She said that Gavin acted like no jedi she had ever known and impressed her by willingly giving up the position of power and letting others take the reigns.

"I can't sit behind a desk." Gavin explained. "Too much is happening, the war is getting worse, public opinion about the Jedi is at an all time low and the Sith are growing in strength. If we do not do something I fear the consequences will be dire."

"Is it really that bad? We heard rumors but brushed them off." She asked.

"Worse than what he said." Zani replied walking up behind them in the hallway.

The three continued to discuss the issues for over an hour before Gavin excused himself retiring to the captians quarters and sealing the room.

Activating the Noetikons Master Sunrider, and Master Tokare appeared.

"Have you accomplished your task?" Sunrider asked.

"Yes, may I please consult the holocron of secrets?" Gavin asked.

"Indeed, you have proven that you do not mean harm we will unlock its secrets." Tokare answered.

The two then turned to the third noetikon unlocking it. Bastila Shan appeared from the third noetikon.

"Why have you sought me out?" She asked.

"The Jedi order stands on the edge of destruction." Gavin began. "They have become political and are being manipulated by the sith."

"But the Sentinals should sense this." Shan responded.

"They are relegated to temple guards." Gavin answered. "Any thought that disagrees with the council is frowned upon and banished."

"What is it you seek?" Shan asked frowning.

"Your council on a vision the force showed me." Gavin answered.

"First I stood above a world. It had equal parts light and dark. Moving in balance. Then the light began to spread engulfing the world and driving away all of the shadow. But this light began to burn away the life on the planets till nothing was left. After that darkness crept back engulfing the world." Gavin said easily using an analogy to explain how the Jedi after the fall of their old enemies became dogmatic and rigid. Forgetting that the essence of light is change.

"A strange vision young one what do you think it means?" Shan asked looking to see if Gavin had any insights before giving her counsel.

"I beleive it to be an analogy for the Galaxy." Gavin answered. "The offshoots have strayed too far from the original path the jedaii they have forgotten balance and in their zelousness to conquer the darkness they give it a chance to return."

"What are your plans moving forward?" Shan asked.

"The Seperatists have other ships like the Malevolence. I will secure them and add to my organization. I will then seek out the Jedaii or what remains of them and seek the original path." Gavin stated easily.

"I will continue to grow my forces in the shadows, if we are needed we will be ready."

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