
Reborn Inside a Game

Willem was game-addicted. He played the most popular VRMMORPG Quest every day and was quite good at it. One day his life took a drastic shift, and the reason for it, unknown. He fell asleep in his bed, and out of a sudden, he was transported inside his favorite game, Quest. The only problem was that he wasn't a player, but an NPC. The other problem was that all the players would eventually come... Well, at least he had a Legendary SSS class...

zzANzz · Games
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP! Goblins are attacking!" shouted a middle-aged man.

"Huh? Where am I?" this was the first thought that came to Willem's mind. One moment he was lying quietly on his comfortable bed, and the next, he was on a straw bed suffering a goblin invasion, could there be anyone more unlucky than him?

Willem ran out of the log cabin to find out what was going on and where the hell he was. And the first thing he saw was.

A small village, just like all the others. Wooden houses that looked like they would fall apart at any moment. Potato and wheat plantations that for sure were for their consumption. But this village had a differential, a wooden wall surrounding it, and goblins standing outside with bloodthirsty looks.

"Goblins? But I don't remember logging into Quest Online."

[Goblin (Level 1)]

"I can even see the levels. Is this a very realistic dream? I think I am playing too much these last few days. That's the only explanation."

Willem realized that he was not in his usual game character, no. This time he had a teenage body, 15 or 16 years. So he decided to open up his stats screen.

[Willem( Level 1)] [Class: Beast Tamer(Unique)]

Stats: Strength: 2

Dexterity: 4

Endurance: 2

Wisdom: 1

Luck: 5

"Yeah, that's not my character," Willem was not a Beast Tamer, and how could an addicted player be level 1...

But the most important thing he had in his hands at that moment was. How to deal with the goblin invasion?

Ding World Event

Ding Goblin Invasion

These were the announcements that ringed. Willem knew that surviving this event would grant him Experience Points, and he was slowly starting to ask himself— "Am I inside Quest Online?"

Putting all his thoughts aside, Willem decided to look for a weapon. The goblins outside sure looked pissed.

"Willem boy, come here," shouted the same middle-aged man from earlier. Willem didn't wait long and in a matter of seconds arrived near the man.

"Grab this shortsword. I know it ain't much, but it'll protect your ass," the man said, giving Willem a small rusty sword— I'll be honest, it didn't look like it could cut bread, but it was all Willem had at that moment.

Ding Rusty Iron Shortsword acquired

Willem quickly equipped his new sword as the goblins were almost cracking through the village walls.

[Rusty Iron Shortsword - DMG: 2-2 ]

"This sword is so bad that you don't need stats to use it, my goodness." It was not the time to complain, so Willem went with all the others, assembling a formation, waiting for the goblins.

The goblins were green as grass and had pointed ears. They looked dumb, but that was not the case ass they were holding torches and preparing a sneaky night invasion.

Willem was standing next to them, waiting. He didn't know for sure what he would do with no skills, which made his body tremble, and a cold feeling ran down through his spine.

Ding New skill unlocked

Ding Elementary Gobling Language acquired

New notifications came out of nowhere, surprising Willem.

[As a beast tamer, you're able to understand most beasts' languages. The success rate depends on your luck stat and, of course, the level difference between you and the monster. Bear in mind that you'll need time to become completely fluent in said language.]

Willem got a pleasant surprise after reading it. But the skill didn't seem ideal to smash goblins' heads.

"Kuk Kuk. Humans. Weak," one of the goblins said. The phrase was more complex than this, but Willem couldn't understand it completely.

The number of goblins far surpassed the number of humans. Willem noticed that a few of the villagers were level 5, making that cold sensation leave his body. He thought that there was no way they would lose against level 1 monsters.

"This has to be a joke, right?" Willem's luck didn't last long, as a goblin chief appeared right after, and all hope got lost.

[Goblin Chieftain ( Level 10)]

"How am I supposed to win against that...?"

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