
Reborn in Vinland: Levi's Second Saga

{Membership Exclusive Novel} {Update Frequency: 1 chapter every 2-3 days} ~70+ Chapters available on my Buy Me a Coffee~ [Notice: Vinland Saga and all its characters don't belong to me. Except my original characters.] •To become a member, simply follow the link below: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KoniK Or search for KoniK on Buy Me A Coffee. --------------------- Reborn as Levi into the brutal world of Vinland Saga, Jackson must now learn to survive in a place where death is always near. Will he be able to become the strongest in this new realm filled with warriors he only read about in his previous life, or will he succumb to the world's dangers and die trying? Follow Levi's journey as he faces the dangers of this unforgiving world and fights for his life at every turn.

KonicZ · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Chapter 3: Bonds Beyond Blood

Levi's journey through this enigmatic world continued, marked by the passage of time and the curious evolution of his appearance. With each year, his features seemed to echo those of his past life, like faint echoes from a forgotten melody. Life, however, wasn't without its peculiar twists.

The midwoman, Rivera, had become his refuge, providing the warmth and care his mother had denied him. For four years, Levi found solace in her nurturing embrace. She nourished him, both body and soul, fostering a connection that went beyond blood. But fate had its own designs.

In his fourth year in this realm, Rivera's once lively spirit waned, consumed by an unyielding malady. Unable to rise from her bed, she faced a battle she could not conquer. Levi's heart swelled with sympathy as he watched her weakened form, feeling a weight beyond his years.

Night after night, Rivera would beckon him to her side, weaving tales that painted vivid landscapes in the canvas of his imagination. She shared legends and myths, but it was the tales of Vikings that ignited a spark in Levi's thoughts. A whisper in the wind suggested a link between these stories and his own existence.

Yet, like a flickering flame, doubt snuffed out his speculation. Could this world really be the one he had read about? Were these tales merely coincidences? His musings were a whirlwind of excitement and apprehension, a dance between uncertainty and possibility.

Rivera's tales of Valhalla, the haven for fallen warriors, resonated with him. She spoke of a realm where brave souls dwelled eternally, a destiny earned through honor and valor. This revelation threw open a portal in Levi's mind, a door to the notion that he might be living within the very tapestry of the manga he had once cherished.

Doubts tugged at his heartstrings. Could this truly be the realm of Vinland Saga, where danger lurked around every corner? The thought thrilled and terrified him simultaneously. He longed for proof, a definitive sign that would quell his inner turmoil. Alas, the line between fiction and reality remained frustratingly blurred.

As time flowed like a river's current, months slipped away, carrying with them the weight of uncertainty. Levi found himself adjusting to life's rhythms, relishing the simple pleasures. Food, sustenance shared by villagers, flowed as a testament to Rivera's revered standing. The village held her in high regard, and because Rivera treated Levi as if he were her very own flesh and blood, their meals became a shared ritual. He partook in the sustenance that she consumed, savoring each morsel as a testament to their unbreakable bond. It wasn't just about nourishment; it was a silent communion, a way for Rivera to impart her strength to him.

He recalled one particular instance when Rivera pushed aside her own plate, her eyes tender yet firm. "Eat up, Levi," she would say, a gentle smile gracing her lips. "I'll make sure you have your fill. You see, a growing young boy like you needs all the energy he can get. You're destined for greatness, I can feel it in my bones."

And greatness, he believed, was the promise that echoed in Rivera's every gesture. She'd lower her portion, letting him feast, ensuring that he consumed the lion's share of their humble meal. Her selflessness knew no bounds, and her sacrifices manifested in her steadfast love for him.

As Levi chewed, tasting the flavors that connected him to her, he couldn't help but admire her resilience. She'd eat less, wear a smile like armor, and whisper encouragement into the night's embrace. It wasn't just the sustenance that fortified him; it was her unwavering dedication and unspoken wish for his well-being.

In those moments, as the candlelight danced and their shadows melded, Levi glimpsed the true essence of motherhood. It wasn't just about sharing food or stories—it was the profound act of selflessness, of nurturing another life without a second thought. And with each bite he took, he felt her love filling every fiber of his being.

Levi's heart swelled with gratitude for Rivera's motherly love, a love he had never known before. She filled the void that his biological mother had left behind, her warmth a soothing balm to his wounded soul. The day Rivera took her final breath marked a turning point for Levi, a moment that etched itself into his memory forever. Her departing smile was a testament to their unbreakable bond.

But as the sun sets, new dawns emerge. Rivera's passing unveiled a dark facet of the villagers, exposing their true intentions. Their kindness crumbled like brittle leaves, revealing a stark contrast to the unity they had once shown. Their faces twisted with reluctance as they shirked responsibility, a chorus of denial echoing through the air.

Their actions disgusted him, a sour taste of disappointment settling in his gut. The villagers' willingness to turn their backs on him, their faces that once held compassion now etched with indifference, stirred a mix of frustration and anger within him. He wanted to break free from these bonds and find his own way.

But he wasn't blind to the gap between reality and the young heroes in manga and anime he had cherished in his previous life. The idea of wandering into the unfamiliar world, all on his own, seemed like a dangerous gamble. Levi was only four, his knowledge of this new realm barely more than a blank slate.

He struggled with his own age against the demands of society. Physically, he might be stronger than most four-year-olds, even stronger than some seven-year-olds. Yet, he knew his strength wasn't enough to overcome his lack of understanding about this place. The knowledge he had once held was gone, replaced with uncertainty.

Reluctantly, he realized he needed the villagers' help, at least for now. He knew he had to put aside his pride and accept his vulnerability. He clung to the hope that maybe, over time, their indifference would fade, revealing a more compassionate side. So, he stayed, recognizing his own limitations.

In a turn of events that caught him off guard, the villagers banded together after their collective neglect. Unexpectedly, they united and shifted the weighty burden onto his biological mother's shoulders. Their words carried a clear message – it was her duty to care for him now, especially in the wake of Rivera's passing. They left her with no escape from the responsibility she had tried to evade for so long.

Under the weight of the villagers' collective expectations, the woman who had given him life became an unwilling participant in his fate. The same mother who had once spurned him, now found herself obligated to be his caregiver. It was a role she hadn't anticipated nor desired, forced upon her by the very people who had initially abandoned him.

Levi observed it all from a distance, a silent spectator to this dramatic twist. He watched as his mother, a woman he could barely recognize as such, succumbed to the overwhelming pressure exerted by the villagers. With a heavy heart and an internal struggle he could only imagine, she agreed – or rather, submitted – to the newfound responsibility.

Little did Levi realize that this unfolding situation held a cruel irony – a twist of fate that would soon reveal itself as the most unfortunate turn of events.