
New System Feature

Shanks woke up, the first thing he did was check the system's new notification. A new function had been unlocked, and he felt excited as he read about its potential benefits. According to it, he could now transfer his consciousness into his system space, where he could fight any opponents from the One Piece world. The environment could be simulated in the smallest detail by the system, which could be a huge advantage to gain fight experience. However, the drawback was that he had to infuse every character with chakra so he could unlock them to fight. Those characters could also act as mentors to Shanks. As he was about to read more, sudden shouts drew his attention away from the system screen.

"Shanks, breakfast is ready! Come fast, your father and I are waiting for you," his mother shouted from downstairs, bringing Shanks back from his excitement-induced trance. Glancing at the clock, he realized he had wasted too much time looking at the system screen. Regretfully, he closed the system screen to look at it another time and darted to the bathroom to get ready for another day. As he descended the stairs, he could see his father and mother sitting at the dining table, waiting for him.

"Why were you so long today? Usually, you would be ready by now, jumping around to start your training," his mother remarked. Shanks could only smile dryly and come up with some random excuse. Seeing this, his father became suspicious, but he chalked it up to teenage things. Interrupting his wife, Itama stated, "Today, we will start your chakra training, so finish your breakfast, and we will go to the backyard for training."

Suddenly, Shanks remembered the promise his parents made yesterday about training him. He nodded vigorously and started having breakfast. Afterward, the whole family went to the backyard to begin training. As they reached the backyard, Shanks could see various ninja tools neatly arranged and training dummies for practice installed there. This showed how serious his parents were about his training. During breakfast conversation, he learned that his mother would handle theoretical subjects like chakra theory, ninja strategy, and history. She jokingly stated, "Your idiot father can't even properly explain the grass." This remark earned her mock hurt expressions from his father, which got a good laugh from the family.

After the laughter subsided, his mother began explaining about chakra. "Chakra is created when two more primal energies, known collectively as one's 'stamina,' are molded together," she said. She elaborated on physical and spiritual energy, their sources, and how they contributed to chakra. Shanks listened carefully, not wanting to anger his mother.

After a long lecture about chakra, his father took over. "The first exercise we will start with is the 'leaf-sticking chakra exercise,' which was developed by Tobirama, who was an expert in developing new techniques," he explained. He then gave tips on how to perform it. By the end of the session, Shanks was barely able to stick it for a few minutes due to being an Uzumaki with larger chakra and difficult control. However, he made some progress, and the pride in his parents' eyes was enough to keep him motivated.

After the training, the family had dinner together, and Shanks went to sleep early to test the new feature of the system. As he went to bed, he commanded the system with just a thought, and he entered the system space. It looked like a bizarre combination of futuristic and ancient elements. He saw machines with various human-sized tubes that could rotate with different characters. He could fill chakra into a palm print to unlock a particular character. The good thing was that he only had to do it once, and the character would be unlocked permanently.

After much thought, he selected the lady pirate Alvida as a tribute to the first villain in One Piece. He chose the time when Luffy first met Alvida, and the fight environment was set to Alvida's ship.

As Shanks entered the simulated environment of Alvida's ship, he found himself surrounded by the salty sea breeze and the creaking of wood beneath his feet. Alvida, with her massive frame and iron mace, stood before him like a towering giantess, her laughter echoing across the deck.

With a determined expression, Shanks took a defensive stance, his muscles tensed and ready for action. Alvida wasted no time charging at him, swinging her mace with brute force. Shanks dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. As the mace crashed into the wooden deck, sending splinters flying, Shanks seized the opportunity to counter.

With lightning speed, he darted forward, delivering a swift series of punches and kicks to Alvida's midsection. His movements were fluid and precise, each strike aimed with pinpoint accuracy. Alvida grunted in pain as she stumbled backward, taken aback by Shanks' unexpected agility.

But she quickly recovered, swinging her mace in a wide arc. Shanks leaped back, narrowly avoiding the deadly weapon, but Alvida's strength was overwhelming. The sheer force of her attack sent shockwaves through the air, rattling Shanks to his core.

Gritting his teeth, Shanks focused his chakra, channeling it into his fists. With a roar, he unleashed a powerful burst of energy, sending a shockwave rippling through the air. Alvida staggered back, momentarily stunned by the force of the blast.

Seizing the opportunity, Shanks dashed forward, his movements a blur as he closed the distance between them. With a swift uppercut, he delivered a devastating blow to Alvida's chin, sending her crashing to the deck below.

The impact reverberated through the ship as Alvida lay sprawled on the ground, dazed and defeated. Shanks stood over her, breathing heavily but victorious. He had overcome his opponent through skill and determination, proving himself worthy of the challenges that lay ahead. With a sense of pride and accomplishment, Shanks exited the simulation, ready to face whatever obstacles awaited him in the real world.

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bhautik_trambadiacreators' thoughts