
Reborn in the World I was Stolen From

After I died on Earth I found myself in a masked carnival in the stars. There I learned that I wasn’t ever supposed to have been born on Earth, my destined soul had been stolen to solve that world’s problems. I had a destiny in another world that I now missed out on. During my second life, in what was supposed to be my original world, I learned the arts of physical auras and magic. Now as I come to accept the dreams of my life on Earth and my destiny I find myself on the run for a crime I didn’t commit. In the far north of the Kingdom, I’ll train to become this world’s greatest hero and correct the problems that I was destined to prevent in my first life. **** Book Cover art Instagram @k.o.gasm

Garthedes · Fantasy
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117 Chs

Travels After the Nest

With Ragna came Yngvarr, Margrave Jorfi, the Bishop of Thurdinheim and a few others. After filling them in and taking care of our wounded, they inspected the remains of the abominations. The Bishop and his clergy chanted some prayers and the mages among them drew some arcane glyphs. Whatever they discovered, they didn't openly share. They had a closed discussion with the Margrave and Ragna before we made our way out.

It was close to evening by the time we arrived back on the surface, so we had a quick meal and went to sleep. In the morning I divided what I had harvested among our group. Even though there was still work to do in the area, we had fulfilled our obligation and were released from service. The local adventurers would hunt down the myvarg that had escaped and whatever remained in the nest.

The Margrave would take over the nest once it was secure. Myvarg tended to build their nests in areas with high mineral content. Eventually it would be turned into a mine and a town would be founded in the area. In the East small cities have sprung up where the S ranked nest were.

We made our way back to Thurdinheim with some of the injured and spent the rest of the day in recovery. No one from the Church of the Holy Light tried to talk to me before we left, so I assumed that Ivarr hadn't mentioned anything about my strong spirit. The next day Yngvarr had us up early and on the road before most of the city was awake. He still seemed intent on conducting an evaluation.

We stopped late in a village to stay at an inn and without a wagon full of goods to look after, we didn't set a watch. This was the first night of four nights of Lasna being full and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to cultivate my Lydos aura. It didn't require a full moon to cultivate but results tripled when I did and with Antona past half full I couldn't miss the chance to increase my gains even further. When I was confident that everyone that was going to sleep was out, I rotated my shadow mote for my Cloaking spell and snuck out. I found an isolated spot just outside the village and began.

I spent the next few hours moving through the fluid forms that I had learned from watching my mother. My breaths were calm and steady until I noticed Vesta watching me. I faltered for a moment before getting it back under control. She was the first person to ever see me practicing this Lineage. By the time I was done she was nowhere to be found.

The next day she didn't talk to me and once again seemed to be avoiding me. Unlike last time there wasn't any hostility in her demeanor. Any time I tried to start up a conversation I'd find her in the company of Fulvia, Runa, or even once, Kalfr. It was frustrating. I had no idea what I did for her to distance herself this time. When we were travelling north I could understand, since all she knew about me were the rumors that she had heard. But it was different now.

The next night as I cultivated my Lydos Lineage I didn't catch sight of her. The following day was just as long as the previous two and I decided I wasn't going to try to engage her. When Kalfr noticed we were keeping our distance from each other, he gave me a triumphant smirk and rode with her for most of the day. If she wanted to subject herself to his company to avoid me then I wasn't going to argue.

So of course I could only call myself an idiot when I started to knock on her door at the inn we were staying at that night. Fulvia answered the door and gave me a weirdly sympathetic look.

"Should I give you two the room?" She said.

"No, we'll go for a walk." Vesta said.

We were silent as we traveled to the outskirts of the village. There were only a few stray clouds in the night sky that was illuminated by one full moon and one over half full. A breeze swept past us and I watched her long black hair flow in the wind. Then there was the popping sound of a Sound Barrier before she started talking.

"My uncle always told me I could be a withdrawn petulant child when I was trying to make a decision I didn't want to make." She said.

"And that decision has to do with me?" I asked.

"I didn't have any people that I would call friends growing up. The closest thing to one was my uncle but he was more of a mentor. Everyone around me were either servants or worked for the Azure Shadow. That's probably why I don't really know how to act around you." She was delaying her point but I didn't want to interrupt her.

"You are the true heir to the Osgar Duchy." She gave me a chance to refute what she said before continuing. "Whether you want to or not, there's a good chance you'll become involved in the machinations of the upper nobility. I'm not sure I can survive getting myself involved in that world again. Coming north wasn't fully my idea. I would have preferred to stay in the capital." Once again she lapsed into silence.

"Even as a friend I might get pulled back into a world that doesn't want my involvement. I might even make your situation more complicated. Hell if certain people found out who you are and that we know each other, we'd be marked for death." She said.

"That sounds like an excuse to avoid trouble that isn't even your fault. I told you I was going to wait four years. That's so I can become strong enough that those who wish me harm will have a hell of a time trying. When the time comes I plan to make my move and I plan to have strong allies by my side. I'd like you to be one of those allies." I said.

"Your enemies might not know you're in the north, but mine do. The Azure Shadow has eyes everywhere. If they think I might cause them trouble, they won't hesitate to kill me. As long as I don't cause problems, I get to live." She said.

"The Azure Shadow only answers to the crown." If they were actively watching her as a threat, then they must consider her a threat to the royal family.

Her silence was the only confirmation I needed. I thought I was playing a dangerous game by trying to build my strength as an adventure while hiding from my father. What threat did she pose to the crown that was leaving her this scared? She was also right. If the crown's spies were watching her, the closer we were the greater the chances that I'd be found out.

"Even if we aren't close, we can still be friends and if you ever need my aid, just let me know." I saw her eyes shine as she held back tears. There was nothing else I could say without knowing what her full situation was, and it didn't seem like she was going to tell me.

"Do you mind if I watch you train?" She asked.

"Not at all." For the next few hours she watched as I moved through the dance like forms of the Lydos aura.

The next day, to the chagrin of Kalfr, the two of us interacted more normally. But I could feel that there was a distance that I wouldn't be able to cross any time soon. If I wanted her in my life I'd either need to be able to stand against the crown or be a hero they couldn't deny. I wasn't even close at the moment.

After another night of training with Vesta watching, we set out on the last day of traveling back to Torinheim. By this point my shield should almost be done and hopefully there was word on how Lariss was doing. With the money I'd get from the Flask and Anvil and from this quest, I should be able to buy the supplies I needed to improve my magic. My spar with Kalfr and watching Runa fight let me know how far I could go.

I regretted not saving more of the spider brains for psychic motes. The spells that Runa used to get enemies to attack her, were of her own making. She agreed to teach me in exchange for knowledge on the Osgar Lineage. I just needed two more psychic motes before it would become effective. I also needed to wait a few weeks between creating motes or I ran the risk of damaging them. With a higher quality catalyst I could create two at once but that took the resources of the upper nobility.

As we got closer to the city Yngvarr called me to the front to have another discussion.

"I have to say I wasn't expecting much and even if I was, you would've blown my expectations away." He started.

"Thank you." I said.

"No, I mean it. I've been amazed at how effortlessly you've caught the eye of the two young ladies." He gave me a sly grin. I knew Vesta and I had a good relationship that could be taken that way, but I didn't think my interactions with Fulvia could be. I glanced back to see her talking to Kalfr on the wagon. She turned and gave me a smile when our eyes met.

"You also got on the good side of Runa. She isn't cold towards people, just more neutral. The fact that she's willing to trade you her trademark spell is impressive. I also liked how you stood up to Kalfr. That idiot needs to be taken down a notch. You also got on my good side, if you were a member of the Rainbow Blades I'd recommend you for C rank the moment we got back." He said.

"Coming from you I take that as a high compliment." I said.

"Any chance you want to join us?" He said.

"It's tempting but I'm going to have to pass. I like my freedom." I said.

"It's not as restrictive as you might think. Talent gives you freedom." He said.

"Thank you, but I'm still going to decline." If I didn't have my conversation with Vesta the other night, I might have rethought my plan. But I couldn't risk the people watching her figuring out who I was.

"Ah, I had to try. At least Fritha should feel better about having to ally with you knowing that you are a competent adventurer." He said.

"The last thing I want to warn you about is the Church of the Holy Light. Ragna's student told her about your spiritual potential. Word's going to spread and they're going to come at you hard to get you on their side. They think they should have the monopoly on Spiritual magic."

"As you know I'm good at turning people down."

He let out a hearty laugh at that.

After another hour we found ourselves back in Torinheim.

**End of Evaluation Arc**

A lot of characters introduced in that arc. Most will make minor appearances in a future arc, all will have minor roles throughout the book. Next one won’t have as many but it will have a potential new harem member.

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