
Reborn in the World I was Stolen From

After I died on Earth I found myself in a masked carnival in the stars. There I learned that I wasn’t ever supposed to have been born on Earth, my destined soul had been stolen to solve that world’s problems. I had a destiny in another world that I now missed out on. During my second life, in what was supposed to be my original world, I learned the arts of physical auras and magic. Now as I come to accept the dreams of my life on Earth and my destiny I find myself on the run for a crime I didn’t commit. In the far north of the Kingdom, I’ll train to become this world’s greatest hero and correct the problems that I was destined to prevent in my first life. **** Book Cover art Instagram @k.o.gasm

Garthedes · Fantasy
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117 Chs

The Attack Begins

We stood in a small chamber that would have acted as a guard room when the keep was still in use. There were arrowslits on the side of the room and another heavy door leading to the interior in case this room was breached. With their limited manpower, the bandits couldn't protect every entry point and had relied on wards and heavy doors to keep people out. Thelora and Feadr inspected the other door and began to pick apart the wards there. After a few minutes Thelora gave him a smile.

"Whoever set these up wasn't very good at it." Thelora said.

"That's lucky for us. Let's see what it looks like out there." I said.

With the door opened a little I looked out onto a small courtyard that contained a few crates and a broken cart. The main keep was about 100 feet away and I didn't see anyone in the immediate vicinity. The outer walls could easily look over the courtyard but it was unlikely that the watchmen would be looking inward for a threat.

"Thelora and Lariss if you could scout the immediate vicinity." I said.

They nodded, activated their Cloaking spells and slipped out of the room. This was part of the reason I wanted an hour between pulling the monsters in front of the keep and the main distraction. While we had information on the rough layout of the keep, we didn't know where anything or anyone was. Less than 30 minutes later the two of them returned.

"Most of those not on guard are all in the same bunk room. If we had some of your alchemical weapons we could have killed most of them in one go." Thelora said. If I had more than one of each I would have loved to have used them, but I wanted the 'testing' of the keeps defenses to be convincing. Plus using them in the keep could draw attention to us.

"Did you find where they are keeping Skadi?" I asked.

"We weren't able to see her but there are heavy defenses around a room on the upper floor. At least one mage and and there were two others that looked to be veterans." Lariss said.

"I recognized one of them. She's at the Expert stage of basic aura. The other should be close to that." Thelora added

"You don't think it might be Bornhilda's room?" I asked.

"No, we passed by a room and I heard her consulting some of her subordinates. They were going over rumors that Wassa and the remnants of Skadi's people were planning attacks against her interests." Thelora said. Well at least the false information Floriana spread had reached Bornhilda.

"After the attacks outside the walls begin we'll wait ten minutes before heading towards that room. Cedric and Feadr, you'll watch out backs. When we get there I'll lock down the Expert, Thelora and Lariss take out the mage, Cedirc handles the other guy and Feadr supports where needed. Any questions?" I said.

When no one said anything we settled into waiting.




Shortly after leaving the view of the keep Vesta urged Zephyr to go faster. The unicorn was soon able to outpace the wolves. The illusion around them changed back to their normal appearances once they were far enough away. Vesta used her magic to send their scent along a few different paths. After taking the long way back the two arrived as Hrothgar was getting his people ready.

"We'll be counting on you to make a flashy display ma'am." Hrothgar said. He was very polite for a bandit.

When the time came Vesta went to the edge of the woods and cast a spell that laid a thick mist in front of her. Under the mists' cover the bandits on her side began to make their way towards the keep. As she kept an eye on those on the walls, Vesta prepared some long range spells. When the movement on the walls indicated that they spotted something, she let loose a flurry of spells.

A massive fireball arched towards the gates of the keep and when it got closer it burst into dozens of smaller fireballs. Due to the range they weren't very powerful but they sure were flashy. She followed that up with a blast of cold wind that contained thousands of ice crystals. By the time the spell hit the walls the ice crystals would only be an annoyance rather than a threat. The last spell she used was her most effective long range spell. As she thrust her staff forward a bolt of lightning shot towards the keep.

The first spell sent the defenders into a panic. While the second spell, not being dangerous, may have made them think less of any threat. With the lightning bolt she hoped to establish a fear that anything could be coming at them next.

Panting heavily Vesta concentrated on controlling the current of air above her temporary allies. Before Hrothgar reached the gates he lobbed the green covered ceramic jar towards the top of the wall. It hit the upper edge and a green mist spread out towards the top of the wall but most of it streamed downward.

As they reached the keep walls most of the mist had been dispersed. With a battering ram they began to bash into the gates. Those on top of the walls started shooting arrows and throwing rocks in order to drive the attackers back. Vesta's spell supplied a minimal cover for them and after a few strikes of the battering ram, Hrothgar started to pull them back. He threw the red covered ceramic jar towards the gates. Fire burst around the area and the splintered wood started to catch fire. After the attackers retreated far enough the defenders started to put out the fire.

When they arrived back at the edge of the trees Hrothgar ordered them to pull out their bows. Vesta lit the tips of their arrows with fire and they loosed a volley that was accompanied by multiple Firebolts. They sent two more volleys of arrows and Firebolts before retreating further into the tree line. Every few minutes Vesta would send another massive fireball that would split before impact to keep the defenders wary.




"They seem to be testing us." The watch captain said.

"Did you see how many of them there were?" Bornhilda asked.

"Over a dozen made their way to the gate. At least two didn't make it back. Based on the power of the spells that were sent one after another, I'd say they have two or three mages with them. I can't tell how many are hiding in the tree line." The captain reported.

"Or it's just one mage that is above average." One of Bornhilda's advisors said.

Their leader looked out over the mist near the tree line that was blocking their view. "It seems we're a little late in learning that Wassa was going to march on us. She just couldn't pass up the opportunity to take us both out at once. Make sure they don't try to come at us from another direction."

Bornhilda began to walk towards the stairs leading down from the wall. "Also make sure no one has snuck in during the confusion."

"Will do." The watch captain said.




As soon as we heard the first spell go off we waited ten minutes before we made our way through the courtyard under our Cloaking spells. Inside the keep we came to a small entry hall with a back staircase. Thelora led us up the stairs with me right behind her. Lariss and Feadr came next with Cedric covering our rear.

When we arrived at the first landing we ran right into a bandit making their way towards the stairs. Wrapped in shadows, Thelora rushed toward them and they were silenced before they could call out a warning.

Up a few more flights of stairs we came to the top floor. Peeking around a corner I saw the three guards that Thelora told us about. After I gave the order, Lariss and Feadr stepped out and sent out their attacks. Thelora and I closely followed the fire spells with Cedric a step behind.

The woman I slashed at responded after countering me. After our first exchange I confirmed her status as an Expert in the basic aura. I had to go on the defensive as I couldn't outmatch her speed or strength.

To my side Thelora's weapons bounced off an arcane shield the mage had been able to get up. It didn't last long as an arrow covered in frost pierced his thigh and began to freeze his leg. The mage tried to cast a spell of his own but was disrupted by Thelora. The other guard was put on the defensive from Feadr's Firebolts and wasn't able to defend against Cedric.

With the other two down it didn't take much for us to subdue my opponent.

Thelora made short work of the lock and ward on the door. When we entered the room Skadi was laying on the bed in a tattered dress and was covered in cuts and bruises. She tried to rise but didn't have much strength. Cedric used what Healing spells he had before we gave her a potion to help restore her strength.

"You're all really stupid." Skadi said.

"I'll take that as a thank you." Thelora said.

"We need to get out of here. Our distraction isn't going to last much longer and it's unlikely that they didn't hear the commotion we just caused." I said.

My prediction was made true after we went down a flight of stairs and encountered two bandits making their way up. Thelora and I dispatched them and we continued down, meeting further resistance as we went. Behind me I could hear Cedric dealing with those that were trying to take us from behind. Lariss was helping him as Feadr aided Skadi.

As we made it to the entry hall before the courtyard I stopped. The warning chill had been active since we took out the guards outside Skadi's room. When we arrived at the door leading to the courtyard the chill intensified.

"I don't think we're going to have as easy of a time getting out as we did getting in." I said.

The door leading to the interior of the keep opened and about five bandits made their way into the entry hall with us. They pushed us out into the courtyard where we encountered Bornhilda and another ten bandits. She was taller and broader than most women with muscles as big as mine. Her blonde hair was in a thick braid down her back and she was wearing heavy armor with a broadsword on her hip.

"Looks like it's the end for you Skadi. If only you had just been a little more cooperative, we might have worked something out." Bornhilda said.

"Screw your Soul Shackle. I'd rather die than become your slave." Skadi responded.

"Well it looks like you're going to get your wish." Bornhilda replied.




With her spell enhanced vision Vesta could just make out shadows leaving the walls. It looked like they were diverting their people back into the keep. 'That idiot has been found out.' she thought to herself.

"Hrothgar, prepare to breach the gates." Vesta said.

"But we were told just to harass them." He replied.

"Plans have changed." The tip Vesta's staff began to emit a directional bright light towards the walls as she started to ride out.

Zephyr neighed.

"I know we don't have to but I can't just let the idiot die and I really want to tell him I told you so." She said.

As they reached the gates the defenders had a hard time seeing the attackers through the light. A few rocks and arrows rained down but they were less than before and the Wind Shield Vesta cast helped keep them from getting hit too many times. At the gate Zephyr reared back and bashed it with his front hooves. The charred wood started to splinter as the disguised unicorn hit the gate again and again.

When it finally burst open less than ten bandits stood on the other side of the gate. They were blinded by the light from the staff as the attackers charged into them.

'You better be alive so I can kill you for getting me involved.' Vesta thought as she made her way deeper into the keep.

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