
Reborn in the Universe of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss

Finn who was an intergalactic criminal was erased from existence, but instead of being erased he was reborn in a planet similar to earth. When Finn found out he was reborn, he was gonna wait until the planet he was reborn in discovers hyperspeed but was devastated when he found out he was in a different reality where he was in the Universe of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel. Now curious about how Hell's society works, he wanted to find out how Sinners live, being immortal like him. Finn's only goal going to Hell was living there to discover something new, he often acts dumb and lie just to mess with people but he will always fulfill anything if he is ordered to by someone he considers a leader with great intellect and ambition. But until Finn finds a leader to keep him entertained, he will keep himself entertained through by his own means... NOTE: This is a fanfiction hazbin hotel and helluva boss I do not own hazbin hotel and helluva boss and I do not own any characters except for the characters I make. Every chapter is has 1000-1500 words I might do 2000 words every chapter in the future. 1 chapter per week because of... you know why. I release extra chapter everytime there's a new Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel episode. Starting chapters suck but please stick around and be patient! I do not own the book cover. Twitter: @ImStillMeAlone You'll probly see me inactive most of the time but I'll keep post if there's a new chapter!

MeAlone · Fantasy
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39 Chs

1st Day at the job

Multiple imps wearing a servers outfit came inside the nightclub and came to the door behind Martin, checking in.

After some amount of time they came out and got into position in the nightclub, some were with Martin to help him.

After some time passed again, 3 demons entered the nightclub, one with red skin with a bunch of piercings on his face and one who had a grey fur, both had big bodies than Finn but was shorter, while the last one has a blue skin and not much of a big body.

"Woah, looks like boss finally found someone to replace fatass fast."

"I told you, boss was already finding someone to replace that fatass, at least he did what he always wanted to do." The furry said to his friend while shrugging.

"Those guys name is Raymond, Derek and then Spec, our music guy." Martin said.

As the 3 of them came closer the more they saw that Finn was taller than them.

"Boss is really good eh?"

"I wonder where boss picked him up from."

Spec was quiet just following behind Derek and Raymond.

"Hey boss! Why don't you introduce us to our new co-worker?"

Raymond and Derek both sat right next to Finn.

"This is Finn your new co-worker. I've already talked about you guys with Finn."

"Oh really? Hey Finn what'd our boss talk to you behind our back? hahaha! Tell us!"

"Did boss tell you about us beating up some faggot who were making some trouble?"

"Hah! Yeah! That was fucking hilarious when he started crying when we broke each of his bones in the alley way! Hahaha! Saying "I'll fucking kill you after I come back!" what a bunch of nonsense, it's already been like 2 days ago. Ahhh fuck, that was such a good memory."

"Yeah we did all the work while the fatass who you replaced just stayed in the club fucking hitting on the strippers."

"We don't even know his name haha!"


"Oi! Talk man, don't be a mute. Hey boss, the usual and give some to our new co-worker."

Martin followed what Raymond said and made some cocktails.

"Tell us about yourself Finn."

Finn tilted his head looking at Raymond, confused.

"About what?"

"... About yourself, man."

"... What do you want to talk about?"

Raymond was at a disbelief looking at Finn.

"Damn it."

'Another odd fuck.'

Raymond loss his energy talking to Finn and just drank his and Finn's cocktail then going to the room behind Martin to check in.

Spec followed along but Derek didn't leave.


"Oi Derek."

Derek was staring at Finn not moving at all.





Derek twitched in surprise, he almost fell off the chair.



"I don't know, your fucking apartment! Let's go!"


After some amount of time they came out and sat on the other end of the bar talking to each other.

"Hey guys should we mess with him?"

"... I don't know, I have a bad feeling about that guy."

"... What?"

"I said I have a bad feeling about that guy, he doesn't smell right."


"Ray I'm serious, I don't know why but..."

"But what?"

Derek looked behind Raymond to see Finn looking at him with wide white eyes and no expression whatsoever.

"... Nothing."

"You'll be the doorman today." Martin said to Finn.


"Charge all woman you see 10$, men pay 20$ and if the clubs looking full, everytime you let someone in give a 2-5 minutes wait before letting another person in, keep a long line okay? It's to make our club look exclusive. Also keep the male and female 3:5 ratio, don't let in some male hellborns if you need to but don't kick sinners out, I might be able to make more connections out of this city."


"These are the demons you shouldn't let in, except if they bribe you." Martin said spreading pictures of sinners and imps on the table.

Finn looked at the pictures for a second before asking.


"All the hush money's going to me though. They'll always get caught by Derek one way or another."

"That's the hellhound right?"

"Yes. And this is the guest list." Martin said giving Finn a board paper clip with a bunch of names.

"Should I always carry this?"

"Your choice. Read carefully, if you think someone gave you a name in the list that isn't them, let them in. It isn't worth mistaking someone who actually is on the guest list."

"I'm guessing most in this list are big time spenders?"


Music started to play filling the nightclub with sounds and the disco ball turned on, the nightclub had a calming atmosphere.

"We can still talk if you want to."

"I think I'll get to work right now. Do I need to check in?"

"Tomorrow you can."

Finn nodded and got infront of the door to see there was already a short line.

'... Time to get to working I guess.'

Finn started his first day of work in Hell being a bouncer letting demons in one by one and charging them.

5 hours came in of Finn letting demons in, he has let many demons in but the bar was still only half full.

Finn saw the dancers wearing revealing clothes giving demons lap dances and some going to the VIP room.

'This is going fine.'

"I'm friends with Derek and Raymond can you let me in for free?" A sinner said.

"... No, it's only 20 you can't afford it?"

"Come on man, I only come here to hang out with them. They let me in for free everyday."


"Did I mention that you look so handsome today?"


"C'mon, I'll buy you some drinks after you switch with them."

"Why don't you use that money to pay me?"

"... Look! It's Angel Dust!"

The sinner dashed pass the door but Finn was fast enough to grab the back of his neck.

"... What are you doing?"


Hey guys if you've been updated on Twitter about Vivziepop, Vivziepop said that only 2 episodes of Helluva Boss is coming out this year and she said the titles of all the episodes of season 2, and episode 10 is ghostf**kers(halloween) and 12 is sinsmas(Christmas).

As you know the start of Hazbin Hotel is after The Extermination which is every 365 days, that means they are not canonically in the same timeline which leaves me 2 choice on how I'm gonna write this.

A. Write Hazbin Hotel Characters before The Extermination and the Hazbin Hotel would not exist till sinsmas has release which means I'm definitely going to make a whole story in the Hellaverse which is going to take a year, and until sinsmas release Hazbin Hotel will not exist. But Charlie, Angel Dust, Vox, Valentino, Alastor, etc. will exist, just before The Extermination.

B. Fuck being canonically correct, Hazbin Hotel will exist in the same timeline as today.

By Hazbin Hotel I mean the building.

Should I make Male to Male first or Male to Female. Hmmm........

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