
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · History
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423 Chs

266. Lie Fan Protects Lu Bu's Body

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At this time Lie Fan admires Lu Bu's tenacity and, touched by the care he has for his family, shouts at Lu Bu that he accepts his request and that he can rest easy while knowing that he protects his family, Lu Bu who receives Lie Fan answer smiled toward the sky and finally closed his eyes, ending the chapter of a legendary warrior who's name could cause soldiers to flee in fear and horses to cower before his mighty steed.

Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei who were standing nearest to Lu Bu saw how Lu Bu had closed his eyes, Guan Yu approached Lu Bu's body, and when he touched his nose he didn't feel Lu Bu's breathing.

Knowing that the once legendary warrior even called a god of war by some has died, Guan Yu as a warrior admired Lu Bu's strength and cupped his hand toward Lu Bu to give his respect toward the deceased warrior.

Seeing what Guan Yu is doing, Xu Chu and Zhang Fei do the same as Guan Yu is doing right now, even though they despise Lu Bu's personality and killing his foster father with his own hands not just once but twice, they still respect the mighty warrior for the prowess he has.

Even though he was wounded and even poisoned, he could still fight against the three of them toe to toe which was not an easy feat and the three of them knew that, since they had fought against each other before.

The battlefield was silent without any sound heard, soldiers from Cao Cao and Liu Bei's armies alongside Lu Bu's army who were fighting each other stopped what they were doing, not believing what they had just seen.

Zhang Liao who was holding Lu Lingqi on his back let out a heart wrenching shout that echoed throughout the battlefield, his heart filled with pain and anger at what had just happened to Lu Bu.

He knew that if Lu Bu wasn't poisoned he could defeat the combined prowess of Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei but due to an underhanded attack on Lu Bu when he wanted to save Lu Lingqi he got poisoned.

Zhang Liao's shout woke up Lu Bu's soldier who was at the rear of the army, many mournful cries began to be heard as Lu Bu's death was just like the death of their own big brother who takes care of them.

At a fast speed, the news from the rear of Lu Bu's army soon spread among all of Lu Bu's ranks and soon reached Chen Gong who was accompanying Lady Yan at the front of Lu Bu's army.

When they heard the news, they didn't believe it for a second and even thought that it was probably misinformation that was spread by Cao Cao and Liu Bei's army to lower the spirit of Lu Bu's army.

They began to believe that it was true when many of Lu Bu's generals such as Cheng Lian, Hao Meng, and Song Xian went up to them and with tears filling their faces informed them of Lu Bu's death when he was killed by Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei when he was dueling the three of them.

Lady Yan who heard the news began to cry and tears fell down from her face like a flood, letting out a heart wrenching cry the shock was so great that she fainted fortunately Chen Gonh was beside her and managed to catch her.

Chen Gonv while holding Lady Yan and putting her in the care of her maids, was still processing the news he just received not expecting that the mighty General he thought would at least carve his own domain would fall so soon.

He was filled with shock but at the same time, he knew that he should stay strong and be clear headed because they weren't in a safe position right now because Cao Cao and Liu Bei's army were right behind them and the death of Lu Bu have caused Lu Bu's army to lost its spiritual leader.

Chen Gong: "General Cheng Lian, Hao Meng, Song Xian what's the condition in the rear right now? And where's General Zhang Liao and the Young Lady?! We must ensure the safety of those two if not I don't know if the Madam can take any more bad news."

Cheng Lian: "Master Chen Gong right now General Zhang Liao and the Young Lady *sobs* are in the middle of the rear army, but from what I see the Young Lady looks like knocked out cold by either *sobs* My Lord or General Zhang Liao."

Chen Gong: "Everyone we should stay strong right now! Since they were safe, that means Lord Lu Bu wanted to protect them and it could be said to be his last will and order for us which is to protect his family! As his loyal subordinates, we should do his last request and protect his family until death!"

Hao Meng: "*sobs* I agree with Master Chen Gong! Since Master Chen Gong said so, we should direct our entire army to protect General Zhang Liao, the Young Lady, and The Madam from Cao Cao and Liu Bei's army and escort them to Jumo County!"

Song Xian: "I second that motion! I will call for Brother Hou Cheng and Wei Xu, and the three of us will rally all of the forces while General Cheng Lian and Hao Meng could lead whatever forces to ucoidk muster to the rear right now!"

Chen Gong agrees to what Song Xian said, and since Chen Gkng's approval is given the three of them leave the tent to do just like what Song Xian has just described.

Chen Gong stayed there alongside the elite guard Lu Bu assigned to protect Lady Yan, directing and formulating strategies for Lu Bu's army to head toward Jumo County, not realizing that in the rear a big movement was happening right now.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei who received the news of Lu Bu's death began to let out a loud cheer, where their advisors and retainers beside the follower suit as this was great news for them.

At this time Guo Jia suggested that the combined army attack Lu Bu's army right now taking advantage of their sadness, and also decapitated Lu Bu's head from his dead body to bring and present it to Emperor Xian at Xuchang.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei felt that this was a great idea, Xi Zhicai and Ju Shou also agreed since their Lords could receive benefits from having the powerless Emperor Xian recognized since it was still the Han Dynasty era.

Also, they could take out many of Lu Bu's men which could make it easier for them to take over the Qing Province in the future and eliminate Lu Bu's influence much easier.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei give out the ride for this to happen, and at the fastest speed, a messenger is sent toward Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei's location.

On the other side, Lie Fan and his entire forces could see what happened between the two armies clearly since they had the vantage point over the two armies, and seeing the movement that was happening Lie Gan knew that another battle could happen if he didn't intervene right now.

Since he hasn't received the complete or failed notification from the system concerning his mission about Lu Bu and his family, Lie Fan decides to head out and lead his army to intercept the two armies after discussing it with his advisors.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei's side and Lu Bu's side were taken by surprise when Lie Fan with his entire forces suddenly headed toward the middle of the battlefield, headed right toward the position of Lu Bu's dead body who was still standing tall holding his halberd.

Both sides were surprised by what happened, and when they woke up from their surprise, Lie Fan and his army arrived at Lu Bu's body where Xu Chu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Cao Cao-Liu Bei messenger were surrounded.

Lie Fan: "General Xu Chu, Brother Guan, and Brother Zhang we meet again! Please give me some face and leave Lu Bu's body intact, since I have promised Lu Bu to protect his family then I need to bring his body to them as my first deed."

Messenger: "No General Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, the Lords have ordered for the three of you to receive Lu Bu's head and take it to them to bring toward The Emperor!"

Zhang Fei: "Bah! You bastard that just has been what Cao Mengde's want! My Big Brother will never agree to such an unhonorable thing to do!"

Guan Yu: "I agree with why my Third Brother said, the two of us will not do so as we respect Lu Bu's dead body as a warrior and his dedication. protect his loved ones."

Xu Chu: "Huhu! Since that's what My Lord wanted, I Xu Chu will do as ordered by My Lord!"

Lie Fan: "General Xu Chu you don't want to do this, don't force my hand to take action, I allow the three of you to leave while that messenger will stay and accompany Lu Bu's dead body since he had to cause some disturbance."

After Lie Fan finishes saying these words, he gets down from his horse holding his halberd followed by Taishi Ci, Ji Ling, and his bodyguards standing in between Lu Bu's dead body and Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei's location.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei take a step back showing that they don't want to be involved in this mess, while Xu Chu who feels that he could finally get one on one against Lie Fan feels his blood boiling.

While Lie Fan and Xu Chu were standing face to face with a distance of around several meters between them, Lie Fan's bodyguards were taking care of Lu Bu's body with great care as they put his body on a stretcher alongside his halberd.

Seeing everything that was happening, the messenger even though scared after being threatened by Lie Fan, still said to Xu Chu, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei repeating what he said previously about Cao Cao and Liu Bei's order.

Lie Fan who heard this immediately gave a hand signal to Ji Ling who immediately used his War Trident to decapitate the messenger, silencing the messenger once and for all.

Xu Chu seeing this immediately angered by what Lie Fan and Ji Ling have done, he takes this rod hammer and attacks Lie Fan. Lie Fan who saw this immediately used his halberd to deflect Xu Chu's attack.

Lie Fan was surprised by Xu Chu's strength, he wanted to use the eye of Erlang Shen on Xu Chu but decided to use it later when he was out of combat, the fighting between Lie Fan and Xu Chu was loud and brutal, bout after bout was exchanged between the two of them.

Lie Fan was slowly being pushed back but he didn't panic as he knew that Xu Chu was pure muscle and no skill, so he only lost in terms of strength but could still defeat Xu Chu if he managed to lure him into a trap, by that this time Cao Cao and Liu Bei alongside their advisors and generals arrived at the location, where Cao Cao ordered for Xu Chu to stop, and Xu Chu hearing the order of his Lord immediately stopped attacking Lie Fan.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 27 (194 AD)

Level: 15

Next Level: 938.000

Renown: 645

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 571.700


STR: 906 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 93

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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