
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · History
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419 Chs

220. Sun Jian Arrives At Xiapi

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When the news reached Kong Zhou who was waiting alongside his advisors and generals, the hall became chaotic and filled with despair knowing that they had lost, Kong Zhou just sat in his chair in silence and when he looked up he knew that his eagerness caused this biggest defeat and fasten his doom.

As panic set into Kong Zhou, he commanded his generals to rally what was left of his army, to regroup and salvage any semblance of defense. His Advisors and generals, though disheartened, moved at their lord's command, determined to rally whatever forces remained.

The landscape of the campaign shifted completely in Cao Cao's favor, the misstep that was made by Kong Zhou was utilized by Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai who gave orders to Xiahou Dun and Cao Ren to consolidate their control first over the domain they had conquered.

As for Kong Zhou's army that was taken into captivity, Cao Cao sent Yu Jin and Bao Xin to handle them and split them into groups, ranging from the able-bodied and most experienced to the inexperienced ones.

He wants Yu Jin and Bao Xin to incorporate them and turn them into an army that is loyal to him, the prisoners they managed to capture are around 80,000 men, and Yu Jin calculates that Cao Cao could receive 35,000 men who have the most experience.

While the tides of the battle have completely shifted, making Kong Zhou's days numbered, Sun Jian who was heading into Xiapi finally arrives at Guangling after several days have passed since he set sail for Yuzhang.

When Sun Jian and his entourage arrived at Guangling, they were warmly welcomed by Zhang Chao and Zang Hong who asked Sun Jian the purpose of his coming to Guangling.

Sun Jian informed Zhang Chao and Zang Hing that he was coming to Guangling to harbor his ship, and then continue his journey to see Lie Fan at Xiapi. Zhang Chao nods his head in understanding, and he tells Sun Jian that he and his party are to rest at Guangling.

Sun Jian at first refused but Zhang Chao insisted that Sun Jian and his party stay in Guangling for a day to recuperate from their voyage, especially seeing that there were two children whom Sun Jian brought along.

Hearing what Zhang Chao said, Sun Jian felt it made sense so he agreed to rest first at Guangling. Zhang Chao and Zang Hong escort Sun Jian and his entourage to a mansion where they will rest there.

Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang see how Guangling is the same size as Changsha and Yuzhang, this is also the first time they see a city where the children can play happily and tells their mind to Sun Ce, who then reply that this is all thanks to Lie Fan.

The Oriole who was stationed at Guangling, swiftly sent a letter to Xiapi, carrying the news of Sun Jian's arrival and detailing his purpose to visit Lie Fan, and that right now Sun Jian is resting for a day at Guangling.

In the serene atmosphere of Guangling, Sun Jian and his party rested, unaware of the letter that was sent to Xiapi, the letters arrived at Xiapi 2 weeks after they departed from Guangling.

Lie Fan was having a meeting with Ji Xu, Chen Qun, Liu Ye, and Xu Kai discussing their plan to rescue Yuan Shu's family, where the Oriole will play a very important role in this plan as the technical team.

The Oriole member who acts as the messenger brought the letters to Lie Fan, giving him the envelope where there's an Oriole insignia in the corner of the envelope, which was used to indicate the importance of the information or message that was sent.

Lie Fan received the letter and opened it in front of everyone present, after reading the content of the letter Lie Fan was surprised as he didn't expect Sun Jian will come to visit him, bringing some of his children alongside him.

Jia Xu's keen eyes notice the subtle shift in Lie Fan's demeanor as he reads the letter, he asks Lie Fan what's the content of the letter, which causes him to show such a reaction.

Lie Fan explains to him and everyone else that Sun Jian is coming to Xiapi, his arrival is imminent, possibly within several days after this letter reaches his hand while noting the surprise that flickered across the faces of Jia Xu, Chen Qun, Liu Ye, and Xu Kai.

A moment of silence pervaded the room as Jia Xu, Chen Qun, Liu Ye, and Xu Kai absorbed the implications of Sun Jian's sudden visit to meet with Lie Fan, and what influence it could have inside and outside of their alliance.

Jia Xu: "My Lord Sun Jian's arrival introduces both opportunities and challenges to us, his visit consolidates our role as the leader within our alliance but it's also can undergo shifts depending on the discussions that will happen."

Chen Qun: "My Lord I agree with Jia Xu, Sun Jian is a formidable and influential Lord, but politically this doesn't have any harm whatsoever to us other than showing the unity of our alliance to the outside world, especially to Liu Yao since Sun Jian's influence is not that big outside of Yang Province."

Liu Ye: "I think My Lord we must ensure that our interests are safeguarded in any collaborations or agreements that will be made in your discussion while also striving for mutual benefits."

Lie Fan: "I understand and agree with the perspective the three of you give, Xu Kai strengthened the Oriole surveillance along the route from Guangling to Xiapi and kept an eye on Sun Jian and his entourage."

Xu Kai: "Yes My Lord, I will immediately enhance the Oriole's surveillance along the route from Guangling to Xiapi. We'll keep a vigilant watch on Sun Jian and his entourage, ensuring that we are informed about their movements and safety."

Lie Fan: "Good you do that Xu Kai keep me up to date, Wenhe and Changwen you will accompany me to receive Sun Jian and Ziyang please prepare the accommodations for Sun Jian, preferably a mansion that is near my residence so I can visit him easily."

Lie Fan's order was heard by everyone present in the room. Xu Kai cupped his hand and pledged to keep Lie Fan well-informed then he left the room, heading toward Oriole Headquarters.

Jia Xu and Chen Qun nodded in unison, prepared to accompany Lie Fan in welcoming Sun Jian. Lastly, Liu Yeacknowledged the directive with a respectful bow, ready to fulfill the task of preparing Sun Jian's accommodations.

Several days passed by in the blink of an eye, and Liu Ye led some servants to diligently adorn the mansion designated for Sun Jian, ensuring that it was comfortable and befitting Sun Jian's status.

Lie Fan accompanied by Jia Xu and Chen Qun, stood at the entrance of the Governor's Castle after he was informed by the Oriole that Sun Jian had arrived at Xiapi and now was heading toward the Governor's Castle.

After waiting for a while, with a steady gaze Lie Fan saw Sun Jian leading his entourage riding his horse approaching his location, which consisted of 3 carriages and around 200 men guarding them, which he thinks there are more staying outside.

Lie Fan and Sun Jian greeted each other, letting out their signature laugh that they used before when they were talking to each other, Sun Jian got down from his horse and greeted Lie Fan face to face.

This monumental meeting between Lie Fan and Sun Jian in the future will be described in the history books, as Lie Fan hungry to conquer the South being assisted by Sun Jian and the Sun Clan who rise thanks to Lie Fan gazing to the South.

Lie Fan introduced Jia Xu and Chen Qun to Sun Jian, of course Sun Jian had met with Jia Xu before but Chen Qun he hadn't met yet, so Sun Jian greeted him with spirit and said that anyone who stood beside Lie Fan must be a very talented person.

Lie Fan let out a laugh thanking Sun Jian for his compliment, Chen Qun just nodded and also laughed but you could see that he liked the compliment, Lie Fan then told Sun Jian to let his family and personal aides join him as he had prepared a banquet to receive him.

Lie Fan accompanied by Jia Xu and Chen Qun escorted Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang, and Cheng Pu to the banquet hall which had flickering lanterns cast a warm glow, creating an inviting atmosphere.

Lie Fan as the host raised his cup to toast Sun Jian, saying how happy he was for meeting him again and that their alliance may continue long and prosper, to the end of times like the brotherhood between him and Sun Jian.

Sun Jian: "Haha Brother Lie Fan your words are very good! Yes! May our alliance continue long and prosper till the end of times like the brotherhood between us!"

Lie Fan: "Brother Wentai, I have met your eldest son Sun Ce before and I must say he is truly just like you! Filled with the spirit and aura of a Warrior that's better than most of my generals!"

Sun Jian: "Haha! Thank you, Brother Lie Fan, I'm happy that my eldest son resembles me so much in terms of spirit and aura, but I have to say he is much more talented than me haha!"

Lie Fan: "I understand our feelings Brother Wentai, now that I have become a father seeing them resembling me and my wife is a wonder to see."

Sun Jian: "Ah yes, Congratulations on the birth of your children Brother Lie Fan, I bring my nephews to meet my children who can become their brother and sister, my second son, Sun Quan, and my spirited eldest daughter, Sun Shangxiang."

Lie Fan turned his gaze toward Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang, who stood up from their set when their names were called by Sun Jian greeting him which made Lie Fan greet them in return

Sun Jian then with a twinkle in his eye remarked how his eldest daughter Sun Shangxiang is a very mischievous spirit which reminds him of Lie Fan's little sister, Wannian whom Lie Fan likes to talk about.

Lie Fan laughs recalling the fond memories of Wannian mischievous nature which when he thinks about it, is similar to Sun Shangxiang who in the history and three kingdom novels has described her mischievous nature.

Lie Fan after laughing then remarks that Sun Shangxiang and Wannian would likely be fast friends, which he hoped that Sun Jian would not mind if they met up, as it would cause the two of them to have a headache. This caused everyone at the banquet to laugh, even Jia Xu, except for Sun Shangxiang who pouted in her seat.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 26 (193 AD)

Level: 15

Next Level: 938.000

Renown: 645

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 571.700


STR: 906 (+20)

VIT: 578 (+20)

AGI: 563 (+10)

INT: 567

CHR: 93

WIS: 489

WILL: 377

ATR Points: 0

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