
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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157 Chs

Beyond this World!

"Hello, my name is Kibo. Well, where do I even start off? I mean, I'm talking to a freaking giant dragon! Let's start with, I have a lot of questions for you, but for now, can you tell me your name?" Kibo asked with an overly-moderate and terrified tone.

The dragon laughed before answering, "You have nothing to fear human. I am bonded to you. If you die, I die!"

The dragon then gently lifted Kibo's body up with his tail so they could speak face to face.

"My name is Seiryu!" An almost sacred chime sounded throughout the expansive space, "One of the four Guardians of this realm."

Kibo started muttering "Seiryu the Azure Dragon, Suzaku the Vermillion Bird, Byakko the Black Striped White Tiger, and Genbu the Black Snake Tailed Tortoise!"

"Ahh! So you know of my siblings." Seiryu responding showing his razor-sharp teeth on a grin.

"We guardians were placed in this cosmos as its protectors. It is...was our job to keep higher beings such as Gods and Demons out of this realm." The Dragon explained.

"Was your job?" Kibo responded.

"Ever since our Mother achieved godhood, we have tried for countless eons to do the same while carrying out our sacred duties. However many centuries ago we managed to make a breakthrough. However, when attempted to become gods, something out of our predictions happened."

"Wait, you all broke through at the same time?" Kibo questioned with a look of surprise.

"Yes, the four of us were connected to one another when I finally broke through so did my siblings," Seiryu said with a sigh,

"Isn't that a good thing?" Kibo responded with confusion.

"Normally, yes. However, when one tries to break through the boundaries of power they are met by the universe's rebound, often coming in the form of a lightning tribulation so powerful that could slay most minor gods. With no one to keep watch over us, we were left defenseless." Seiryu said with a sad look on his face.

A second later, the dragon's expression suddenly turned to furry as it shouted, "That damned Rabbit Goddess took advantage of our tribulation! When the strongest and final bolt had descended; that wench and her disgusting clan, slew my brethren before my very eyes."

Tears began falling from Seiryu's eyes as he continued to explain, "I watched as she drained the Chakra and lifeforce from my brother and sisters before feeding them to her kin." The tears rolled down his scales and hit the strange endless land that stretched out infinitely.

However, what he heard wasn't the sound of water pooling together, but pure and giant Chakra crystals forming and hitting the ground with a massive thud.

The system wasn't shy as it stored the items until the dragon had shed its last tear.

[Obtained 2; 10-Foot Azure Dragons Tears – Incredibly useful for increasing Chakra pool limit, great for forging material.]

Suddenly the space was filled with a terrorizing and primordial Killing Intent, Seiryu grinned before saying, "As a last-ditch effort, I exploded my eternal soul sending us flying throughout the lower plane. I don't know if either my family or those traitorous gods survived, but if I ever get the chance to wrap my fangs around her neck."

Bits of red could be seen filling the dragon's rage-filled eyes.

A soft chuckle interrupted Seiryu's train of thought before Kibo said, "Stick with me long enough, and you might just get that chance!"

"Hmm?!" Seiryu seemed intrigued by his new 'soul-mate' so to speak,

Kibo began to explain Kaguya's role in this world. How she ate the fruit from the god tree and how her sons saved mankind from her reign of terror.

"God Tree?" Seiryu questioned while tilting his head.

"There is no such thing! From what you told me, that bitch actually used a Mana Tree Seed to absorb the world's natural energy into one peach. This is what her clan does! They travel from world to world feeding off the energy from them like wild locus. This Jubi you speak of is nothing more than the entire mass of this world's Chakra. Though, I must admit, if this thing really possessed ten tails as you say it did, then the Jubi would certainly be considered a god-level being. And to say it was split into nine of these beasts?"

Kibo proceeded to tell him of the Nine-Tailed Beasts, their history, and their names as well.

When Kibo finished the story, the dragon spoke with surprise, "This Kurama really has nine tails?"

Kibo nodded his head in affirmation before asking, "Why do you want to know?"

"Because nine is a sacred number, it represents the peak before evolution into a double-digit. The same as my siblings and I, he would be considered a single step away from becoming a god." Seiryu explained, both surprising and shocking Kibo.

The dragon used his whiskers to point to his antlers before saying, "My antlers have 9 branches, Suzaku has nine wings, Genbu has a nine layered shell, and Byakko has nine pitch-black strips. If we had succeeded our tribulation we would have had ten."

"Then Kurama is a powerful as you four?" Kibo asked with wide eyes, making Seiryu laugh at the idea.

"It's possible, it depends on how talented he is and how long he has trained. Becoming a god is no easy task. You must understand how many tails of power it would require for him to become a god."

"Are you saying the Juibi is 45 times more powerful than a Nine-Tailed Beast?" Kibo asked with a puzzled expression.

"Much more powerful, in fact. You said the Jubi was split into nine forms, yet there are 45 tails in total. Kurama would have to be a least as strong as all of the tailed beasts combined to gain his tenth tail. But the transformation into Godhood magnifies that power several times over."

Kibo easily understood what Seiryu was getting at. For that last tail being so close to a God, yet so far in power.

"By the way what did you mean by calling the Outsusuki clan traitorous gods?" Kibo couldn't help but ask.

"It is forbidden for gods that were not born here to come to the mortal plane unhindered. Those are the rules of Heaven!" Seiryu ground his fangs as he continued, "She stole our master's Origin Essence from our physical bodies, so now this universe recognizes her 4 clansmen as us! Genbu and her snake tail carried two pieces of master's origin so even Kaguya herself could walk through this plane unrestricted."

"So higher beings and gods can't normally come to lower realms?" Kibo questioned.

"No. They would have to use some technique or talisman to lower themselves to just under god-level power. Even with that law in effect, they are still far too dangerous for most mortal beings to compete with. This is because some of the items they bring can still contain some of that higher plane's energy. Although they'd break after being used because the laws of this universe would actively seek it out and destroy it."

Kibo felt some relief as he wouldn't have to face an army of such beings. He was about to ask another question when he heard someone else's voice interrupting them.

"Hey, kid, wake up!"

Kibo looked to the dragon in confusion.

Seiryu showed an amused grin before saying, "Don't look at me. I think it's time for you to wake up!"

Kibo opened his eyes to see none other than Kakashi in his Anbu uniform.

He had his dog mask hanging from the corner of his head, showing his Sharingan in full use.

After Kibo sat up Kakashi sighed in relief and said, "Phew! I thought you would never wake up! I was beginning to think you'd been hit by an assassin's Gen-Jutsu."

Kibo scratched his head and spoke in a joking manner, "Sorry Mr. Inu. I'm a heavy sleeper. Hehe!"

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Kakashi asked seeing a third golden corona appear on the outskirts of his irises. They were slowly getting closer to the center of his pupil until they became so close they looked like they formed into one solid ring.

One would have to look on a microscopic level to see that the rings weren't actually fused.

"Congratulations to Host! Due to Seiryu no longer absorbing such large portions of your Star Chakra, you have fully unlocked your Tengan's first release state! 3rd ring's new ability allows one to slow the time of the target who gazes into your eye. Warning! This ability rapidly drains Chakra. At most, the Host's current Chakra levels can only support this ability for 3 seconds."

Kibo deactivated his Tengan and smiled, "It seems my Tengan has finally stabilized, I'm sorry for the wait. How late are we?"

Kakashi shrugged his shoulders before saying in a lazy voice, "We were supposed to meet up at noon. It's only been a couple of hours since they started waiting at the gates. I'm sure they're fine."

Kibo jumped out of bed and ran into the shower, he didn't even bother undressing before turning on the water.

Using his star chakra to form a hand he grabbed a bottle of soap quickly covered his entire body with it. By the time he was through scrubbing, Kibo looked like a bubble monster being completely covered in suds. After a quick rinse, he ran out of the shower soaked and ready to go.

Kibo walked over to the window, opened it, and grabbed Kakashi's wrist. Before Kakashi could question him, Kibo sprouted his Star Chakra Wings.

"Incredible! Although the Chakra is only around a Genin's level, it's so dense that it can be seen with the naked eye," Kakashi commented as his body was suddenly pulled through the window.

Kibo flew so fast that after a few seconds, his hair and clothes had already started to dry. When he looked to check on Kakashi, he saw him pulling out the Icha Icha Paradise novel and reading it with a blank look on his face.

It looked kind of funny seeing a 4-Year-Old dragging Kakashi by the arm while flying through the air. Plus, his nonchalant attitude while reading a perverted book made it even funnier.

Kakashi peaked at his wings with his Sharingan every now and then while thinking, "I can't copy it? Huh, must be like the Rasengan a special category Nin-Jutsu."

Kakashi covered his eye and continued to read his book as if nothing had happened.

When they reached the gates of Konoha, Kibo saw some familiar but much younger faces.

Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi, Kurenai, and Shisui Uchiha all stood there waiting with impatient expressions.

"You're late Kakashi!" Guy shouted while invading the masked Ninja's personal-space.

"I'm sorry. I saw a bird deciding to take a nap in open and I had to protect it from some cats." Kakashi expressed regret, holding one hand in front of his eyes apologetically, while he secretly stashed the Icha Icha novel with the other.

Kurenai looked at Kibo and asked, "Is this the kid?"

Kakashi looked at Kibo as well and answered, "Yeah, this is the kid who managed to help the Hokage with the Uchiha problem."

Asuma walked up looked over Kibo before patting him on the shoulders and saying, "HAHA! He's not half bad! About time someone put that Danzo in his place! I just didn't think the one to do it would be a little kid."

"Such is the powers of Youth!" Guy shouted as an intense aura of fire surrounded him.

Shisui walked up towards and bowed to Kibo before saying, "Thank you for speaking up for my clan! Although I'm a little ashamed at their impatient and narrow minded attitudes about the situation. Thankfully the Hokage himself came to speak with the clan leader, and the situation has improved for the better."

Kibo waved his hands back and forth "It was really nothing, I happen to have a solution for a problem so I just mentioned it in passing. Most of the credit goes to the Hokage. If he hadn't trusted me and helped my clan this would have never happened."

Shisui smiled and rustled Kibo's hair, "What a good kid!"

"So anyway. . . We have to transport a little over 300 new citizens, with five Jonins we should be able to transport around fifty at a time. So that's around six trips we have to make." Kakashi stated the mission parameters as he was the team leader.

"Actually around 110 are fully-fledged Shinobi. Only around 200 of them requiring help getting here," Kibo responding making Kakashi correct himself.

"Four trips it is. Now let's head out."

Along the way, Kibo attempted to speak to Seiryu. When he was answered via telepathic communication a smile crept across his face, "Can you see? Or can you just hear me?"

"Yes. I can see through your eyes. It has been a long time since I've seen the world of mortals. I must thank you again for saving me. Otherwise, I fear eternal darkness would have been my fate," Seiryu answered.

"No problem, thanks to your revival I can use those Jutsu that I obtained from your memory fragments now. It's a good trade. And ever since you woke up, the knowledge on how to perform them has been slowing invading my consciousness."

"Oh! You can use some of my Techniques? Which ones?" Seiryu asked.

After telling him of the techniques, Seiryu had a look of surprise on his face before he spoke in a frightened tone, "You can't use them yet!"

"Why?" Kibo asked with a frustrated look on his face.

"All of them except the Ancient Dragon Fist Martial Arts, and the Dragon Gate Openings are SS Rank Techniques that require enormous levels of Chakra! If you attempted to use them with your current levels of Chakra, it would kill you!"

Kibo gulped as he shook, "I almost died! Thank you for saving me from myself!"

"Not a problem Kibo!" Seiryu replied with a sigh of relief.

The System then chimed in, "Host's physique is too young. The Chakra levels in your body will continue to rise slowly as long as you continue to train. However, the closer the Host's body reaches maturity, the greater the ease and potency of the Host's training become."

Before he could thank the System, Seiryu suddenly shouted out, "Who said that?"

Kibo was stunned by the question when the System responded, "I am the Host's 'Unnamed' System, here to help him as a guide and assistant to the Host Godhood."

Kibo heard a strangely irritated tone coming from the system, "Strange is it developing a personality?"

He explained to Seiryu that it was some magic treasure he was born with. Seiryu didn't detect any lie from his words so he believed that Kibo maybe some chosen child selected by the universe itself.

"The best lies really are steeped in truth," Kibo thought to himself.

"So what kind of name do you want?" Kibo asked

"Host must choose the name himself." The System stubbornly refused to offer any suggestions.

"How about Guide?" Kibo said in all seriousness.

"Guide is not a name it is an occupation."

"How about Sys?" Kibo tried another.

"Please know that this system finds your naming taste abhorrent, and suggest you wise up."

"Did. . .did you just threaten me?" Kibo questioned in surprise.

"No, I only wish to remind the host, that I am the only system that can guide you to godhood."

"Hah! Okay then, let's play it your way." Kibo thought long and hard and finally settled on an iconic name from a famous RPG in his past life. "Okay, I got it, your name is Navi from now on."

"System approves of host's new name. From now on system will designate itself as Navi."

Kibo thought to himself, "Whew! I'm glad that's over." when he suddenly smashed into Guy who had stopped in front of him.

It felt like he flew into a wall of steel, as he fell back and bounced off his butt, Kibo could briefly be seen rubbing his face and grunting under his breath while trying to shake the pain off.

"What happened?" Kibo asked as he looked to Kakashi who was in front. He was staring at something in the forest near the river. "Chakra Beast spotted, and it's sensed us," Kakashi reported.

Kibo activated his Tengan and looked where Kakashi was gazing. In the distance, a ten-foot red-haired boar was snorting as it focused its Killing Intent on Kibo. "Why is that thing so focused on me?" Kibo thought as he moved from side to side to see the boar's vision stay on him.

Seiryu responded by explaining, "Your Physique seems kind of special. If I'm not wrong every single one of your cells is filled with Natural Essence of the purest kind. To low-level Chakra Beasts, you appear as an incredibly enticing supplement. If they ate your flesh they would most certainly gain a rather substantial power boost. They may even develop consciousness and begin cultivating towards the path of Immortality."

Kibo shook for a second as he realized the drawback of having such a physique, "Does this mean that I won't be safe even if I live in a village!?"

Seiryu laughed before he replied, "No they aren't that dumb. They should have instincts good enough to know that if they tried invading a village the size of Konoha then they would most certainly perish."

Normally he would have lightened up by now, but he suddenly thought of his village and his worries became apparent. "The Starheart Technique gave my Clansmen Quasi-Sage Physiques! Wouldn't the monsters in the land of bears be tempted to eat them as well?"

"Shisui, can I borrow some of your shurikens?" Kibo asked holding his hand out.

Shisui saw Kibo's Do-Jutsu and felt stunned as he said, "So this is the reported Tengan?"

Shisui had read the report from the Hokage and managed to notice the slight difference in appearance compared to what he read. Shisui figured his eyes had evolved, similar to how a Sharingan gains a tomoe.

"I'm curious to see what this Tengan can do!" Shisui thought as he handed over a pouch of shuriken.

What he saw next amazed him.

Copying the Uchiha style he coated the shuriken with Star Chakra and flung the projectiles with insane accuracy.

The first of the two metal stars were moving in a straight line towards the tree the boar was hiding behind. When suddenly, the last shuriken to be thrown bounced off of the other two.

The impact made the first the two shuriken curve around the tree with an almost gentle-like grace, putting the boar's head in a vice.

The projectiles were rapidly approaching from its left and right side of its neck. Kibo was aiming to decapitate the beast in a single swoop.

Just as the boar sensed its impending doom, its bestial nature proved useful in its dire situation when it quickly jumped backward.

The two shurikens were going to collide with each other instead of hitting their marks. Shisui felt like comforting Kibo for missing when what happened next made his mouth drop.

The two shurikens smashed into one another while the Star Chakra contained in their edges exploded, sending one of the two shurikens through the boar's neck.

Once the blades buried themselves inside the boar's flesh, Kibo flicked his fingers and made a saw out of Star Chakra.

Without any warning, the saw began spinning around from inside the beast's throat; decapitating it and ending its life.

Kibo stored the beast in his storage space and returned Shisui's weapons, without explaining anything he turned to the group and bowed.

"I'm sorry this is probably my fault!" Kibo said with a sense of urgency in his voice. "For now, I'll simplify why that beast was so attracted to me."

Kibo then walked over to a tree and began pushing. Although he struggled, he managed to uproot the tree and barely hold on to it before falling down.

The Jonin were stunned as all their jaws were dropped. "My body is a little special, so low-level Chakra beasts are attracted to it. They see me as a good supplement to eat."

Kakashi was the most stunned because he had an inkling of what kind of physique Kibo had. The masked Ninja frowned before he asked "Are you a Senju?"

According to Kakashi's knowledge, only a pure Senju could have such a nature type physique.

Kibo shook his head and answered, "No, but you can say that I have a similar body type."

The rest of the crowd gasped, technically Kibo was telling the truth, if his body absorbed power from the heavens, then the Senju could draw power from everything that grew on the earth. Neither is weaker than the other.[1]

"Most of my clan has a similar or rather a downgraded version of my physique kind of how the Uzumaki bloodline is only slightly weaker than a Senju. My bloodline awaking is the cause for the increased purity of my physique. You've all read the reports of my village's situation, I'm worried my people may have been attacked by wild chakra beast, so I want to hurry things up."

"Seiryu I'm gonna borrow some of your Chakra!" Kibo said internally.

"You got it, kid! I'll give you just enough not to kill you." Seiryu replied.

Suddenly, Kibo sprouted his wings and flew above the trees.

Before the Leaf Nin could ask what he was doing, Kibo began leaking a huge quantity of Star Chakra.

He started molding it into a distinctive shape that glowed with an azure hue. The construct was transparent and filled with glimmering stars. The Nin below stood with a look of disbelief as the mass of energy continued to grow until it took the shape of a fifty-foot dragon Chakra Construct.

It looked like a much smaller, winged-version of Seiryu, and was almost as big as Gamabunta.

"Jump on!" Kibo said as the Jonin were snapped out of their surprised expressions. They all understood the urgency of the situation and stood on top of Kibo's dragon-shaped Chakra molding.

With a large push of the construct's wings, the group shot off into the distance at frightening speeds.