
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


Creating a portal I walked through it.

Asgard, the mythical realm of the Norse gods, is a sight to behold, a city of unparalleled grandeur and beauty. Its towering walls, crafted from shimmering gold, encircle a landscape adorned with lush gardens, meandering rivers, and majestic mountains. At its heart lies Valhalla, the great hall of Odin, its roof adorned with gleaming shields and echoing with the sounds of feasting warriors. The Bifrost, a rainbow bridge of vibrant hues, stretches across the sky, connecting Asgard to the mortal realm. Palaces and halls, each more magnificent than the last, dot the landscape, while cascading waterfalls add to the realm's natural splendor. Bathed in eternal sunlight, Asgard's vistas are forever golden, casting long shadows and filling the air with a sense of magic and wonder. In Asgard, beauty and majesty intertwine, creating a realm fit for the gods themselves.

'Hmm this place is quite breath taking. now then' I saw that I was currently standing on the rainbow bridge facing towards the city and the bifrost behind me. I could sense Heimdall coming from behind me with his sword at the ready.

" I have heard the tales of your vision Heimdall. I am sure that you know who I am?"

" Indeed. From what I have seen, you appear to be a friend of Prince Thor who helped earth when Loki invaded it with the chitauri. Are you here to meet with Prince Thor?"

" Well I won't say friends as much as work colleagues. And I am here to meet Odin. Would you be so kind to take me there."

Narrowing his eyes he spoke out, " Follow me. I shall take you to our Majesty."

Following him through the city we came across various Asgardians going through their daily routines. When we passed by many of them stopped to nod and greet Heimdall. 

" You are quite famous among the common people it seems." I said

Heimdall did not reply and took me to the palace. The palace itself is situated in the heart of Asgard. Odin's throne room is a grand and imposing chamber, befitting the ruler of Asgard. The throne itself is a majestic and ornate seat, symbolizing Odin's authority and power over the realm. 

On the throne was seated Odin himself. The Supreme ruler of Asgard, Protector of the nine realms, THE ALLFATHER. Odin exudes regal authority and presence, commanding respect from his subjects. As the ruler of Asgard, he sits upon the throne with dignity and strength, embodying the noble lineage of the Asgardian monarchy. ' SYSTEM use OBSERVE


<AGE - 1000+>



' Hmm. So this the Allfather. Well let's see how the conversation goes first before taking any other route.'

" Greetings All Father. This Human from planet Earth is Prince Thor's acquaintance and has requested an audience with you." Heimdall said bowing to Odin.

Odin looked over at me and narrowed his eyes and stared at me. Meanwhile Thor who was Standing next to Odin said out loud, " Oh! It's you Lucifer. Did something happen on earth? Father remember I told you about the person who sliced the Leviathans of the chitauri army taking on a giant form. This is that man. Lucifer."

" I see" Odin stated in a calm tone. " What is the purpose of your visit?"

" I will not waste time and directly come to the point. I am forming an army to combat the people who are a threat to the Universe. I want one of your children to be a commander in my army." I said. 

Odin narrowed his eyes but before he could speak Thor spoke up, " Really?? You are creating an army to fight bad guys?" Turning towards Odin he continued, " Father Can I join him ?? This will provide me much experience and action. Please father." 

Odin finally had enough and said, " No. You are a prince of Asgard. Did you ever think of the consequences of your action. The prince of Asgard ,soon to be King, The god of thunder, working as a commander of an army lead by a human. Asgard will become a joke in the nine realms. "he thundered out.

" But Father please consider thi..." he tried to nag Odin.

" I said NO." Odin shouted at him ending the conversation.

Looking at me he said, " I will not allow the prince of Asgard to join some army you create. If that's all you can leave."

Raising an eyebrow I said," I never said I wanted Thor to join my army. Although he is powerful he is not ready to command the lives of thousands."

" You want Loki??? DID you not witness what he has done?" Thor said out loud

" Can you stop making assumptions and let me complete my sentences." I hissed out at Thor.

Turning towards Odin I said," I do not want Thor, or Loki. I want Hela, your daughter."

Thor had his eyes widened by the words he heard. " What?? I have a sister? Father , Mother why did you not tell me." He asked looking towards Odin and Frigga.

Odin stood up from his throne, his voice like thunder booming in the palace room, " How dare you? I was lenient on you because of your relationship with Thor. But do not make the mistake that you can come in here and spout out what ever you like. Begone from Asgard at this moment or you will not be spared."

Looking at Odin calmly I said, " Do you think I am afraid of you? Or your army? Do not misunderstand me, Your power is not enough to scare me. I had come here with the intention of taking Hela. Whether Asgard remains at the end of it or not is no concern of mine. I will take Hela with me, Be it you allow willingly or I have to do it over your dead body." By the end I was releasing tremendous amounts of Conqueror's Haki in its full power. 

The Asgardian soldiers present in the room were already unconscious. Frigga, Thor, Heimdall, The Warrior Three and Sif were kneeling on the ground and were on the verge of losing consciousness. Only Odin was still standing on his feet but if one looked closely few drops of sweat formed on his face. Stopping my Haki output I looked at Odin once again and said," So what's it going to be?"

Hesitating for a moment Odin took a long breadth and said," I cannot in good faith allow you to free Hela. She was imprisoned for a reason. Hela desired conquest and domination, seeking to expand Asgard's empire through war and subjugation. Her thirst for power and destruction made her a dangerous threat to the Nine Realms, and I recognized the potential danger she posed to Asgard and the universe at large. So the only way I will allow her to be free is over my dead body." 

" Odin don't do this" Frigga shouted from beside.

Closing my eyes and taking a deep breadth I said out loud, " So be it then. ". Opening my rinnegan I used a full powered Shinra Tensei on Odin. He did not have time to react before he was blasted off his foot and out of the palace on an empty battlefield.

Reaching him in mere seconds I looked at Odin and said," Are you ready to begin?"

Odin holding his Spear in one hand raised it towards me and said, " Bring it on."

And thus our battle began.......

The battlefield was a tumultuous landscape, with mountains crumbling and skies ablaze with cosmic energy. Odin, the Allfather of Asgard, stood firm, his majestic presence exuding an aura of power and authority. Opposite him I stood, wielding the Rinnesharingan and the formidable Ryujin Jakka. My eyes blazed as I brandished the powers of the Space, Mind, Time, and Power Stones, ready to unleash devastation upon Odin.

As the clash of titans began, the very fabric of reality trembled. Odin raised his legendary spear, Gungnir, infused with the Odinforce, while I conjured swirling vortexes of cosmic energy with a mere gesture. The ground shook violently as we charged toward each other, our powers colliding in a cataclysmic clash.

"You dare challenge the might of Asgard, Lucifer?" Odin's voice thundered across the battlefield, his gaze unwavering as he faced his adversary.

I smirked, eyes gleaming with amusement. "Your arrogance blinds you, Odin. Your reign ends here, before the might of my power."

With a flick of my wrist, I unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks, summoning torrents of fire, water, earth, and lightning to assail Odin from all sides. But the Allfather was not so easily deterred. With a sweep of Gungnir, he erected a shimmering barrier of cosmic energy, deflecting Lucifer's onslaught with ease.

"You underestimate the power of the Allfather," Odin retorted, his voice ringing out with steely determination. "Asgard will never fall to the likes of you."

In response, I activated the Rinnesharingan, unleashing a devastating onslaught of genjutsu upon Odin's mind. Illusions of his deepest fears and regrets flooded Odin's consciousness, threatening to overwhelm him. Yet the Allfather remained resolute, drawing upon his indomitable willpower to break free from Lucifer's mental grasp.

"You cannot defeat me with mere tricks, Lucifer," Odin declared, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. "I am the ruler of Asgard, the protector of the Nine Realms!"


But I was undeterred. With a flourish of a hand, I summoned the power of the Space Manipulation, warping reality itself to my whims. Space-time rifts tore open around Odin, threatening to consume him in their infinite depths. Desperate to counter this onslaught, Odin channeled the full might of the Odinforce, creating a protective barrier to shield himself from my reality-warping attacks.

"Your efforts are in vain, Odin," I taunted, my voice echoing with triumph. "You cannot hope to withstand this power without consequences. Give up this meaningless fight and I will let you live."

But Odin refused. But as the battle raged on, Odin realized the true extent of my power. With each passing moment, he grew weaker, his strength waning against the overwhelming might of his adversary. Desperation flickered in Odin's eyes as he struggled to hold back my relentless onslaught.

"I will not yield, Lucifer," Odin declared, his voice filled with defiance. "Asgard will endure, no matter the cost."

But I only laughed, eyes gleaming I said, "Your defiance is futile, Odin. You neither have the power nor the will to prevent me from my goal indefinitely."

My lips curled into a grin. "I am beyond your petty gods, Odin. I am the harbinger of destruction and chaos. Your time has come to an end."

With a flick of my wrist, I sent waves of fiery energy hurtling towards Odin, who deftly dodged and countered with blasts of cosmic energy from Gungnir. The two titans clashed with ferocious intensity, each strike resonating with the power to shatter worlds.

"You wield great power, Lucifer," Odin grunted as he parried a blow, "but your arrogance blinds you. True strength lies not in raw power, but in wisdom and restraint."

I laughed, the sound echoing like thunder across the battlefield. "Wisdom? Restraint? Such feeble concepts mean nothing to me! I am the strongest and I will not be shackled by the likes of you!"

With a wave of my hand, I unleashed a torrent of flames from Ryujin Jakka, the legendary Zanpakuto. The scorching inferno roared towards Odin, engulfing everything in its path with its searing heat. But Odin was unyielding, summoning the power of Gungnir, his mighty spear, to create a barrier of energy that deflected the flames away.

But I was relentless, my attacks coming faster and more ferocious with each passing moment. With a surge of power, I unleashed the full might of the Rinnegan, summoning a colossal planet, five times the size of Asgard from the heavens to obliterate Odin and Asgard once and for all.

Odin's heart pounded in his chest as he braced himself for the impact, knowing that this would be his greatest challenge yet. With a mighty roar, he called upon the power of the Bifrost, summoning the energy of the cosmos to create a barrier of light that enveloped him and Asgard in its protective embrace.

The planet crashed down with the force of a million thunderstorms, sending shockwaves rippling through the Asgard as it collided with Odin's barrier. For a moment, it seemed as though the very fabric of reality would be torn asunder by the sheer force of the impact.

But then, with a deafening roar, the barrier held firm, dispersing the energy of the impact into the ether. Slowly, the dust began to settle, revealing Odin standing tall and unscathed amidst the ruins of the battlefield. But it was all in vain because as soon as the light disappeared Odin fell on his knees coughing up blood. His eyes became bloodshed and his skin lost it's color, the testament of the amount of power he used in those few moments.

" I will give you one final chance. Surrender and Live or die and be forgotten."

" I would rather die than surrender to you."

" Very well", With a final surge of power, I unleashed the full force of my elemental mastery, engulfing Odin in a maelstrom of fire and lightning. The Allfather fought valiantly, but in the end, he could not withstand the overwhelming power of his adversary. As the flames consumed him, Odin's form began to fade, his strength spent in a final, desperate stand against the darkness.

The last of Odin's life force faded as he closed his eyes for the last time. The flames slowly extinguished and what remained was nothing but a charred corpse. " Goodbye All father."

This battle will be later known as the the clash that shook the universe. I went near the corpse of Odin and extended my hands towards it. " You were defiant till your death and were killed in battle. Although I hold much respect for you I will need your Strength in the Upcoming Battles.<ARISE >."

A shadow began to raise from the corpse and formed the silhouette of a person. Just as it was about to solidify it shattered into pieces like glass. 

" Oh! This has never happened before. So you plan to defy me even after death huh. Well what should I do with you?"

< Host has 2 tries remaining before target's soul leaves for Valhalla.!>

Strengthening my resolve I said," Don't defy me anymore Odin. Everything I do is to protect those who cannot protect themselves, save those who do not have the power to save themselves. Join me in creating a better world... <ARISE > "

This time the shadow appeared again and solidified into the shape of a person. It took a few minutes before the whole process was complete and my new shadow Soldier was formed.

< Ding!! Shadow Extraction Successful >

'Show me its Status.'


< AGE - 1000 +>



Hmm. You will be the first soldier of my shadow Army I named. As you had in life, Your name after death will remain the same, "ODIN". I said to the shadow of Odin which was currently kneeling on the ground.



" Thank you, my lord for naming me." 

" From this day forth, you shall be the commander of the Shadow army, My Fourth Commander."

" As you command my Lord."

" Return to the Shadow realm" I said as Odin returned back within my shadow.

As the conversation ended a green portal appeared beside us. A silhouette of a woman appeared from within it. As the woman came forward and passed the portal she opened her mouth, " Finally. It seems that the old man has finally died." Looking at me she asked " Who are you supposed to be? Are you a soldier of Asgard. The fashion sense has gone down quite a bit if this is how Asgardian Soldiers dress up now. Anyway I don't care. Kneel before your Queen and I will spare you." She said with a cruel smirk .

Looking at her I said with a smile on my face, " Neither am I a soldier of Asgard nor are you my Queen. You can say that it was technically me who freed you from your prison. Shouldn't you be a little grateful for that ?"

She stared at me wide eyed for a few moments before narrowing her eyes, " Huh ! you think its that easy to fool me?". Flicking her hands outwards, two swords emerged from her hands as she got ready for battle. " Don't fuck with me."

" Well here we go again"


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