
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs


"My name is Lucifer D. Morningstar and I have a proposal for you guys"

Hagoromo and Hamura were staring at the man in front of them. They could not even sense when this person appeared behind them.

"That doesn't answer the question. How did you get in through the Susano" Hagoromo enquired.

" If you must know I stepped in through it quite easily. It was quiet easy to." I said smiling.

" Well that's not the important point here. I will create a distraction and draw her attention . In the meantime prepare your seals and stay on guard.Even though I am strong I will not be able to give you too many chances. We will talk after we seal your mother".

"Very well then we will co-operate with you for now." Hagoromo said and Hamura nodded his head.

Exiting the Susano I looked towards the ten tails. <OBSERVE>





DEFENCE ( 1000)


' Hmm the attack power and defence is very high. I will need to use both my sage mode and Haki to deal damage to her. Anyway Sage mode is mandatory to fight with Tentails anyway. Well let's go.


I was fighting my foolish childern who went against my orders. Those imbicles need to be thought a good lesson.

'Huh so Hagoromo deflected that attacked. Very well let's see what you do with the next one '

Just as I was going to prepare another tailed beast bomb I felt another presence appear beside my children. Opening my byakugan I saw a man who looked quite younger than Hagoromo and Hamura beside them.

'Who is that ?? A human?'

Does this human intend to fight against me ?? How dare he !!

I saw him talk with Hagoromo and Hamura and exit the protection of the Susano. Tuning towards me to looked straight at me and stared for a few seconds.

Then he began to run towards me. Although he was a human I have to admit he is quiet fast. Well let's kill this bug before dealing with my insubordinate children.


I started to run towards Kaguya. HEHEHE I have thought of an idea that might surprise her. Reaching towards her I jumped high towards her. I could see that she did not take me seriously and did not even bother to put up her guard. Absorbing Natural Energy in an instant and covering my arm in the highest grade of ARMAMENT HAKI I grinned as Kaguya's eyes widened as she sensed that I was using nature chakra. Although she tried to move out of the way it was too late to do something.

My hit landed right on her face and she was send flying back. Huh. That's what you get for underestimating me .

The Tentails roared towards me. It generated an airwave that so massive that If it hits it would take me out of my feet and throw my away. In short it would be dangerous for anybody else.

I smirked as I lifed my hand and extended my palm towards it "Shinra Tensei"

Kaguya got up with blood coming out of her mouth. She looked enraged . Well even I would be angry if I let someone carelessly hit me.

Kaguya opened a portal beside her hand and shot out a all killing ash bone in it. I instantly activated Kamui as a bone like projectile passed towards me. Looking back towards Hagoromo I signalled him to be prepared.

Looking back towards Kaguya I rushed towards her and formed a chidori in my right hand. Seeing this she shot another volley of all kinning ash bones towards me. Shifting into the Kamui dimension I bypassed all the bones and went straight through her .

Just after exiting her I came out of Kamui and turned in midair. Kaguya although she saw all of this happen was defenceless to do anything as her body could not react fast enough. Seeing her unprotected backside I slashed her with the chidori from her right shoulder to her waist. Kaguya flew ahed from the brunt of the attack.

Hagoromo and Hamura utilised this opportunity and closed in on her. Placing their hands on both her soulders they were successful in putting the seal on her.

Kaguya's chakra was sealed and her rinnesharingan eye was closing. An expression of disbelied was etched on her face and she was helplessly looking around for some way to escape.

Rocks started to float in the air and surround her. Although Hagoromo and Hamura missed it I did sense the birth of black zetsu who seperated from kaguya at that moment and went underground. If it was not important for my plans I would have killed him then and there. But for the sake of my army I let him go.

It took around ten minutes to completely seal Kaguya. The structure was truly huge.

I and Hagoromo went towards the Tentails who entered a dormant state after loosing it's connection with Kaguya. Hagoromo used his rinnegan to seperate the chakra of the beast and sealed the huak of the Tentails on the moon like structure. I and Hagoromo used successive Shinra Tensei and propelled the moon in the orbit .

After all this was done Hagoromo and Hamura came towards me and started with their questions .

" Although I am thankful for you help in defeating my mother but I would be more at peace if you could properly introduce yourself" Hagoromo stated.

"Very well . My name is Lucifer D. Morningstar as I have told you. Although I look younger than you I am infact quite older than you. I have protected this planet from threats of the outer space long before you were even born and I will continue to do so even after you die."

" How do you possess the rinnegan??"Hamura

"Well that would be telling, now wouldn't it. I will not give you my personal information as I don't see the need to do so but I will tell you this , I am the protecter of this world and it's inhabitants. I will protect these people even if I have to sacrifice everything. You guys are not human but a descendent of an alien species. So I will keep my eyes on you. Although you are powerful do not forget that you are nothing but a frog in the bottom of the well. If you ever turn against humanity I will vanquish you myself. Do I make myself clear??" I said with a shot Tom on conqueror's haki emitting from me in the end. It was enough to pin down Hagoromo in his spot and Hamura fell on his knees gasping for air.

" I see. We shall take your advice and devote ourselves to protect this planet. Although it is true that we are descendents of an alien species but we are also half humans ourselves . This planet is my birthland and I will not let it be destroyed by anyone. "

" Very well. What are your future plans then?" I asked

"I will live on the moon to guard my mother's seal and the husk of the juubi. I think that my mother could use some company" Hamura said with a smile.

" I will travel the world and spread the teaching of ninshu. I will share my chakra with the world so that people and understand each other better. I will create an era of peace that will last forever." Hagoromo replied

"Very well. I wish you good luck on your journeys. Hagoromo I have a request for you." I said

" Please say it. If it is within my power I will be happy to help you"

"When you travel around the world, I want you to spread my name along with your's. I want you to inform the people that if they say my name out there times with true worship in their heart I will be appear before them to help them. Although I will not appear if I don't think that the person can overcome the difficulty by themselves. Can you do that "

" You want people to worship you ?? " Hagoromo asked puzzled.

"I am not a god Hagoromo I am not interested in their worship. I only want people to know that there will always be someone to help them when they really need it. I want them to know that I will protect them from the shadows."

"Very well I shall help to spread your name in this world. " Hagoromo said.

"Well then I wish you the best of luck in your new journey" I said as I vanished from the spot.


It has been quite some time as Lucifer left to join the battle.

"How much longer is it going to take. At his power level it should not be any problem to deal with them"

"Has someone been missing me my dear Kaguya ??"

I heard a voice behind me . Claming down my heart form the sudden surprise I turned around " You wish. I was merely concerned if you were killed in battle."

" Killed , me ?? You must be joking. Out of all the people in this world you know it better than anyone that I am not that easy to kill my dear. "

" Yes I know that. How did it go?"

" Well as usual . I kicked your ass as usual. Then your son's sealed you in the moon that you see floating in the sky. "

" They are not my son's !!"

" Well technically you are correct. After sealing you I decided to use Hagoromo to spread my name through his journey in the elemental nations. "

" What will you do now ?"

" Now we wait."