
Reborn In The Last Days

After living at the end of the world for 6 years, Bai Yue finally found out about her kind and caring sister and her loving Fiancé's true face. It turned out that the space ability of her sister is a jade artifact that she gave to her sister, which became her sister's golden finger. After having no use for them, she was finally thrown into a horde of zombies. Hearing the sound of her flesh and bone being eaten...... After again opening her eyes, she found that she was back 2 years before the end of the world!! She can also use spiritual power, one of her four abilities earlier… This time she would no longer be so stupid and if they dared to provoke her again then watch what she does. This time, whoever offended her would not have a good ending. … But why is this two-faced man saved by her, pestering her?? Wait… Wait… She only saved him because their families were friends. And that was also so many years ago, why are you coming now? “Go away!! Or I may accidentally injure a teammate.” “Yue'er, it turned out, you do care about me.” “Who cares about you? I just don't want Auntie to be sad, or you would have died long ago!!” ***** Hoarding plot is going to be quite long (Volume 001). Updates: 1 Chapter/Week

Amelia_Rose_6_7 · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Chapter 25: Collection Of Supplies(8)

After Bai Yue bought all the oils, sauces, and seasoning, she left for the warehouse to put the things delivered in the space.

On reaching the warehouse, she saw that they put an enormous pile in the warehouse and this is just the cold storage warehouse for fruits, vegetables, and seeds.

They're still water, tea, coffee, meat, rice, flour, noodles, wrappers, dried, cured, pickled food, dairy products, beverages, seasoning, oils, sauces, electrical appliances, shelves, kitchen tools and appliances, etc. that are still waiting for in the warehouse.

Suddenly, a thought came to Bai Yue's mind. She could be reborn, can open up the space before the apocalypse with a method as simple as dripping her blood.

She can't possibly believe that no one has ever dripped blood. It may be accidental, but there has to be someone who dripped blood on the jade bracelet. Then why is it that only when the apocalypse is about to come, did the space open up? And another question that she ignored before came to her mind.

When Bai Qing was the one who dripped her blood on the bracelet and opened up the space in her previous life, then why was it Bai Yue, who was reborn and not Bai Qing?

Or could it be that Bai Qing was also reborn?

But soon she shook that thought away from her mind. If Bai Qing was also reborn, she will definitely come to grab her bracelet. 

However, now Bai Qing is not reborn, doesn't mean she won't be in the future. She needs to prepare herself, so that even if Bai Qing is unexpectedly reborn, she won't be surprised.

So, Bai Yue another point in her to-do list. Making a replica of the bracelet.

And she also shared her thoughts on the group, which consisted of her, her friends and her parents.

Soon she received replies.

Xie Yun: Yes, we need to make a replica of the bracelet as soon as possible. Before, we didn't have this thought, but now the more I think about it, the more it seems possible to me.

Bai Jing: Leave this matter to me.

Fang Yu: I know some good ancient artefact replicators, maybe they could help us.

Bai Yue: OK, then I will leave it to you, Mom and Dad. By the way, how are you all doing?

Xie Yun: I have used my connections in Country A and have obtained a large amount of petroleum and petroleum products, enough for the future use of various machines, vehicles for a few hundreds of years. I am still collecting more, but I think we need to collect more of these in other countries with relatively loose jurisdiction of them, such as Country R. And I have also stocked a considerable amount of daily necessities and there are some things that need you to come to receive.

Bai Yue read the message and knew that at the end Xie Yun was talking about hot-weapons and medicines. Country A has less control over them, as they are the largest producer of these things.

Others didn't respond. Maybe they were busy or were sleeping. After all, the time zone differed everywhere.

Bai Yue went back to putting the foam boxes in the space warehouse.

She had to touch everything to put it into the warehouse. She wondered if it would be possible for her to use her spiritual ability to touch the items mentally and place them in the space simultaneously.

Thinking of this, she tried to 'see' inside her head to see if she had any power now.

After looking, Bai Yue was shocked because she 'saw' that there was a flower with four petals of different colours, translucent white, purple, ice coloured blue and green. And the white petal was glowing.

These four petals represent her four powers!

The glowing white petal represents that she can use her spiritual power! She could actually use her power, even if it is just her spiritual power, before the end of the world comes!

The colour of the petal represents the ability a person has and after someone upgrades their ability to level 2, one more petal will be added to a single ability person and for people with 2 or more abilities. When the other ability is upgraded, the corresponding petal will also separate, adding another petal of the same colour. In this way, it will gradually resemble a flower after each upgrade.

Dual-ability people will have 2 flowers in their head and similarly, Bai Yue also has 4 petals, which will make 4 flowers after upgrading.

Because the crystal nucleus of spiritual power was rare, the scientists had found an exercise for practising and improving spiritual ability.

Keep rotating the spiritual power around the petal, representing spiritual power continuously.

We can do it while doing other things, but it is slower than when meditating and rotating, but it still improves little by little. She can do the meditation in the space at night with the help of the time difference.

Thinking of this, Bai Yue's speed of collection also increased.

Soon everything was collected. And similarly, all other warehouses were also collected.

In the last warehouse for seasoning, oils, and sauces, she encountered Ming Xi, and they both collected the goods from that warehouse before heading back home. 

After resting for about an hour, Bai Yue left with Bai Jing and Fang Yu to collect the food that they ordered yesterday and today.

And Bai Yue looked at the newly added menu and her stomach, which was filled with just the breakfast and a simple lunch that she had in the café, started making sounds.


Fang Yu looked at Bai Yue and started laughing.


"I am sorry, it's just that it has been a long time since you have lost your composure like this in font of us. It reminded me of the time when you used to come back from school, and watch me while I cooked and your stomach would also make sounds, and we would just laugh it off."