

Rimuru pov

'Ah where am I' I thought

The last thing i remember is getting stabbed how am I still alive.

As I look around I noticed I was a slime and I was in a cave. I was freaking out because I was a slime. I started exploring and ate some things. I also found out about great sage.

As I was looking around I saw a strange man. He had white hair and a blindfold on. He had an appearance that would make men envy him and women faint. I decided to walk up to him as this was my first time seeing a human.

"Hey Mister with the white hair," i said

The person with white hair looked around and asked me what I just said. So I repeated myself.

He looked surprised for some reason which I don't know why. Shouldn't he know what his hair looked like? Well nvm, guess he forgot or something.

"Limitless" Said Gojo

Huh I question

Can you touch me he ask? I didn't know why but I listen to him and when I tried to touch him I couldn't and bounced back.

Woah what did you just do I asked.

He said it was his power and IT was so cool. I started to talk to him and tell him about my life and how I died a virgin.

I also told him I was reincarnated which seemed to shock him greatly.

He then slowly said he was also reincarnated. It took me a while to comprehend what he said.

WHAT!!!!!!!! I screamed

AN- why are u reading this. Have u not lost brain cells yet. Oh, wait you probably did if you're reading this. Anyways 10k views wtf. How.