
Reborn in RWBY with wishes and a punishment

Kyle_Webster_1680 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

Time skip


(Sara nightshade)

It has been a week and a half since the birth of Lilith. We did as the doctor said and caught a ride during the fourth day towards minstrel. We are currently on the road we are about 140 miles from our destination, but I have noticed something off me and my husband are former huntsmen and my instincts are still as sharp as ever.

Mrs. nightshade: dear something is off about the aria at 12'o'clock about 50 miles back it seems we have trouble coming our way what do you want to do I think they are following us from smell on the wind I would say they are bandits because the smell of blood and dust powder.

Mr.nightshade: are you certain dear? Bandits this close to the city is unheard of!

Mrs. nightshade: yes dear you know my semblance heightens my senses and they have never failed us in anyway.

Mr.nightshade: then I will let the party head know we need to speed up and warn him of the threat if we reach the walls we should be safe.


Mr.nightshade walked to the leader of the group to warn them of what his wife told him but because the group leaders second in command was a Faunus hater who said you were probably lying, so Mr.nightshade asked that since he doesn't believe him if he can take his wife and the second hay cart ahead to the gate and leave the cart there the leader so ok, so he did what he asked to do, then told the guards about what his wife said, they sent a platoon out with hunters in it they got and they saved them from the bandits.

Leader: thanks for the help.

Second in command: at least they helped unlike that fox Faunus!

Hunter: do you mean a fox Faunus with white fox ears?

Second in command: yeah how did you know?

Guard leader: so your the one who told the group leader he was lying when his wife warned you about the bandits, do you know who those two were they ex pro hunters, they were also some of the best before they wanted to start a family, because of your views against Faunus you almost got you, and everyone here killed.

Second in command: I don't know …

Guard leader: don't lie to me he recorded everything because he saw you glaring at him in a hateful manner had he not warned us ahead of time do you know what would happen? That was Alfa wolf tribe they kill the men and, rape and in slave the women so he not made it in time you would be dead and your girlfriend next to you would be a knocked up slave being passed around like a toy!

Now get a move on we will escort you as far as the wall/ and group leader I suggest you get a new second!


(Back at the town point of view of Rick nightshade)

Rick: I hope they made it in time!

Sara: don't worry dear I I'm sure made it and I think we should get an in room for the night it's to close to being dark to home right now without risking our child and I will not do that we'll stay till lunch then head home ok?

Rick: your right dear! Let's go !


Seeing this Lilith smiled then thought of something and decided to check it out

Lilith: system show me my status again!

Name: Lilith nightshade. Lv1

Dex. :3

Hp. :1500

Mp. :4000

Agility: 0

Int: 10000

Wis: 15

Aura :1000(sealed)

Semblances :glyphs (sealed) , copy (sealed),??? ( sealed)

Luck :35/100


Eye capabilities Lv1

Mana manipulation lv3

Aura manipulation lv0 sealed

Cooking lv0

Fishing lv0

Observation lv4>6

Gamers mind lv max

Eavesdropping Lv2>4

Auto loot lv1

Skill points 4000



Weapon box spin 3

Gotcha spin 0

Money 200lien

Skill up pill( allows one to up skill lv of skill by 5 or one stat by 2) has 4

Climbers grappling gauntlets blueprints.

Manual for aura/ mana cultivation.

Alchemist/smith set ( a set meant to teach one to make components/compounds/poisons/potions, as well as to forge equipment with different abilities)


Lilith: system can I use the skill up pill?

System: not yet host must be at least 5-6 years old before using them is possible.

Lilith: so I basically can't do anything until I'm 5.

System: not so host can read cultivation manual and cultivate mana and aura even in a sealed state!

Lilith: okay I'll do that how do I read it without getting caught?

System: host can read it while it is in the inventory by thinking of the manual and imaging it is like a online novel from host previous life.

Lilith: oh okay! That make sense!


So Lilith reads the manual and finds out that mana has blue hue in the body aura has a grey hue and the best way to cultivate it in its sealed state is to think of the two energies flowing through the bodies blood vessels and veins as if it were blood but faster and the more you cultivate from an early age the more you have when your older and that most don't cultivate because they don't know they can or how to so most who awaken their aura stay with the aura lv they were born with and the more you cultivate while young the more likely you will start subconsciously cultivating even in your sleep by the age of 9, seeing this shocked Lilith so she got to work on cultivating instantly but made an note to see if she can find a skill later on to hide her mana else she will be targeted by cinder.

With that last thought she started to cultivate her mana and aura it was slow going and hard. She did this for four hours before she got tired and fell asleep in her mother's arms in the inn room they rented.