
Chapter 6 moving in and checking the place

After waking up refreshed I stretch feeling a little awkward still but getting better, Then I wash my face and I brush up my teeth with only one arm and let me tell you how hard it was I personally would have preferred to have punched Boros in the face and get away with it, But lets not get too suicidal shall we?, After that is done I wear some pants and I wear a blue with black details shirt and look a bit of myself at the mirror, I look like a person that has seen enough shit to write the script for a disaster film.

'I stand at 180, If you tale a look at my face it looks a bit handsome, Who I am kidding I look like I've survived an artilery shell exploding close to me on a war which on a way is not that bad I've got some scars even in my face but I take it for granted.

After all if it wasnt for my quick regeneration compared to normal people I would look like frankestein if not straight dead, but still a bit handsome on itself the scars make a bit of a charm on themselves which honestly I couldn't give a single damn about as long as my arm was back, If I find a Esper I'll sure as hell ask if they can fix my scars.'

'Now that I think of it how will I get stronger anyway?, Its kinda hopeless since it seems I have no superhuman powers neither Esper powers and none super evolved alien genetic to compesate my weakness.'

'Cyborg implants could be a thing, But eh Genos is the living proof that it doesn't work much well but I take it with a grain of salt since the guy is constantly trying to kill himself and make doctor Kuseno more trouble, First with that Mosquito Thot, Second with that fishman which i am pretty sure is basically fish Puri Puri prisoner with a royalty complex, Then gouketsu and so on I've actually forgot the rest but eh no biggie.'

'Now that I think of it King basically is a stand user whanever he is in danger Saitama appears out of nowhere to save him, So in a way I dont blame those people for thinking King is the strongest guy in the series because in a ironical way he is since he can summon the literal strongest person to save him.'

''Well I guess Genos path it is then.'' I say with a sigh 'Now where can I find Dr Kuseno?, Hmm maybe I should stop trying to play 4d chess with myself on my head and ask the internet about him.'

''Hmm there we go Dr Kuseno has many trophies for advancing the Robotic Department of Cybernetic Implants by whole decades and also owns a factory for cybernetic implants in case of serious accidents that has been founded recently, Which on a way kinda explain Genos's whole existence as a cyborg but eh, Maybe I can ask for a standard robot arm for a handicapped civilian?, Lets try.''

After browsing a bit and getting the exact measures I've actually got a reply saying that my delivery was to come at about 10 days from now and then I ''Wow'd'' Like never before because in my Earth we hadn't anything like this neither this much infrastucture as One Punch Man's World.

After those ten days have passed my delivery has arrived from a drone that dropped a box and found my arm there, Also have come with some receipts and some other papers like that but the one that brought me the more atention to was a paper saying that for instaling this arm I can use this paper as its a certificate with everything needed to have surgery for this implant and I just need to show it on a Hospital and they did the procedure as they had a partnership with the factory since on a way its a winning deal for both of them and the moment you sign up the papers for the transplant whatever you do with your arm is your business unless it has some manufacture error which then you can give back to the factory and they give you a brand new one.

''Wow, I guess it was easier than i thought?, Benefits on living on a technologically more advanced society i guess.'' I say amazed.

Sure it wasn't for free, The government didn't cover the cost of it since its a personal choice to have one or not since it was pretty expensive but gladly I have a lot of cash or well atleast had, Since most things can be paid on virtual accounts so no need to come with a wallet, Yes im looking at you Saitama.

Its not like you can't pay with wallet money through just makes you not seem like an asshole that wants someone to suffer counting the coins, And also the money is Yen kinda obvious but a interesting fact I know on this world.

Deciding to go on the hospital and do the surgery since its cost by itself is free since the cost is already added to the bill of the arm and since I've bought it instantly gave me a schedule of hour I should go so I don't get a waiting line.

Kinda neat not gonna lie, Then I get my phone out of the charger and on a way its my wallet and documents in case anything happens or if its needed.

I set myself to getting that surgery since who wouldn't want to have their arm back?, Its bad i tell you especially because in your mind it never leaves your memory the fact you always had an arm and now you do not.

When i stop by the Hospital and enter it, It looks amazing from outside and inside as well has that futuristic esque look, There I meet an attendant and she welcomes me inside the hospital and that the doctors were waiting for me to arrive for my implant surgery.

Almost made me cry out a genuine tear of joy because holy shit this healthcare system is so good, After carrying my arm in the very same box it has arrived at my home I kinda think 'Shouldn't they have just delivered it at the hospital?, I bet its to flex their delivery system or either something like see what you got type of thing.

Its time to stop those thoughts and get my arm back.' Then the surgery starts after me sitting on a table wearing a patient's clothes I got some anesthesia so I pretty much was blacked out the entirety of the surgery which is a whole new experience for me, Since well couldn't know if I had anesthesia before on my first hospitalisation probably had but didn't know.

Let me tell you something it feels awful, My entire body feels numb but good thing now that the surgery is done, I am currently on a hospital bed but what makes me even happier is the fact that now I can feel I have my arm back.

'Now I can be a master of 300 arts of beating the shit out of someone again!' of course my thoughts are jumbled and what I just thought at that moment would actually be some rubbish instead of actual words but they conveyed my feelings so I was happy.

After the anesthesia started wearing off a doctor dropped by saying the surgery was successful and now that I had my arm back and telling me to be more careful after all they seen all the scars I have under my clothes and face which to I have to admit there are so many that saying there are many of them is a big of a understatement.

I nod to the doctor and thank him for the successful surgery and then I go to a room especifically made for the patients after getting fine wearing their clothes back if they have brought their normal clothes and they are not destroyed like most of the clothes of the people that usually come to hospitals.

And I cannot stress this enough its so much easier to dress myself up again, Now that I can finally feel my arm and move it I am quite happy by the day and decide I want to go and check the house I bought to myself personally and probably prepare to move myself out of city A to my house at city Z.

After taking a stop and eating at some restaurant at city A I stop by a shop buy some beer and ice and place inside a thermic box while carrying my notebook in a bag I always carry and get into a train straight to city Z.

When i reach there I notice there's not many people going out of city A to Z but more of Z going to A, Which lets be honest seems pretty normal to people that dont posess my knowledge and even if they do they would probably just go to a city on the side of it.

City A is one of the cities with the biggest rent cost for houses because of its relative safety and geographical position since its in the middle of everthing if worse comes to be true which does, All the heroes can easily and with haste get there.

Anyways, I walk out of the train station while thinking 'Honestly, City Z is a gold mine basically people leave with utter fear and leave all their belongings inside their previous homes so if you are a either A monster its basically free quality housing.

Or B you are a burglar or C you are a person like me who knows the benefits since anything here is cheap after all people just want to get off here while getting some easy money selling housing in dangerous places.

or D you are a wild Saitama that has nothing to fear and basically can live on a mansion here without someone bothering to ever go after you.

Sadly a LOT of people are going to die in the inevitable demise of City A and lets say even if I were to warn everyone to go away Boros's ship may be targeted to going to the city with the highest amount of inhabitants which currently is A city.

And like 99.8% of the entirety of the city was outright gone, The cities you see in the anime surrounding the destroyed city A are the rest of the tiny cities that together with the main city make a city the size of New York and become a kind of a megalopolis but still

Its a massive amount of destruction after all city A is kinda the capital of Earth, Also good thing this world has a very nice sense of balance of population on a sense like its not everyone crammed in a single city Earth had cities bigger like Tokyo.

Still City A's biggest city which was 99.8% destroyed still had an absurd amount of people, Its sad but I can't do nothing after all i am not Saitama, Then after thinking a lot and walking I reach the house I bought and since basically City Z's architecture hasn't changed basically a single thing it was easy to recognize Saitama's canon house.

My house is about a kilometer away, Because first for safety because if any of the monsters from the House of Evolution decide to attack Saitama, I don't live too close so my house doesn't get destroyed and I don't have to care about whatever he does since the meteor wont reach here too.

When I reach inside the house its a fairly good medium sized house it has nice entrance when I enter the house using the keys I've got and I notice the house has an air conditioner since I can see it, A nice tv and a couch to sit on and a complete kitchen

Bathroom and a double bed, But I am still going to basically throw everything away all those beds couches and bed sheets and clothes that aren't mine I am gonna redecorate this house from zero aside from the kitchen and the chairs since they are fine.

''I guess this also means a new Era for my life huh?, A home to do whatever gives me the need to sure I'll need to clean up but its my least problem after all I am in One Punch Man.'' I say while sitting on a chair.

And then grabbing my thermic box opening it getting a beer and drinking a bit of it and cracking a smile ''A place I can truly call home soon enough.'' While getting my notebook connecting it to the TV and start watching a movie.

The chapter is a lot bigger than usual, If you liked the chapter feel free to comment anything you want principaly if its a constructive critic so i can better my novel producing skills, Have a good read everyone!

AureonWcreators' thoughts
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