
Ichirakku Specials at Baratie & Meeting Luffy

The Next day morning at the Restaurant, Sam was called to the Kitchen. There was Owner Zeff preparing Food for the morning orders. Sam activated his Sharingan to see all the details of the cooking. And trying to copy what Zeff is doing.

After the Preparation is completed, he looked back he Saw the pair red eyes with 3 coma patterns watching him. He was surprised to see the strange eyes but did not dig in deeper as everyone have their fair share of Secrets.

Zeff called out " Oi Brat, come here and start cutting all these vegetables and meat as How I did back now. "

Sam went towards the vegetables and meats, he exactly did like he was asked to, He sliced the vegetables with absolute precision and the meat Slices are neat in order. Patty and Batchee who are on the side were having their mouth wide open.

Patty " Oii, You said that you don't know to cook right? Then how the hell are you cutting the meat and vegetables with absolute precision!? "

Zeff also looked at Sam with some doubt, But yesterday he saw the genuine happiness in his face while eating. So there must be truth in the statement.

Sam replied " I just watched Teacher Zeff and did it like what he did. " He said it like it is no Big Deal. Patty on the other hand was fuming and was about to erupt in anger. At that time Zeff said " Oiii, Brat go and follow, Sanji and help him in cooking. "

Hearing Zeff all the other Chefs stayed silent and went to do back their own work. Sam went to Sanji and told him that Zeff wants him to assist in Sanji's Cooking and Sanji also accepted. Like everybody else Sanji also didn't care about his eyes.

Sanji started cooking and Sam is assisting him in his Cooking by cutting vegetables. Sam is learning cooking in a fast pace. And he was very much sync with Sanji when cooking. And due to Sam's arrival. The Restaurant's Business has started blooming as many young Women were started visiting the restaurant regularly.

And not to mention the food here in the Restaurant is best among the best. During these days Sanji and Sam become too close.

Sanji " Oiii, you weird eye bastard, Why is that all the women are always asking you to Serve them? " He was holding Sam's collar and cursing Sam's luck with ladies.

Sam " It's always annoying, I don't like to deal with those women. All I want is to taste all types of tasty food that this world has to offer. " And he was speaking all of this with an annoyed expression.

Sanji is so pissed of hearing his reply. He started to fight and when he tried to kick him. Sam always avoided the kicks. And Zeff came when the Ruckus becomes more. He silenced Sanji with his Kick.

And Patty is always acting nice to Sam and wants to Serve the table. As a month has passed since he reached Baratie. And today he got another Lucky Spin. And he used his spin .

He got " Fuinjutsu Scroll Sealing, Scrolls×10 "

He got 10 Scrolls. Now he could store his weapons, in his Scrolls and it can be summoned any time using the Scrolls. And he checked his Stats.


Name: Portgas. D Sam

Occupation : Ninja, Chef

Level: Chunnin

Skills :

TaiJutsu : Leaf Hurricane, 8 inner gates, Hyuga clan gentle fists

Kenjutsu : Leaf Style - Dance of the Crescent Moon. Zabuza's Kenjutsu style.

Ninjutsu : Shadow Clone Justsu, Substitution Jutsu, Shuriken Jutsu, Fire Ball Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, Fire Style Phoenix Fire Flame, Water Prison Jutsu, Water Style Wall of Water Jutsu, Earth Style Earth Wall, Lightning Style Chidori, Wind Style Gale Palm.

Doujutsu : Sharingan (3 tomae), Byakugan

Fuinjutsu : 5 prone sealing Jutsu. 8 tetagram sealing jutsu, Scroll Sealing Jutsu.

Summoning Jutsu : Eagle

Anbu (Tracking, Hunting, Surveying.), Ichiraku Special Cooking,

Spins left : 0


Though Sam knows Sanji's dream, he asked Sanji " What is your dream Sanji ? "

Sanji " Do you know there is Sea known as All Blue where all the Four Seas connect to each other. "

" That Sea is known as the All Blue. There will be all the varieties of fish and minerals will be available in that sea. "

" That Sea is the dream of all the Cooks, and one day I must see that Sea. "

When seeing it as the Third Person but hearing it directly is entirely an another feeling.

Sam said " Sanji, I have decided "

" I will travel with you in your Journey to find All Blue. And when we find it, I will be the first one to taste the food you prepared by the ingredients obtained in the All Blue. "

Sanji just smiled at Sam's sentence and they gone back to the usual work.

Today at last Sam is going to try Ichiraku's Special Miso Ramen with Barbeque Pork. And Sanji who is on the side is helping him while cooking. Zeff and all the other cooks are interested and watching the show, since this is the first time Sam is cooking something new on his own.

He was chopping down the Pork slices. And getting the Ramen Soup. And added the Noodles. And soon he got the Ichirakku Ramen that Naruto used to Love. Sanji and Zeff tasted the Ramen, Sam on the side watching with expressionless face but inside he was nervous.

Zeff " Oiii Brat, It is barely passable. "

" Next time cook better. "

The Chefs around were excited because this is the highest price that Zeff has given someone. And all the People started to dig in the food. And everybody started enjoying the food.

Patty " Oiii Sam, This is best Ramen I have ever eaten. "

Sanji " You have become a better cook in a matter of months you weird eye bastard. "

Sam with a straight face " At the least, I am improving myself compared to a Stagnated twirl eyebrows idiot. "

Sanji Seethed " Come again, you zombie faced freak. "

And they started to have their usual fight. And as usual Zeff comes and teaches them a lesson. Soon there was a Special Ramen was added in the menu of Baratie. The menu was given a separate heading as Ichiraku Specials.

Sanji asked the reason for the name. Sam replied " It is name of the chef who lived in my hometown. I just tried to recreate his recipe which I tasted which is still fresh in my memories. " After that nobody asked anything about the name as if it became a understanding among the members of Baratie and soon enough, the Ichiraku Specials in Baratie has become famous in the East Blue regions.

And the Baratie's business bloomed at an incredible rate. And soon another month passed by and he got another Spin. And he used it.

He got " Body Flickering Jutsu. "

Sam thought to himself ' Even without practicing my chakra is increasing steadily at a slow pace, but breaking through Jonnin level will still take some time. '

' And still I don't know when Luffy will come and pick up Sanji. ' As these thoughts are running through his mind. He heard a loud crashing sound in Zeff's room. He hastened up to Zeff's room only to see injured Zeff.

And soon the cooks brought a boy with a red shirt and brown trousers with a Straw Hat in his head. And another thing unique about him is he has a Scar right below his left eye.

He was having his head down and said " I am sorry mister " but as soon as he saw Zeff he shouted

" GYAAAAA!!!!!"

" You lost your foot because of me! "

Sam had only one thought ' Finally we see each other MONKEY. D LUFFY '

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