
Reborn in Naruto: Wolverine Gamer

A normal guy in an abnormal situation Jon died in his sleep and woke up in Konoha as an orphan with the gamer system and a buffed Wolverine mutation I don't own anything except the mc I don't own the cover if you want me to take it down contact me and I will

Psycho_Paradox · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs



Name: Noboru Tetsuya

Race: Human

Class: none

Title: The Gamer

Level: 4


HP:10500/10500 (str×vit)



Str: 50

Dex: 50

Agi: 50

Vit: 210

Int: 20

Wis: 30

Cha: 8


Gamer's mind (max level)

Gamer's body (max level)

Dishwashing (level:2): increases the speed of washing dishes by 2%

Physical conditioning (level:10):reduces damage taken by 10%

Sprint (level 10):increases the speed of running by 100% and uses 10 cp per second

Academy style Taijutsu(level 20): improves the skill in academy style taijutsu

Inspect(level 2): tells you the name and basic stats of the subject inspected and tells you more at higher levels (can not inspect beings 50 levels higher than you)

Shurikenjutsu(level 4): increases accuracy with shuriken and kunai by 4%

Leaf-sticking exercise( level 10): a chakra control exercise practiced by sticking a leaf to your forehead with chakra gives +10% to chakra control.


Healing factor: regenerates 840Hp a second(vitality stat times xlevel), adds 50 vitality per level plus 100% experience for physical stats and skills

Foreign chemical immunity: your natural healing also affords you virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, except in massive doses. For example, it is extremely difficult for you to become intoxicated by alcohol.

Enhanced Immunity: your highly efficient immune system, which is part of your accelerated healing factor, renders you immune to all known Earthly diseases and infections.

Animal Empathy: you can sense the emotional state of animals on a basic level such as fear, anger, happiness, or pain. You can even communicate with them to make the animal aware of your actions and/or your intent

Acute senses: you can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. You retain this same level of clarity even in near-total darkness. Your hearing is enhanced in a similar matter, allowing you to detect sounds ordinary humans couldn't hear at a greater distance, enough to hear a teardrop in another room that has thick walls with enough focus. You can recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. You can track a target by scent, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather, with an extraordinary degree of success. You can also use your keen sense of smell to detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent.

superhuman strength: adds 10 strength per level

superhuman agility: adds 10 agility per level

superhuman reflexes: adds 10 dexterity per level

Retractable claws: your skeleton includes six retractable 12-inch long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of your forearms

Delayed aging: you age far slower than normal people and can live well past 100

Hardening bones: your bones harden as you age until you reach physical maturity becoming as hard as adamantium
