
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

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35 Chs

Spar! Satoru Vs Asuma

Might Guy's shuriken skills were not up to par as he only managed to land one shuriken in the outermost circle, and the other two were just outside its boundary.

Obito, on the other hand, had a tougher time as he failed to land even a single shuriken in the circle. He felt disappointed in himself and looked down at the ground.

The conversation among the crowd went sour as they watched Might Guy and Obito's performance. "Isn't he an Uchiha?" someone whispered. Another replied, "Yeah, I didn't know the Uchiha clan also had losers. At least I won't be last thanks to this guy." A third person added, "Look at the contrast between Hideki and him, both are Uchiha but one is a failure."

Might Guy also faced a lot of criticism.

One person in the crowd commented, "That guy in the green suit looks ridiculous." Another person chimed in, "Seriously, where did he even find that thing?"

"I can't believe I'm that bad," thought Might Guy, as he looked down in disappointment. He couldn't help but feel like his batch mates were light-years ahead of him. But then, in a sudden burst of energy, his spirits lifted and he murmured " I didn't do well in Shurikenjutsu so what? This is no time to despair. This is the time to channel my disappointment and train even harder, to become even stronger, and to overcome every obstacle in my path. Remember, with enough hard work and determination, anything is possible! That is the Power of Youth!"

Obito's face fell with disappointment for a moment, but he quickly shook it off and a determined expression took over.

The bukijutsu class finally came to an end.

[Second Class]

The second class was the Taijutsu Class, taught by Bekko. As he arrived at the training grounds, he greeted Umino and announced, "Yo Umino, I'll be taking over now." With a swift body flicker technique, Umino left the training grounds, leaving the class in Bekko's capable hands.

"I am Bekko, a Chunin of Konohagakure. I will be your instructor for the Taijutsu class. From the moment this class starts, you will be evaluated on your performance. There are no trial classes," Bekko declared firmly, addressing the students with a serious expression.

"To excel in taijutsu, it is crucial to have a solid foundation of your physical traits, including strength, speed, and endurance. As for hand-to-hand combat skills, you will learn them in this course. Well then let's head to the dojo." explained Bekko.

As the students arrived at the dojo, Bekko scanned the group and said, "Let's see, I need two students to come forward for a live demonstration. You, and you," he pointed to two students in the front row.

One of them was Gojo Satoru, and to his surprise, the other one was Hokage's son, Sarutobi Asuma. As soon as Gojo saw Asuma, he recognized him from his memories of the future, where Asuma became a skilled jonin ninja. However, Gojo also knew that Asuma's fate was sealed as he would fall in battle against the zombie duo of Akatsuki. Gojo couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness for Asuma's future.

Asuma struggled with a bit of a father complex, as he resented being compared to his renowned father and was determined to prove to the world that he could be a prodigy in his own right, without relying on the prestige of the Sarutobi name.

As for Satoru, he accepted the challenge, eager to test his skills against Asuma.

"While I have been working hard on my physical strength and endurance for the past three years, I don't have much experience in taijutsu fighting skills. This spar will give me an idea of how much I have truly improved. Besides, Asuma is not particularly known for his taijutsu skills, so I believe I can defeat him," thought Satoru.

Satoru and Asuma faced each other, ready to begin their spar. Asuma's confident smirk made Satoru feel uneasy, but he shook it off and got into his stance.

"You think you can keep up with me, Satoru?" Asuma taunted, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"I will try, Young master," Satoru replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. He knew that calling Asuma "young master" would get under his skin.

The spar started, and Asuma charged forward with a quick jab. Satoru blocked it easily and responded with a kick, but Asuma dodged it and countered with a hook punch. Satoru barely managed to dodge, but Asuma was already on him again, throwing a flurry of punches and kicks.

"Hm, he sure is a feisty one. Maybe that taunt really hit a nerve," thought Satoru as he focused on blocking Asuma's attacks.

Satoru blocked most of them, but a few landed, and he felt his stamina draining with each body shot. He tried to counterattack, but Asuma was too agile. The most daunting aspect of this spar was Satoru's struggle to discern the opportune moment to counterattack or dodge. Asuma was tenacious, not allowing Satoru even a moment to even think about his next move.

"You're not even trying, Satoru. Come on, give me a real challenge," Asuma taunted, grinning.

The frustration building up inside Satoru was evident as he muttered under his breath, "This guy is really getting on my nerves now."

Satoru gritted his teeth and charged forward with a fierce punch, but Asuma easily dodged it and tripped him up. Satoru hit the ground hard but got back up.

"Is that all you got?" Asuma again taunted, beckoning Satoru forward with a confident expression.

The spar continued, with Satoru putting up a better fight this time. He managed to land a few hits on Asuma, but Asuma still had the upper hand. Satoru was tiring quickly, and Asuma knew it.

"You're not bad. But you still have a long way to go," Asuma said, smirking.

Satoru felt frustrated, but he wasn't going to give up yet. He charged forward again, but this time he feinted and dodged Asuma's counterattack, landing a solid hit just below his ribs,

A liver blow!!


A sharp cry of pain escaped Asuma's lips as he crumpled to the ground, clutching his side where Satoru's attack had landed. Despite the blow, Asuma managed to gather himself and struggle back to his feet, his face contorted with pain. Satoru could see that he had dealt a significant blow, but he knew that Asuma was far from defeated.

Just as they were about to continue their intense spar, Bekko's voice interrupted them. "Stop that's enough for today," he called out, signaling the end of their battle. Satoru and Asuma both paused, panting and sweating, gave each other a nod of respect and walked toward each other, and formed the seal of reconciliation.

Asuma gritted his teeth and muttered through his pain, "Don't ever call me 'Young Master' again. My name is Asuma"

Satoru smirked and replied, "Sure thing, 'Young Master' Asuma."

However, his expression soon turned confident as he added, "But mark my words, the next time we fight, I will defeat you. Believe it."

Asuma's eyes narrowed and he clenched his fists, but before he could respond, Bekko interrupted, "Good spar, you two."

With that, the two ninjas went their separate ways. As Satoru walked away, he knew that he still had much to learn, but the thrill of the fight had given him a newfound determination to master taijutsu.