
Reborn in Naruto with Bleach System

I have a hard time starting novels so the first few chapters are a mess, bear with it. You may like the rest after a few chaps. Ever wondered what would happen if you were born into an anime with ninjas but with System from Bleach? Well you stumbled upon the right place as our main character ,or maybe one of them who knows :], is reborn into the Naruto verse.

TheCarpe · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs



Kunais, shurikens and katanas collided together, almost creating a harmonious music. Both ninjas having sort of morbid and rhythmic actions to kill the other one.

On a training ground, two kids could be seen sparring under the watchful eye of Akira Uchiha. Until the white haired kid couldn't take it anymore and made a mistake resulting in a cut appearing on his cheek.

"That's enough. Itachi, you've improved a lot. Dantes, you still remain very fragile, being chakraless means less surprises for the enemy. which means they only have to worry about your sword. Itachi, your shurikenjutsu is perfect but too predictable, try using glass tempered wires." After doing his summary and what Itachi could improve, Akira just left.

'Man~… He keeps saying the same thing all the time. I know you uchihas don't like impure guys like me…' 

"Don't worry Dantes, you gave me a hard time. It's just that they kind of don't like but don't hate you either." 

Dantes lamented himself at first in his mind but quickly regained his mood when he heard Itachi's praises.

"Dantes, come with me, the Head wants to talk to you." A man which he presumably thought was a uchiha servant patently waited for him and bring him to Fugaku. It was not the first time he had seen this person send out his father's orders. He was also one of the few who couldn't care less from where he came from. 

"Understood." With that, they slowly walked for some time until they arrived before a door. 

*Knock knock*

"You may enter." The usual serious and emotionless voice sounded, giving them the signal to slide open the door. The butler just left with a slight bow.

'For what reason would he call me here all of a sudden? A mission perhaps?'

Fugaku's usual habit of sipping a beverage could not be seen. Instead, he was looking in Konoha's direction from the window, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Dantes, I think you already know Itachi will graduate in a while, right? He was supposed to graduate in half a year but decided to speed the process."

He stayed silent for a few moments and then looked at a map of the world, more precisely Amegakure.

'Why is father talking about Itachi all of a sudden? Maybe he wants to hint me something… Ah, maybe he wants me to compare my achievements with his. Which means he wants me to do something important. Or maybe I'm just overthinking? Who knows?' 

Dantes' mind was in full turbo mode trying to understand any hidden meanings behind Fugaku's words.

"If I sent you to another village, what would you think the reason would be?" His voice rang in his ears again.

"To monitor the village?" He answered firmly. Seeing this, Fugaku nodded his head.

"Then do you know why I need you to monitor a village?" Dantes was then kind of lost, in his previous life, he was but a kid. He wouldn't be able to think of a reason. 

"I'm sorry, I can't find the answer." His head kind of dropped a little.

"Well, how about a different question. Why would a village not attack Konoha?"

"Because Konoha is big and strong."

"Yes, Konoha is like behemoth to the other villages, but take enough of them and all of a sudden, Konoha is facing a behemoth, like hyenas to a lion."

"But father, wouldn't it be a mistake to take such actions ?" Dantes was confused by not what he heard but the implications. 'Why would anyone be brave enough to attack Konoha?'

And as if to answer his thoughts, Fugaku said. "It wouldn't be if the leader is a warmonger and his beliefs are based on strength. A leader's beliefs infect those below him.

Dantes, you know about the brewing coup d'état. If the village wins, then they will be weakened, if we win, the village will be weakened. In every scenarios I've thought about, only one conclusion is possible; being in a weakened state.

That's why I want you to infiltrate Amegakure. Hanzo is too much of a variable and thus, I need someone to kill or at least try to infiltrate his inner cercle."

'But what does that have to do with me? You could send someone way more skilled than me to be your spy!'

"Father, you know that I'm not trained for this. There are way more skilled people who can do it better than me." He was trying to figure out why did the patriarch of the Uchiha, someone extremely ruthless, prideful and unmoving chose someone as incompetent as him. 

This didn't at all go with his strategic mind. 

Before he could continue simulating scenarios in his mind, he saw his father's eyes become 3 tomoed sharingans then changed into a weirdly shaped patterns. 

"F-father, what is the meaning of this!" Dantes was starting to panic, most of the time, when someone used their sharingan, it was to either kill people or train. He had never seen this kind of sharingan, he had heard that the more tomoe you had, the stronger the dojutsu. As he was about to go into battle stance out of security, his father gentle voice rang again.

"I've seen a future through my eyes." When he said that, a trace of worry appeared of his face. It was such a rare occurrence, almost never seen. He then continued; 

"A future where a white desert stretched as far as the eyes could see. White pillars and structures scraping the sky and the infinite night embracing the earth. At first, I thought it was just a dream, a product of my imagination. But then, I felt my eye activate by itself which confirmed its authenticity…"

He sighed before looking in Dantes eyes.

"Everyone wants to wag war between themselves, yet, they don't except the cataclysmic event looming above their heads. That's why I want you to go to Amegakure. I've already people to monitor but there's a limit. I'm sorry to give you such responsibility despite your young age.

A person immigrating there will be under heavy suspicion. An Uchiha kid would be even more suspicious. But a nameless kid will go under surveillance. In my vision, I saw a lot of rain, which means it's in Amegakure or close to it."

Dantes, at first thought he was just being sacrificed for the sake of information but then he understood the importance of such a mission. It was not just to monitor Hanzo, but to monitor the major event about to happen there. If the reality his father saw happens then there will be no Konoha, no Uchiha, ni family, nothing.

He then sighed, knowing about how much of a hassle it's gonna be and nodded his head at his father.

"Understood, I will do it, father."

Fugaku didn't do anything for a few moments, just looking at his son, the thoughts in his mind unknown to anyone. He nodded and with an heavy voice said; " You will depart in a few days. Take time to talk to anyone you deem fit as you will be on mission for a long time perhaps."

And without saying anything, Dantes just left the study. Leaving behind a sighing Fugaku who was looking out of the window. "The Ninja World is going to be in turmoil."