
Reborn in Naruto with Bleach System

I have a hard time starting novels so the first few chapters are a mess, bear with it. You may like the rest after a few chaps. Ever wondered what would happen if you were born into an anime with ninjas but with System from Bleach? Well you stumbled upon the right place as our main character ,or maybe one of them who knows :], is reborn into the Naruto verse.

TheCarpe · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


'I still don't know if this is a good idea. I could still try to go back to Konoha and use the Uchiha's info network. But I don't think that's a good idea, they're already preoccupied with preparing the coup d'etat.'

"Lady Konan, are you sure it's a good idea to just stroll around like this?" He curiously inquired. As a first mission given by Nagato, they had been walking around Amegakure and cleaning up spies and odd but powerful enemies.

Konan was an extremely good sensor ninja, they both had already cleaned up around a dozen undesirable persons and there were still more.

"You can just call me Konan and yes, if we start flying around then it will be more annoying to take care of them." She said, both of them gliding through the buildings at very fast speeds on papers floating under their feet.

"Understood." Dantes nodded.

Konan turned around and gazed into his eyes. Dantes would normally not mind it, being observed like this, this was not the first time. But what made him weirded out was the fact that she was gliding with her back turned, making this a very weird situation.

He returned the glance and asked; "Did I say something wrong?"

She shook her head in a helpless matter.

"I know how you must have a hard time trusting anyone but in the Akatsuki, we all can be ourselves. You don't have to trust us so early on but you can consider this a home or perhaps a refuge." Konan tried to explain what she wanted him to think and feel.

Since yesterday, the boy has been on guard at all times. When she came at night to check on his wounds, she would notice his respiration accelerate which meant he was awake.

The boy then averted his gaze and observed the surroundings. 'I should try and find out those Uchiha spies. They hadn't shown themselves at all in the past 3 years but now that I eliminated Hanzup, they might have left.'

"Lady Konan, what happens if you get injured in this form? Do you just retain the injury when you return to your normal form or you can just discard and replace the paper?"

She helplessly shook her head with a defeated smile at the formality; "As long as I have chakra, I can regenerate any injuries."

Konan slightly leaned over to the same level as him and asked; "Can I ask you a question in return? How come you can use such a unique jutsu without any chakra?"

Dantes or the person known as the Flower Demon had been on many battlefields and had of course been sensed by many sensor ninjas. But all they could conclude was that he was using a Chakra Suppression Technique.

"Because you told me your secret then I will tell you mine. I use a chakra supp-"

"You don't need to tell me a lie if you don't want to tell me. I'll not pry any further."

Yet the woman before him was so good at sensing that he saw through this lie instantly.

They then continued their mission in a silence that wasn't awkward.


After his mission, Dantes just walked to his apartment. When he entered, he closed the door behind him, and when he turned around he was greeted by his mother, Makoto Uchiha.

"Ah, Dantes. You finally came back." Mikoto Uchiha greeted him. He felt something weird in his chest but quickly ignored it and proceeded to hug his mother.

"I'm sorry Mother, my mission this time was more complicated than I had expected."

When he looked aside, he saw Itachi staring at him. There was no real greeting between them except a nod. But when it came to the little infant in his brother's arms, he got all excited to play with him.

"Well you little ball of energy! You haven't... grown one bit? Huh?" Dantes was confused, it had been more than 3 years since he departed from home so this baby should have grown but no-

"Eugh..." He felt a stinging pain in his head but as he was about to inquire further at this anomaly, a voice startled him out of his pain.

"Dantes, come with me to my study." His father stood there at the door with a stoic and serious face.

"Yes, Father." He was then about to hand over Sasuke to his brother when he was again assaulted by a head-splitting headache. When he opened his eyes again, his little brother had been replaced by an amalgamation of decomposing hands.

'W-what?' His mind was foggy and fuzzy and his eyes tired.

"Dantes, I said come with me." His father's voice rang again, when he looked up, he saw half his body being replaced by the same haunting and decomposing hands.

Already having experienced something like this and immediately tried to summon his shikai but to no avail.

His failed attempts and fighting stance didn't go unnoticed by this 'thing'. The amalgamation that was half his father a d half monster smiled creepily and said with a distorted voice;

"So you noticed my illusion hihi! Sorry to break your family reunion~, couldn't create the image of what the kid would look like. But it seems that I failed to do that-"

"What do you want from me? My soul? Can't you just fuck off and leave me alone already?"

He then saw the amalgamation of hands just start to shake slightly, as if muttering an inaudible laugh.

'This fucker is so annoying. Since when I lost that Chain of Fate thing it appeared, trying to mimic those I know- Eugh...' In his thoughts, he was assaulted by pain again making him close his eyes and hold his head.

He then felt a shift in the environment. When he opened his eyes, he saw himself staring into the mirror of his bathroom.

His face looked normal except for the fact that half his face was smiling.
