
Reborn in Naruto with Bleach System

I have a hard time starting novels so the first few chapters are a mess, bear with it. You may like the rest after a few chaps. Ever wondered what would happen if you were born into an anime with ninjas but with System from Bleach? Well you stumbled upon the right place as our main character ,or maybe one of them who knows :], is reborn into the Naruto verse.

TheCarpe · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Little Lambs

Ninjas with a Iwagakure head plate could be seen running with their hands behind their backs. Sweat trickling down their whole body as if they had left a pool.

'W-why is the Wicked Eye here?! I need to escape from here and fast !' 

'We need to report this to the ups.' They all thought


They were all startled out of their thoughts when they heard their comrade's agonizing scream.

When they looked at the source of danger they saw four crimson dots staring at them from behind, their friend's body burnt black. They all began to panic, they had caught up to them so they had to separate to survive which they did as everyone ran in a different direction.


'I-i'm saved~! They didn't follo-' Before the ninja could rest his tired body, he stumbled upon a kid with white hair. As he was about to eliminate him to clean all evidences he felt his balance change as his foot was suddenly caught in a rope. 

"Haha, Father and Itachi-san's sharingans are so overpowered~." The Iwagakure ninja heard the kid's mocking voice and before he could react, his view level fell to ground level. 

"Thank you for your patronage~."

He then saw the kid grab his hair and look at him in the eyes before throwing his head to a nearby bush.

{Low Chunin level ninja killed. +1 coin and Exp}

{Currency: 12 coins}


{Name: Dantes Uchiha

Abilities: [White-Ichigo]

Conditions: A little tired, Healthy.


"It is so amusing. They run like little lambs until they think they're saved only to realize they only ran a few meters each. All in a genjutsu." 

'Since last time Father brought us to a battlefield, Itachi has been kind of absent minded. I remember the worried look he gave me half a year ago when I almost got my throat cut open while trying to give water to a dying ninja on the battlefield.'

And with the addition of Sasuke's birth and the Nine Tails Accident, Itachi has been training extremely hard. Dantes had even heard a little conversation between his Father and Itachi talking about early graduation.

He awakened his sharingans at some time but Dantes didn't pry the exact date.

He had been adopted, living with and training with Itachi and Fugaku for more than a year. He had grown extremely attached to these four people, Itachi, his new father Fugaku, his new mother Mikoto and finally the newborn Sasuke. For the first time in his both his lives, Dantes felt happy and a feeling of appartenance and wouldn't give it dor anything. 

Recently their father had started training them and making them experience 'real life'. Which consisted of missions of C tier which were to eliminate spies. They had been at it for a few days and he had had the opportunity to kill 13 people now. Dantes then had a very unpleasant thought which made him frown

"Good job Dante, is there something wrong today?" A deep voice came from the direction the ninja had ran from and Fugaku along side his brother appeared.

"No, I just thought about something unpleasant. Can we go back, I'm don't have chakra reinforcement so I easily tire." When Dantes said that, both Itachi and Fugaku slightly frowned, not out of despise but pity. They had seen how talented he was with a sword alone but was crippled with such a major illness. 

"No need to worry, anyway I also wanted to play with Sasuke. Haven't seen that little energetic ball for a while now." All three of them comically nodded at the same time as if what he said was the absolute reason to stop missions.

"Indeed, Dantes is right."

"Agreed." Itachi added.
