
Reborn In Naruto as Nagato

Reborn As Nagato

Mr_Gura · Anime & Comics
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The Implant

"We're going to be out for a few hours, hope you can behave while we're gone"

My parents left me home alone to take care of myself. It has been crazy growing up in this new body. It has been 4 years since I was reincarnated into the Naruto world. The crazy thing is I was reincarnated into one of the famous people. I was reborn as Nagato.

i started to snoop around the house looking for something to do. i started reading some books that my father likes to read. As I grabbed the ladder and climbed it to go for the top shelf. as i reached the highest step, my body froze. i began to plummet to the ground hitting the hard wood floor.

I couldn't even move. i was sitting on the cold floor and couldn't move a muscle. Is this the work of Genjitsu? Am i going to die!

"Hello, young Uzumaki', a mysterious voice said.

An old man walked out of the shadows. His hair was thin and white, and he no teeth. He had a simple black outfit and walked with a cane. Just his appearance was enough to send shivers down my spine.One thing that freak me out though was that his sockets were empty Even though he was old, I could still recognize him.

It was Madara Uchiha.

He walked up to me slowly before pointing his hand at me. I immediately blacked out after the event.


My mind was groggy as I woke up. I tried to think of what happened, but every time I did that, I hit a blank. as I walked up to the mirror. As soon as I saw my eyes, I knew what happened.

My eyes were light purple irides with a ripple-pattern that spread over my eyeball. I had one of the ultimate dojutsu. I had unlocked the Rinnegan.

So Madara implanted his Rinnegan in me huh? Rinnegan is such an overpowered ability. It gives you access to all 5 nature transformations and gives you perfect chakra control. You can easlily master all types of jutsus with this.

SHort chapter but next chapters going to be longer.

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