
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

meeting my new father

When I woke up, I saw I was in my bed at home. After I got out of bed i went into the kitchen to see ask how long i was unconscious.

"Hi Carrion, it's been awhile."

"Shiba, it's nice to see you again. How has the academy been?" I asked

"It's been good, although I had too do a speech on the history of Kumogakure. Ah I almost forgot, someone is here to see you." As he said that he gestured for me to follow him and walked out to the mountain behind the orphanage.

"How long was I out and where are we going?" I asked Shiba as we were walking.

"you were out for 12 hours, and we're going to a training ground shinobis use. I also use it from time to time." he said



"You just said you use a training ground meant for shinobi, and how do you know where it is?" I asked confused 'That is suspicious, why would an academy student use a training ground meant for shinobi and know where it is?' I thought to myself

"The academy took us there once and said we could use it to train, but since its quite far only a few people use it." he said as a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his head.

"Oh, okay." I said unconvinced. 'That sounds like a lie, why would the academy take students so far out and let the use it unsupervised? What isn't he telling me.' "Anyway who wants to see me and why?"

"A jonin, and I don't know why."

"oh oka- wait what. Did you just say a jonin?"

"(sigh) Yes I did."

'Why the hell would a jonin want to see me? Did Kira tell people about me?'

*5 minutes later*

"Okay we are here, you might need to wait for a bit for him to arrive so I will leave as I have something i need to do for Kira." Shiba told me

"Okay, bye bye."

"see ya." After he said that he walked off

'Okay what shall I do whilst I wait, I could practice wall walking on some of the boulders whilst I wait. But what if the jonin needs me to do something requiring chakra? I doubt that but maybe I should be cautious, Shiba was acting weird after all. Maybe I'll just meditate.'

*POV Switch*

'Ah here Shiba comes, he is with a boy around 4 years old with short black hair and blue eyes. That must be Carrion, I was wondering when he would wake up. Let's see what he will do whilst waiting, he is supposed to be a genius but let's see when he loses his patience.' I thought whilst hidding in some rocks. 'If he lasts for 1 hour he will pass this part of the test'

*20 minutes later*

'He seems to be doing well, meditating to pass the time aswell so the time waiting isn't wasted. He is doing better then the average 4 year old but not good enough yet.'

*40 minutes later*

'Now this is unexpected, not a word from him whilst waiting. He is quite patient, but how will he take the last 20 minutes.'

*50 minutes later*

"(sigh) How long will I have to wait, it's been 50 minutes already. But I can't just leave since I was told to wait here for the jonin." Carrion said whilst after taking a break from meditating to stretch

'It seems like his patience is wearing thin, but chooses to remain here since he told was to by his 'brother'.'

*1 hour later*

'It seems like he passed this part of the test, let's test his reflexes now.' as I say that I throw a kunai at his neck' *Fwoosh* *Thunk* 'It seems like he wasn't as much of a genius as Soroi made him out to be.' *Poosh* 'What? How does he know the kawarimi no jutsu, and how can he perform it?'

"WHO'S THERE? SHOW YOURSELF!" shouted Carrion whilst grabbing the kunai stuck in a stone he used to substitute himself with

"Relax it's just me." I told him

"Why would a jonin from the cloud attack me? Are you a spy?" He asked me in rapid succession

"You are quite impressive, not only do you know the kawarimi at your age but also grabbed the kunai I threw at you to use as a weapon." I told him "My name is Darui, I was told to test you're talent to see if you were worth training."

"Alright, then prove it."

"How do you propose I do that?"

"Can you perform any jutsu only a cloud shinobi would?"

"What about black lightning, it's a jutsu the 3rd Raikage created and taught me." I asked him not expecting him to know about it.

"Show me." he told me.

"You're quite arrogant but fine. Lightning release: Black panther." As I said that a panther made of black lightning appeared from my right arm.

"My apologies darui, please forgive me." he said whilst kneeling down with hi right arm on his right knee and his left hand in a fist touching the floor.

"Hmm, don't worry about it. You have passed the three of my tests now only two remain, do you think you can handle them." I asked him genuinely impressed with his reaction to a sudden attack.

"Yes, what are they?" He asked with an exited and determined look in his eye.

'This is interesting, not only did he react properly after he was attacked but also grabbed my kunai to defend him self and question me after I revealed myself.' As I thought this i told Carrion his next test. "Your next test is taijutsu, how can you handle hand to hand combat." As soon as I finished I went to punch his right cheek with my right hand.

however he barely dodged to the left and came in to punch me in the balls, I defended by bringing up my knee to block and then extended my leg to kick him in the chest, he was able to block by crossing his arms but got sent flying back 5 metres. After that he stayed still while raising his arms up and lowering his centre of gravity. I ran up to him and went to do a round kick to the right side of his head, he ducked under my leg and charged in again but this time attacked my left leg to knock me on the floor, I jumped up and went to grab his arm but he pulled it back and grabbed mine instead and used it to jump up and kick me in the face which I blocked by grabbing his foot and slamming him into the ground.

'He is doing quite well, even though I lowered my strength to that of an average genin he made me go up to a high genin. He passed this test.'

"Well done, you passed this part of the test. Next can you perform any ninjutsu?" I asked expecting him to say he could only perform the kawarimi

"Yes, I was recently able to perform the lightning release: Lightning ball jutsu." He replied

"Lets see how strong it is, use it to hit that boulder." I told him hiding my surprise at that fact

"Lightning ball jutsu." (Boom) As he said that a ball of blue lightning came out his right arm and left a hole in the boulder about half a metre wide and 1 metre deep.

"Nice power, you have passed this test. Now onto the next one, can you perform any genjutsu?" I asked 'Okay if he can use genjutsu I will just take him on without him taking the last test.'

"No i can't, I haven't been able to learn it yet as I was focusing on the lightning ball jutsu." he said with slight disappointment in his voice.

"Alright, then you will have to escape from one of mine. Although it isn't that strong of a genjutsu it will do for the test." As I say that I put him under a genjutsu which shows him failing the test and having him walk back to the orphanage, and when he arrives he sees everyone lying on the floor dead. But as soon as he looks at the body's on the floor, he breaks the genjutsu.

"That was a little shocking, I didn't expect that." he said as he broke out of the genjutsu.

"You did quite well and you didn't panic. You pass this test, the final test is kenjutsu." As I say that I toss him a kunai and when he catches it, I slash at him with another kunai I held in my left hand.

He dodges and slashes at my wrist to disarm me, I block this by flipping the kunai around and have it cover my wrist. After that I go to knock his kunai up and slash at his neck, but before I can do that he steps to the side and goes to stab my elbow. I pull my arm back to avoid the the kunai and stab at his ribs, he steps back again and swipes at my right leg. But before the kunai connects I jump back and put my kunai away.

"That concludes the final test, you pass with flying colours. I will report this to the Raikage and start your training in two days." (sigh) 'This is gonna be a drag.'

"yay." He said tiredly before passing out again