
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Making a jutsu and getting a reward

"Who are you?" I asked the strange man

"Who is this fool who doesn't know me, I am the one and only killer B." B said

"My name is Carrion, It's nice to meet you." I said

"Now that I know your name you seem pretty tame, Why don't we have a fight so I can see your might!" said B still talking in that strange way

"Only if Darui agrees to it." I said wondering why Darui brought me too this guy

"I only brought you here to introduce you both, but it seems you have done introductions without me." He said

"So no fighting?" I asked

"No, and B if you want to 'see his might' ask Yugito, but I will do a full introduction. B meet Carrion, my adopted son, Carrion meet B, the Raikages adopted brother." Darui said

After Darui introduced us properly we continued talking about different things which I didn't really care about, it mainly involved my training programme and education. The only thing I listened to was my training programme and jutsu, everything else i ignored. After an hour we finished talking and went to get takoyaki on Bs expense, after 20 minutes we finished and went our separate ways.

"So what did you think of B?" Darui asked

"While he does have a strange way of talking he seems like a good guy, I wonder how much he and the Raikage fight?" I wondered out loud

"They don't fight much physically but B does get yelled at a lot." Said Darui

After we arrived home I read about more lightning jutsu and did the training B and dad came up with, atleast that was the plan until I saw some interesting jutsu, the lightning clone and a jutsu called limelight. The explanation of lightning clone was simple and didnt have have much on it, the most it had was that it was a copy of the shadow clone jutsu the leaf uses but it adds lightning release and it electrocutes whoever hits it, as for limelight the only thing that is said is that it's the strongest lightning release jutsu in the world. Since the information about how to use them both and most of the information about limelight is missing I decide to talk to dad about it.

"Dad can I ask you something?" I ask while Darui is writing a report about something.

"Sure, what is it?" he asks slightly confused since I would normally be reading about different jutsu or training at this time

"I want to know more about the lightning clone jutsu and limelight." when I finish my sentance he stops writing and his eyes widen.

"Where did you find information about limelight?" He asks

"It was in a scroll in our library, though it only said it was the strongest lightning release jutsu in the world." I say

"Limelight is a jutsu that has the destructive power to destroy an entire village instantly, even if the users are as strong as the average shinobi. It is also very simple to set up, due to this it is a secret jutsu only a few people are allowed to learn. I thought all the scrolls about limelight were destroyed or put in the Raikages library, i will deal with it after we finish talking." he said

"Then why are you telling me this, shouldn't you keep this secret?" I ask

"Normally I would but as you are my son and already know it exists I am telling you this, besides knowing about it and knowing how to do it are completely different, especially when it comes to jutsu." he says

"Still i don't think you should be telling me this so easily, but thank you for trusting me." I say

"Trust is a two way thing, if I don't trust you how can I expect you to trust me?" He asks "And as for the lightning clone jutsu, while it isn't a secret only a few people have the aptitude for it, even the Raikage and B can't use it, but it is an A rank jutsu."

"Thank you, I will get you the scroll that mentioned limelight." I said

After i gave dad the scroll I went to go do the training to get my body ready for the jutsu training I will do.

*2 months later*

"So what jutsu did you want to show me?" dad asked me

"Watch carefully, it is very shocking to see for the first time." when I say this i throw four shurikens at a wooden post in the ground,. When they get in range I pull on a string attached to them causing one to hit it two to go slightly to the left and one to the right, I then run lightning chakra into the shurikens causing them to burst into four parts. When the one stuck in the target burst it caused two shards to go further into it and the other two to go flying into the floor and ceiling but bouncing off of them, whilst the one on the right had one go into the target and the others into the ceiling, wall and floor, as for the two on the right they mirrored the one on the right.

"So, what do you think?" I ask

"It seems pretty good, you can use the strings to pull the shurikens back to you and cause them to hit enemies in cover or catch them off gaurd, then you can run chakra into them to make them burst and cause more damage to the ones that hit and having the ones that miss also have a chance to hit and catch them off gaurd for a second time." he says seemingly impressed

"Thanks, and after all of that the will be careful of all shurikens thrown at them just in case you do the same thing." I say excitedly

"What is the name of your jutsu? I can't think of a jutsu like that so I congratulate you on creating a new jutsu." Darui said

"I call it bursting shuriken." I said "And thanks."

*P.O.V switch*

"Not a bad name, why don't you get some rest, it's quite late after all." I said

"Okay, goodnight." Carrion said

"Goodnight." after he went to bed I waited a few minutes before doing anything else. When I was sure he was asleep I walked to the Raikages office to report on what happened.

"Where are you going so late at night?." A familiar voice said from my right.

"To the Raikages office, where else would I go at this time of night." I said to the person who I now recognized as C.

"Why are you heading there?, don't you have a kid to look after." He said

"He is actually the reason I'm going there, I will explain on the way if you want to come along." I said starting to walk again

"I was on my way to get you anyway so yeah." He said as he started walking beside me. "So what made you head to the Raikages office, you said it had something to do with Carrion, did something happen?"

"Kind of, I'm pretty sure he made a new jutsu, I couldn't find any record of it in the jutsu library." I explained

"That Is quite the achievement, making his own jutsu at just 4 years old. And if he did make one instead of learn that is even more incredible." He said with a hint of surprise

"I expected you to be more surprised but considering your personality I really shouldn't have." I said "Besides we are almost there, want to bet on the Raikages reaction."

"We both know what it's going to be so no." He replied

*5 minutes later*


"He is currently asleep so it will have to wait 'till morning." I said

"Darui, how powerful is this jutsu?" A asked

"At the level he performed it was around C-rank, but has the potential to rise to B-rank." I responded

"C, prepare an empty scroll to record this down. Darui take Carrion to the training ground at 12 and ask what kind of reward he wants." A ordered

"Yes boss/ Lord Raikage." Me and c said together and leaving.

*The next day, *P.O.V Switch*

As I get up and enter the kitchen for breakfast I find Darui sitting at the table drinking coffee.

"Good morning dad." I said

"Good morning, I need to tell you something." Darui said "After you went to bed I told the Raikage what you did, he was quite impressed and has asked to see it and record it down as a new jutsu."

"REALLY, that's incredible."I said in excitement.

"That's not the end of it, he decided to reward you for it, and due to this achievement at your age he has decided to let you decide on what you want. He hasn't told me if there is a restriction so tell me what you and I will go and ask if you can have it." He added

"... Can this day get any better?" I asked myself

"I don't know, it depends on what you ask for and if you get it." He said jokingly

"Heh, can I learn the Raikages lightning cloak?" I asked

"That is a big request. I don't know if he will accept but I will ask, if it is refused is there something else you would like?" He said

"I would say limelight but I would think it's even less likely due to it being so powerful, so I would like to ask for lightning release: Thunderbolt." I said

"Alright, I will go tell him your decision, also don't go too hard on training, wait untill you get your reward." He said before leaving

"Okay, bye." I said *5 minutes later* "phew, acting like a child is so difficult, making myself look like a genius whilst also making it look like I am still a child. I still have 7 and 1/2 years untill the start of canon if my memory serves me correctly, and 10 and 1/2 years untill the 4th war if nothing changes too much so I need to get as strong as possible. After all even the kage weren't that useful against Madara and kaguya so I need to be stronger than them if I want a good chance at survival. Dammit if only I remembered everything else, I could stop that all from even happening. Thankfully I have an idea for multiple trump cards, I just hope they're possible."

*P.O.V Switch*

"That is a difficult request to fulfill, thunderbolt not so much but the lightning armour is the problem." Said A "It would be easier to give him thunderbolt but probably better in the long run to give him lightning armour, Darui, C, what do you think?"

"I don't know him enough to make a solid judgement but since he is so young I think we should give him thunderbolt." Said C

"I think we should give him lightning armour since he is so young, he has done all of this and can still get stronger. Besides, giving letting him learn lightning armour doesn't mean we have to give him the scroll that it's in, after all, we do have someone that knows it." I said

"Hmm, alright, I have made my decision." Said A

Apologies for the long delay between chapters, I had problems to deal with so couldn't write. It's all sorted now so shouldn't be a problem anymore.

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