
Reborn in naruto as darui's adopted son.

Follow a guy as he tries to have fun in this new chaotic world filled with child soldiers, psychopathic elderly people and men that can destroy entire nations single handedly. His best course of action in order to do that is to avoid the village where 90% of the death happens. Atleast until he's 13. ****** " " = talking out loud ' ' = thinking ( ) = sound effects * * = POV switch or time skip ****** = end of chapter and my questions.

Captain_0bvious · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Learning my first jutsu

"No no no, that's not how you do it. Try again!"

"Let me rest please, its been half an hour already."

"Fine, dinner will be ready soon anyway."

It has been half an hour since Carrion started training with Kira, he is ragged almost out of chakra and covered in dirt from failed attempts.

*POV Switch*

'this is incredible, to be able to continuously attempt the kawarimi no jutsu for 30 minutes. normal children wouldn't even be able to do it at all, let alone for that long.'

"Alright get up and lets go see what's for dinner." I say to Carrion

"Okay just give me... a minute." He says in between breaths before passing out.

"Lets get you to bed." I whisper to myself before picking him up and taking him inside.

"Maybe you trained him to hard." stated Shiba

"Thanks for stating the obvious Shiba." I said in mock annoyance.

"Still, to keep up with your training for 30 minutes is amazing. Especially considering his age, how much chakra do you think he will have when he's older?" asked Shiba in genuine surprise.

"Who knows, but when he gets to the academy he might beat our records." I replied "Still, I worry about him. How can I not when all he does is train to get stronger instead play like normal children his age."

"I know what you mean, but let's get him to bed first, he must be shattered."

I nod in agreement as we finally take carrion back inside.

*POV switch*

"Lord fourth we have received a report from the orphanage matron about an extremely talented child."

"How old are they, and what chakra element are they most suited for."

"They are 1 year old and hasn't been tested for their chakra eleme-"


"That's the thing he can walk talk climb trees and even mold chakra to some extent."


"Well there is another problem, she is getting another one of the children to teach them the kawarimi, properly mold chakra and make them loyal to the village. They also don't know the element he is most suited for."

"Fine, let her teach the child. I will give her 3 years before I will have them trained under a shinobi of my choosing."

"I will tell her right away."

(shing)(sigh) " Who will you choose to train him?" asked a tall, fair skinned, blond woman.

"That depends on a few factors, what's their nature affinity, their skill in kenjutsu and their personality." stated in a calm tone which is in direct opposition of his previous outburst.

*POV switch*

(yawn) "What time is it?" i asked no one in particular.

(click) "Oh you are awake, I thought I would have to wake you."

"Oh hi Kira, is it dinner time already?" I asked tiredly

"Yeah Soroi has almost finished dishing up and asked me to wake you."

"Okay I'll be there in a minute."

(click) (yawn) 'My body hurts all over, it's even worse than that time i fell out the tree.' as I eventually get out of bed, I make my way into the kitchen to eat dinner.

*1 week later*

"How is your training going Carrion?"

"It's going, Kira, It's going." I said with a little frustration evident in my voice.

"(chuckle) Still haven't got the gist of the kawarimi yet? Well I'm not surprised, it will take a long time to learn it considering how much chakra you have. Just focus on chakra control for now, when you are able to walk on water give it another go, if you still can't do it, it might be because your body cant handle it."

Kira told me whilst kneeling on the ground

"Okay, I'll focus it."

"Are you okay? You haven't been as talkative as normal."

"Yeah, it's just so frustrating. I have been training so so much in the last week and I still can't do it."

"That's to be expected, no matter how much of a genius you are, you are still a 1 year old child. Hell even if you fight the average 3 year old you might still win."

"Thanks Kira, you always know what to say."

"Anyway now that depressing topic is over here." Kira says as she hands me some paper. "It's called chakra paper, it helps tell us your elemental affinity. If it sets on fire you have fire affinity. Wrinkles it's lightning. Gets cut, wind. Crumbles into dirt, earth. And finally if it gets wet you have water."

'How did she get this? whilst it isn't hard to get it also isn't easy for a genin fresh out of the academy.'

"Thanks." I say as I take the paper from her hand. " I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I really am, but why give this to me now?"

"So I can look for more jutsu that match your elemental affinit and can try and learn more, so I can teach you earlier." She says whilst a bit of sweat rolls down the side of her face.

"Okay." I say as I funnel my chakra into the paper. (Crinkle) ' Wow, who would have known.'

"So you have lightning release, luckily our village has the most lightning jutsu in the elemental nations so it won't be hard to find them." She says after stretching he legs. "Lets end our training here, I can smell dinner."

*POV Switch*

"Soroi-sensei i have something to report to you about Carrion."

"Kira, you may speak."

"He has lightning release and is frustrated at the fact he can't use the kawarimi yet."

"That is interesting, does he have any suspicions about your identity."

"I don't believe so, although he was a little suspicious about me giving him chakra paper so early."

"Keep an eye on him but don't take anymore unnecessary risks, in the mean time I will report to the Raikage."

"Yes Soroi-sensei, do you need anything else?"

"Go and get shiba for his report on Yami, and Jaune." As she finishes her sentance Kira disappears. 5 minutes later Shiba walks in.

"Hello Soroi-sensei."

"How are Yami and Jaune doing with their training?"

"Yami is doing well in the physical aspect and taijutsu but is still lacking in strategy and struggles with ninjutsu but isn't far behind. As for Jaune... He is nothing special, not anywhere near where he is supposed to be. He doesn't like following orders, struggles with kenjutsu, ninjutsu and taijutsu. The only thing of note is his sensory ability and genjutsu and even that is average if not slightly above."

"(sigh) It seems like Carrion will be the best child this time round, Yami will most likely be average whilst Jaune is useless. We can't send Jaune to the academy, sadly his dream might be crushed."As she says this, a tear appears in her eyes. "Yami could become a jonin if he works hard enough, maybe if he is talented enough he will be told about the eight gates. Just incase he is have him focus on taijutsu. As for Carrion... It's too early to say, let's just watch his progress for now. Luckily the Raikage has noticed him so his future his bright." After she said this a shadow flickers slightly. "Shiba you have your orders, you may leave."

"Yes sensei." As shiba leaves Soroi dries her eyes.

"Hopefully Jaune is just a late bloomer. If not, let's hope he is good at fuinjutsu."

"POV switch"

"That concludes the report from the orphanage matron."

"Hmm, Interesting. So Carrion has lightning release. Even though his potential is high, just as Soroi said, it's still to early to tell how talented is. As for Yami have him B test his taijutsu, if he meets expectations, have him start learning the 8 gates." Orders the 4th Raikage

"And what should we do about Jaune?" asks Mabui "He seems usless but we don't know his affinity for fuinjutsu, so he could become a fuinjutsu master."

"Or he could become a drain of resources, do you really want to take the chance."

"But if he does have talent for it he would be a great asset to the village."

"If you insist, you get people to train him, you use the recourses as you wish. But if he proves to be useless, you will have to deal with the consequences."

"... very well, I will do my best"

'Wait that isn't what I wanted'(click)'And she's gone... (sigh) Let's hope this doesn't backfire.'

*3 years later*

"Darui here is your mission, you are to test a child from Sorois orphanage."

"As you wish, which child is it."

"An 4 year old child by the name of Carrion."

"Ok- wait did you just say 4 year old"

"... yes, I didn't believe it at first either but he is extremely talented. But if he doesn't meet YOUR standards, you can send him back and I will find someone else to train him."

"(sigh) Okay, I will test his skills, and see how talented he is."

*POV switch*


"(PANT)(PANT)(PANT) Deep breaths Carrion, you can do this." As I say this I steady my breathing. "Lightning style: Lightning ball".


"Final...ly" As soon as I perform my jutsu, I pass out from exhaustion.