
Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Poor John gets Killed in an unfortunate accident, meets god, and is given the chance to reincarnate. His body however is mostly a creation of a very famous mad scientist from the hidden leaf, and while stewing inside his test tube the guy said " What if I add this? " And thus a monster was born! Meet Haruko, John's new body. Adventure awaits as he learns his body's powers, and trys to survive inside of naruto. With that out of the way this fic was created on a whim, and will be updated semi regularly like evry other day or so. I'm just a dude, and this is my first fic so if there are any gramical issuues, or spelling or lore things wrong just let me know, and I'll fix it. Beyond that please review, comment, and let me know what you think. I'd like to interact with the audience as while I know alot about both fictional worlds I'm pulling from I don't know everything. I don't own the cover art lemme know if you want me to take it down. I don't own anything from Naruto only original idea is my OC this is a fan-fic. I don't own anything from the protosype games. Updates when I feel like it.

Balthizar_Blake · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs


I never really enjoyed camping in my previous go around. I never really understood the appeal beyond spending time with friends, or family. It was never an activity I sought out, just something I went along with if it was brought up. In this life however…. I feel the same. Which really sucks considering the amount of time I'll have to spend sleeping in the woods.

" So how late do you think he's going to be? "

" Super late. Definitely a black cat in the way or something. "

" No doubt about it. What should we do? "

" Wanna practice? "

" Let's do it! "

Squaring off against each other we took a moment to size each other up. While I am much stronger than him, I don't want to hurt him. So going out of my way to go easy on him, while making sure it doesn't look like I'm going easy on him would be difficult if I didn't have such good control over my body. I took one of his punches to the gut so I could determine, and match his strength.

The fight started out very technical with us going over the moves we had learned, like the hip, and shoulder flip, then we went on to practice high speed hitting using each other's fists as targets. Then he got cheeky, swung for my head, after moving my head back a bit I grabbed his fist before directing his extended body toward the ground. He nearly caught himself before I swiped his leg out from under him, and then our brawl began in earnest. Taking his punch to the stomach so i could match we went back and forth. Bright smiles on our faces while we punched, kicked, flipped, and wrestled around for around an hour.

Taking a break we both laid down on the ground, and relaxed. Kakashi finally showed up after we took our little break.

" You guys look like you had fun? "

" We did, we saved a princess, I battled a demon, and won all while waiting for you to get here! "

" A demon? " Kakashi quirked his eyebrows at that.

" He means me. Apparently it's easier for him to hit me if he justifies it like that. "

" No! You're a demon in human skin. Always tricking me! "

" Nobody asked you to be so gullible all the time Doofus! "

" I'm not gullible! You're just dumb! And MEAN! "

He huffed, and puffed while Kakashi had an amused smirk under his mask.

" C'mon bud let's go camping! "

Grabbing his hand I ran into the training ground. Kakashi followed us along reading his favorite little book.

" Alright boys this looks like a good place to set up. Get your tents ready, and I'll gather stuff for a fire. "

We did as asked, and Naruto had to come over and help me finish up as I was struggling with a capital struggle.

" How are you so good at everything we do, but you can't put up a tent? "

" My one weakness is apparently building tents, Sue me. "

" You say the strangest things Haru. "

" Judge me on your own time, Brat. "

" This is my own time. "

" No, this is family time dummy. "

" You're so obnoxious Haru! "

" Who are you calling obnoxious? You yell all the time! "

" What's that gotta do with being obnoxious! "

" Naruto, Haru, you're both being obnoxious. The sun will set in a few hours so let's find a water source, and try to get some food. "

" Of course lord dog man "

Smack ' Worth it'

Searching for water was easy as there's a waterfall pretty close by making a considerable amount of noise. Food was a different story.

" Naruto, you're not going to catch the rabbit by jumping on it, and hoping! "

" Shut up Haru! I'm going to get this stupid rabbit. Believe it! "

I threw out a kick at his bum, which did send him into the rabbit.

" You jerk! "

Shrugging " What? I helped you catch the rabbit. "

He grumbled, and stood up holding the rabbit. " No thanks to you! "

" All thanks to me, you wouldn't have caught it without my guiding hand " A smug smile was plastered all across my face.

" Sometimes I can't tell if you're my best friend, or my worst enemy. "

" Only time will tell young one. " Nodding sagely, I turned to return to camp. Kakashi had a good laugh at Naruto's expense which shocked us a bit, as we hadn't heard him to a full laugh before. Some snickering, and nose exhaling sure but no laughter like this.

" Why is my pain funny to you sensei? "

" It's not your pain, it's seeing you guys just be kids in this hell of a world. "

" Did you not get to be a kid Kakashi? " I knowingly asked, hoping for him to divulge his backstory.

" I didn't get to enjoy my childhood is all I'll say for now kiddo. "

A good try, but oh well. We returned to our little clearing, by now it was getting dark. Despite his postering earlier, Kakashi hadn't really taught us anything. Loosely guided us yes, but no hands on " this is how you do this " Which isn't really surprising as he's more of a " learn by experience " Kinda guy.

Darkness was deciding, and he took his time building the fire after telling us to watch him. Building fires is relatively easy, but he just had to flex on us by doing several hand signs and spewing a small fire from his mouth.

" Kakashi! How does that even work with your mask on? "

" Trade secret. "

" Whatever, let's make some smores! " Naruto shouted while jumping in the air pumping his fist.

We took some time relaxing by the fire, roasting some marshmallows, and enjoying each other's presence for a while. But Progress had been too slow for getting Kakashi to open up, and really accept us as his pupils. Sure he taught us, but we were still kept at an arm's reach.

" Big boss Kakashi. Can I ask you some questions that have been bothering me? "

" You can ask. I may not answer. "

" Are you Ugly under the mask? "

" No. "

" Why wear the mask then? "

" To prevent people from seeing the entirety of my face. "

" Ninja reasons? "

" Ninja reasons. "

" Why are the villagers so hostile towards me? " Naruto chimed in, and asked with a hurt expression.

" That's a difficult one, I know why. I'm not sure you're ready to find out though. "

" Kakashi, I don't know if you're protecting Naruto, or if you're not allowed to tell him, but he isn't that stupid. He knows people call him the demon fox. They hate him because of it. But why him? "

" Well… Naruto, what I'm going to tell you is a classified secret. You can't reveal this information to anybody else, and you cannot tell lord third that I told you this. Your father sacrificed his life in the battle against the ninetails. The previous holder of the nine tails was weakened, and an outsider used the ninetails to attack us. To end the battle Lord fourth sealed the demon inside of you to prevent the demon from continuing its attack, and lost his life in the process. "

Naruto sat in silence as his little gears were turning trying to process all the information he was just given.

" Kakashi based on what you just said, and the pictures of lord fourth, and the fact that lord fourth's wife was an Uzumaki, is naruto the son of lord fourth? "

" Yes, and Lord Fourth was my mentor when I was growing up, hence why lord third assigned me as your mentor Naruto. "

" I'm surprised you answered his question. "

" His father is a hero, and by proxy of holding in the demon Naruto is too. He deserves to know, and he deserves to be treated better than he is. I don't understand how the villagers can be so cruel to a child, but I decided to look after him. "

" There's a demon in me? "

" Yes Naruto. Don't worry it is sealed away, it can't hurt you, or anybody else. "

" My dad was lord fourth? I noticed our similarities but I could never confirm it for sure. Is this why gramps pay's attention to me? "

" Partly because you hold the nine tails you're an important asset to the village, and because you're lord fourth's child he cares for you. "

" I think I need some time to digest all of this. I;m going for a walk guy's, I'll be back. "

" Take your time buddy, Kakashi, and I will be waiting here for you. "

Naruto walked off into the forest to deal with his metaphorical demons, and not the literal one.

" So sensei, since you're so inclined upon sharing tonight it's only fair I share some things with you as well, but I also need secrecy. "

" Alright I'll bite, I've already noticed how much you hold back to not hurt anybody. What else is there? "

" To be honest, a lot. This however is what I think is important. "

Concentrating I activated my sharingan, Now that I had access to my chakra I could control it much better, and actually use the abilities it grants, instead of just enhanced perception.

" I noticed that a few months ago while you were fighting those bigger kids. I am curious about it. However. " Kakashi pulled his head gear up, and revealed his own sharingan in all it's glory.

" Woah you too? But I thought only the Uchiha had this? "

" That's a question I'll not answer, but yes me too. What else? "

" Ah, if you already knew then it wasn't much of a secret. But this will be. "

Imagining my sword arm once again, I prayed my countless attempts at this would finally make this a success. I held my arm just Above my elbow while holding my right arm downwards. Black, and Red tendrils formed out from my elbow, and encompassed the lower half of my arm. A sharp tip slowly extended out from where my fingers would be, and continued to grow roughly four inches before the tendril's resided revealing a gleaming black blade, red veins, and a glowing silver edge reflecting the fire light.

I got a little lost in the sauce while writing this one, It's longer than most other capters but not by a whole lot, and I left it on a cliffhanger >:)

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