
Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Poor John gets Killed in an unfortunate accident, meets god, and is given the chance to reincarnate. His body however is mostly a creation of a very famous mad scientist from the hidden leaf, and while stewing inside his test tube the guy said " What if I add this? " And thus a monster was born! Meet Haruko, John's new body. Adventure awaits as he learns his body's powers, and trys to survive inside of naruto. With that out of the way this fic was created on a whim, and will be updated semi regularly like evry other day or so. I'm just a dude, and this is my first fic so if there are any gramical issuues, or spelling or lore things wrong just let me know, and I'll fix it. Beyond that please review, comment, and let me know what you think. I'd like to interact with the audience as while I know alot about both fictional worlds I'm pulling from I don't know everything. I don't own the cover art lemme know if you want me to take it down. I don't own anything from Naruto only original idea is my OC this is a fan-fic. I don't own anything from the protosype games. Updates when I feel like it.

Balthizar_Blake · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Bread, and Butter. New jutsu?

"So this was my parent's home?" Naruto asked while wandering around the outside.

"Yeah this is where sensei lived with his wife, your mom. I only ever came here a handful of times." Kakashi answered while approaching the door.

"Wait a second, why did I have to live in that tiny apartment with Haru if this existed?"

"Are you dumb?" Haruko answered him while following Kakashi.

"I'm not dumb! Why?"

"You're not meant to know you're the son of Lord fourth. Thus he couldn't let you live here." Haruko answered.

"I still don't understand why I couldn't know." Naruto huffed while following.

"Because if you knew you could tell others. Your father made a lot of enemies during the previous ninja war. If they knew he had a son they would attempt an assassination or worse." Kakashi answered while unlocking the door.

The inside of the estate was kept in perfect condition much like the outside was. While it was a larger home it was by no means a mansion or castle, just a bigger home. Scarcely decorated, just a few photos, decorative plants, and a few other knick knacks.

Naruto marched directly up to the first photo he had seen, and spent more than a little while observing his parents. Tears began to well in his eyes as he looked at the photo. Haruko came behind him, and rubbed his back.

"It's okay bud let it all out."

Kakashi moved ahead of them, and presumably scouted out the whole location while noting various points he would need to defend.

'Poor kid, his first time seeing his parents, and he breaks out crying.'

Naruto began to calm down, and Haruko guided him towards the living room so they could at least sit while he had his moment.

"Haruko, come with me." Kakashi called out to Haru.

"In a moment sensei, Naruto is having a moment. "

"It's okay Haru, I'm just gonna relax here for a little while." With a nod Haruko made his way towards where he heard the voice from.

A kunai was placed at his throat from behind.

"As a ninja you should never let your guard down this much. Even if I'm here to protect you. Naruto having a hard time isn't an excuse to not keep your guard up."

Kakashi removed the kunai, and gave Haru a disappointed look.

"You called me over just for that?" Haru looked pissed, but kept calm.

"The enemy will not care if your friend is grieving, and we could be under attack at any moment. You know as well as I do that Danzo could send another killer anytime now."

"What could I really do about that Kakashi!? Yell OH NO THERES A NINJA HERE!?!? I'd be dead before I could get the third word out. He's not going to send another genin level assassin after me. I can't get by on their mistakes. Unless I can learn how to defend myself from people on your level I'm dead anyway asshole!"

Kakashi smacked the back of Haru's head before shaking his own.

"Don't talk to me like that. I am your Sensei. You might be mad about it but I am trying to help you, and guide you. I know you're scared, and in a difficult situation. That's why we are intensifying your training."

"Like right now?"

"Yes right now. There's a large backyard here, and we're going to take advantage of it. You two no longer have time to grow up, you need to learn quickly. You both have the potential to be better than I was at your age, and I was called a once in a lifetime prodigy."

Kakashi's voice had a hard edge to it. Haruko was used to him being rigid, and callus, but that had been wearing away over the past few months. Maybe talking about or remembering his childhood, which wasn't that long ago, was hard for him.

"Both of us?" Naruto had finished dealing with his big feelings, and had joined Haru, and Kakashi.

"Yes, both of you. Even if we are limited due to your age there are ways around it. Haruko and I will be working on finding a way for him to use ninjutsu, and learning genjutsu. Naruto, you're going to continue to focus on control, but I'm going to help you with something special." Kakashi had finished, and led them out to the back yard.

The Fourth had impeccable taste in decor as there was one of those beautiful sand gardens, an actual garden, and a miniature forest outside his home. Kakashi directed the kids towards the forest, and took a seat with them some distance in.

"Alright both of you pay attention as this is a tool to help you get much further much faster. It is called shadow clone jutsu, and it's variant multi shadow clone jutsu. This is considered a forbidden jutsu as when used it splits your chakra when you use it. If the clone doesn't use the chakra you do get it back, but if it does then it's lost. For Naruto this jutsu will be his bread, and butter. He has an unimaginable amount of chakra, coupled with the ninetails once he learns to use it. Haruko I estimate you could keep up around 10 clones at once, Naruto 100 at this age."

"Okay what's so great about it?" Naruto asked while cocking his head.

"Firstly it isn't an illusion like normal clones, it's a real physical thing so it has a better use in combat even if it can only handle one or two hit's. Secondly it retains experiences, and memories. Perfect for scouting, and training."

"Woah!" Naruto exclaimed. " Teach us please sensei!"

Ram - Snake - Tiger "Shadow Clone Jutsu"

Another Kakashi popped up next to him. "After learning the hand signs, and getting more experience the hand signs can be shortened to this"

With a poof the clone was gone, and Kakashi held his finger's up like a cross, and repeated the jutsu once more. "Most jutsu can be shortened in a similar fashion once you're more experienced. Go ahead, and give it a try."

"Alright!" Naruto hopped up real quick. Held his fingers in a cross, and "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!!"

Suddenly there were roughly 60 Naruto's standing in the field. A cacophony of noise followed as they all hopped up, and down shouting in celebration.

"Kakashi, he directly used the shortcut." Haruko pointed out while laughing at his idiot best friend.

"He sure did, huh." Kakashi shrugged while gesturing towards Haruko.

'Here goes nothing. Surely this will work right?'

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

With a poof next to him….. Nothing.



Haruko felt a tingling sensation after doing the hand signs, and shouting, but still nothing.

'Wait a second.'

Haruko did the hand signs again, and followed the sensation. His entire body shivered, but nothing happened once again. Inspired, he tried once more. Ram - Snake - Tiger, and he followed it up with Dragon. " Proto style: Virus Clone Jutsu! "

Haruko's back burst open, and another Haruko popped out landing on the ground behind him.

"What?" 62 voices called out all at the same time. Kakashi's astonishment couldn't be hidden behind his mask, and all 61 naruto's had their jaws open.

"Haruko, did you just make that up?"

"After failing three times, I followed my gut instinct, which led to this!" Haruko pointed at his clone, and while they were all shocked his back had closed like nothing ever happened.

Please let me know what you think, and help me brainstorm some new jutsu for our favourite unstable child.

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