
Reborn in Naruto as a Dragoon

Kai died in his old world reborn as Narutos brother he will rise to be the strongest

Wingzer0 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 18

POV Anko

(Is this kid really without chakra?) Anko wondered as she saw him dispatch the sailors with ease. She was ready to step in and save him, but he handled these grown men like they were children. Anko had to admire how ruthless he was in a fight.

(He referred to it as his families home, does he know the story behind the Uzumaki's fall?) Anko wondered if he did does that means he holds the leaf responsible for not helping on that day?

She followed him in land, and he seemed to be searching using the strange stone in his hand. It would shine brighter in a certain direction and dim in others. Kai followed the brightness and was moving slowly, methodically. She was convinced that she was right and he was after something. She watched in curiosity as he seemed to get nearer and nearer to whatever it is he was searching for.


The dragoon spirit was guiding Kai through the ruins

As he got closer, he again felt that he was being followed. He could not pinpoint where the feeling was coming from, so he continued on. If it was an enemy, they would reveal themselves soon, and he would deal with it.

The Dragoon Spirit started to shine more brightly, resonating with another stone that started to shine with a dark blue, almost black light. The light increased as Kai came closer before shooting off into the air towards a tree behind him. He turned to see Anko revealed, holding the dragoon spirit, looking at it confused. (You have to be kidding me.) Kai thought.

POV Anko

(What is this thing?) Anko thought as she stared at the dark colored stone shining brightly in her hand. She say Kai looking at her, she put on a sarcastic/playful expression while stating, "Cats out of the bag, huh?" Kai took a defensive stance before Anko used a jutsu to tie him up quickly with snakes she had summoned.

"Easy kid, I'm not here to hurt you. The Hokage wants you back for your protection." She said. " Now I'm going to untie you, and we are going to talk. Then you are going to follow me back. Otherwise, I will drug you to keep you quiet." Anko threatened, having one of the snakes open their mouth and show its fangs.

"How do I know you're not with that cyclops?" Kai asked, clearly ready to fight even after she tied him up. "Danzo he has been banished. He was warned to leave you alone. His Root organization acted without authorization and directly against orders. The Third Hokage, Kakashi, and Guy all three said to give you their word that they just want to talk."


(I may not beleive the old man that much but Guy and Kakashi will stand by their word. Besides I really don't feel like getting drugged again.) Kai thought figuring if need be he could always escape using the dragoon spirit and he should probably keep an eye on Anko since she was chosen by the Dark Dragoon Spirit.

" Fine, but can you at least untie me, I don't feel like being carried around." He asked, not expecting her to really untie him. To his surprise, she did untie him but left one of her snakes around his leg, threatening to bite him if he ran.

On the way back to the shore, Mike was drawn to a crater that seemed different somehow. With Ankos' permission, he really didn't feel like getting bit. He explored the crater and found a meteorite embedded in the ground. It must have landed after the fall of the village. The silver colored metal was heavy and couldn't be scratched by Anko's kunai. She offered to store it in a storage scroll before they boarded the boat back to the mainland.

On the first night in camp, Anko asked about the strange stone. Kai explained to her that it would give unbelievable power but only to those that it chose. Anko asked how to access it and Kai responded that she would know when the time came. It was a kind of instinct. Anko was not happy with the awnser and kept bugging him to tell her. Kai kept avoiding the question dropping hints here and there. Kai was not sure what would happen if the Chakra interacted with Mana inside of a persons body or if there would be any repercussions. Kai also remembered that curse mark on her shoulder and did not want to risk giving Orochimaru any hints about mana. Knowing that freak, he might just take over her body to gain access to the dragoon spirit.

After a week on the road, Kai spotted the Village Hidden in the leaves. He had returned much earlier than he expected. but he had no plans to stay for long.