
Reborn in mortal kombat

A really unlucky guy dies and get reborn with some wishes in the world of mortal kombat. Found out about his journey

Tae_Jennings_7356 · Video Games
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Mortal kombat oc:

Name: Eric killgrave

Age: 14(mk9) 16(MKx) 21(Mk11)

loyalty: himself and his friends, harem

race: superhuman

Alignment: lawful good, chaotic good

Personality: creative, friendly, loyal, cunning, caring, kind, analytical, calm, fearless, charming, somewhat over confident, brutal Family: unknown parents

Realm: forgotten realm

Story-a realm first created by a kind and caring Titian as other Titian's started to live there as well but over time they started to fight as the realm became unstable as it started to become uninhabitable for them but as dangerous as the the power of the titans would leak when they fought but the realm started to adsorb the power and get more powerful and unstable but as time went on the realm destroyed some of the Titian's as some other retreated to other realms but this one as it would destroy the The reason for this is because it gained sentiments.

The forgotten realm makes it out of time of kronikia powers and we're unaffected by her timeline changes as anyone born here can not be affected by them.

blood color: red

martial status: warrior, harem king

powers: teleportation: portal creation, phasing, telepathy, invisibility, regeneration, spectrum vision, temporary luck increase, smokescreen:illusion creation

skills:armed and unarmed combat, tracking, stealing, stealth, hacking, weapons mastery, deception, black smith, poison maker, super intelligent

weapons: bow staff, throwing stars, daggers, smoke flash and poison bombs, nunchucks, arm and foot blades

Special weapons:animal summoning crystals-crystals that summon ancient animals from the the different realms when drop or thrown after saying the animal you want to summon the crystal turns to dust as the animals appears to kill your enemies.

Story-They were once roaming free around the realm until shao khan appears and tried to force them into his conquest to capture all the realms but they rebelled and defeated shao khan but soon years later. They were defeated and inslaved with the help of Quinn chi but they still rebelled and were put into these crystals forever bound to them only to be called upon when needed but they do not respond but when Eric found them singing hime had a hug destiny and uniqueness of him after reading his memories of the different timeline they believe that he will help defeat shao khan and prove to give him there support in his defeat. Animals:bats, dragons, ss bet tooth tigers, chimera, pegasus etc.

Sword: a long straight katana sword with a circle at the end that can make copies of its self that can be controlled telepathically and cut you but also the sword can shoot energy blast strong enough to break shao khan's hammer.

Story-this sword was made from the strongest metal known through the realms the sword looks like a steel blue sword made out of a dragon tooth

Daggers: they look like curvy dagger with a blood red tip and a straight wide with a green tent to it

Story: these daggers were made by Shoa khan shang tsung and quan chi from 4 soul tornado and blood from the sea of blood to help strengthen them in power scarlet and emac but decided to keep them



Cassie cage



