
Reborn In MHA As An Extra

As our Mc wakes up in an unfamiliar bed. He looks around but finds nothing to help him pinpoint his location. Looking back at the wall he sees a poster of a familiar Rabbit hero. "I GOT SENT TO MY HERO ACADEMIA????" Just a reminder that i don’t own Mha and only the Mc

IamWuxiaMaster · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


'Where am i'

I woke up from the bed and looked around. Above the bed was the image of a certain rabbit hero that I have seen multiple times in an anime that I've watched.

' Did I get kidnapped by an otaku?' Chuckling to myself I try to touch the bedframe to stand up and look around the room. But somehow my arms didn't reach the bed as early as I thought they would and I fell back down.

Now looking back at my arms I found them to be different from the ones that I've had for the past 18 years. I usually had more hair on them and veins could be seen always popping out.

But these ones were short and a bit on the chubby side. Touching myself all over I found this body to be the opposite of mine.

"Don't tell me that I've transmigrated into a fatty's body? All those years of hard work in the gym only to get back into the fat body I once had."

Suddenly my head started to hurt, Memories of what I thought to be the former owner appeared inside of my head. Not being able to take the pain I passed down back on the bed.


Now waking back up again I try to go through the memories of this body. Apparently, his name was Ichijou Harima, and he has something called a quirk which 80% of the population has. He has lived alone ever since his parents were in an accident with a villain.

Harima finding out about the death of his parents started to quit going to school and stayed holed up inside his room and lived off of the inheritance money that would last until he became an adult. Feeling sad about his past I give a silent prayer to my now-dead parents.

Trying to delve more into the world that I was currently in, I found it to be just like where I came from. The only difference was that it was a few hundred years into the future and there were people who called themselves heroes and protected the public from villains who were either small bank robbers or big ones that just killed people for the fun of it.

"Wait what? First that rabbit hero above my head and now people possessing quirks calling themselves heroes? Am I in the My hero academia world?"

Somehow the previous owner of this body died in his sleep and I took over.


"Well, I can't really mock him since I did get hit by a truck myself. Talk about a cliche death. I don't really mind since all I did in my past life was workout and watch anime."

" I did have friends and a gym buddy that I would usually talk with when I was 17. But they for some reason distanced themselves from me."

Shaking my head from those useless thoughts I then stand up and with the help of the memories I make my way to the toilet.

Now standing in front of the mirror I look at the orange-haired boy that by the looks of it is 14 years old.

"Wow, I'm fat. But it's not as if I haven't been fat before. After all, I only started working out because people used to bully me because of my weight."

Suddenly a blue screen popped up in front of me.

| CONGRATULATIONS, you have gained The Power System, The System that helps you gain the power to rule the world |

"Hahaha, Well you can't transmigrate without a cheat now can you"

Knowing what the system is from all the novels and fanfictions that I've read, I simply say the words "status".

[ Status]

Name: Harima Ichijou

Quirk: psychokinesis

(all stats for the average adult human is 10)

Strength: 6

Agility: 5

Mind: 15

< skills >

< inventory >


" What a powerful quirk I have. It kinda reminds me of that one girl from One punch man. I wonder if I'll be able to do the same things as her."

I also take a look at my Strength and agility

*SIGH* I then try to think about a workout plan that I could use to get myself back in shape.

[Daily Quest]

- 100 Push Ups

- 100 Sit Ups

- 100 Squats

- 10 Kilometer run

Rewards: Status recovery + 3 stats points

"So do I become bald after exercising for 3 years? I have actually tried this challenge before and didn't find it that hard, or it might just be because I already had a well-built body. I don't know if I'll even finish the first one with this body."

Excited to try out my quirk I fix myself up in the toilet put on some clothes and then head downstairs.

Making myself some breakfast I quickly finish it before I start heading towards the decent-sized garden outside. Sitting down on the floor I then grab a small rock and put it right in front of me.

I then focus fully on the rock and with the past knowledge of Harima and the desire to lift it off the ground. The rock starts shaking before it levitates off the floor and reaches the same height as my forehead.

I then stopped focusing on the rock and searched for heavier things that I could try lifting.

Going inside the kitchen again, I bring out the frying pan that I just used to cook and put it down on the floor. Now focused again I then try to lift the pan.

Sweat accumulates on my face the more I focus on the pan then starts lifting off the ground before it drops down again

"I guess I need to train more and get accustomed for me to lifting heavier things. I also probably need to increase my Mind stat if I want to lift big things like cars or houses."

Now knowing what to do, I then start to work on the daily quest that was given to me.